A bunch of word lists!
- 🕵️♂️ Ambiguous words
- 🥴 Hard-to-rhyme words
- ❓ "Muh" word riddles
- 👂 Oronyms
- 🔥 Firestarter sentence starters
By Category
- 🐦 Animals
- 🖐️ Body Parts
- 👖 Clothing
- 🌈 Colors
- 🎭 Entertainers
- 📅 Events ("What?")
- 🎵 Genres
- ✈️ Means of Transportation
- 💼 Occupations and Workers
- 🤕 Physical Conditions
- ⚽ Recreation and Sports
- 👪 Relations
- 🔍 Specific
- ⚔️ Weapons
- 🕒 When?
- 🗺️ Where?
- 👤 Who?
By Part of Speech
🌟 adjectives: all adjective clusters / participial / relational (pertainyms)
🏰 nouns: acts or actions / animals / attributes of people and objects / body parts / cognitive processes and contents / communicative processes and contents / feelings and emotions / foods and drinks / goals / groupings of people or objects / man-made objects / natural events / natural objects (not man-made) / natural phenomena / natural proesses / people / plants / possession and transfer of possession / quantities and units of measure / spatial position / stable states of affairs / substances / time and temporal relations / two and three dimensional shapes
🏃♀️ verbs: being, having, spatial relations / buying, selling, owning / eating and drinking / feeling / fighting, athletic activities / grooming, dressing and bodily care / political and social activities and events / raining, snowing, thawing, thundering / seeing, hearing, feeling / sewing, baking, painting, performing / size, temperature change, intensifying, etc. / telling, asking, ordering, singing / thinking, judging, analyzing, doubting / touching, hitting, tying, digging / walking, flying, swimming
🧩 Smashed Phrases
Smash word lists into phrases, like a mad librarian.