- automatic weapon
- a firearm that reloads itself and keeps firing until the trigger is released
- Garand rifle
- a semiautomatic rifle
- nitrochloromethane
- gaseous form of chloropicrin used as tear gas
- CS gas
- a tear gas that is stronger than CN gas but wears off faster; can be deployed by grenades or cluster bombs; can cause skin burns and fatal pulmonary edema
- trench knife
- a knife with a double-edged blade for hand-to-hand fighting
- Bofors gun
- an automatic double-barreled antiaircraft gun
- dart
- a small narrow pointed missile that is thrown or shot
- tear gas
- a gas that makes the eyes fill with tears but does not damage them; used in dispersing crowds
- shiv
- a knife used as a weapon
- staphylococcal enterotoxin B
- a form of staphylococcal enterotoxin that has been used as an incapacitating agent in biological warfare
- light arm
- a rifle or pistol
- fencing sword
- a sword used in the sport of fencing
- pellet
- a solid missile discharged from a firearm
- quarrel
- an arrow that is shot from a crossbow; has a head with four edges
- smoothbore
- a firearm that has no rifling
- twenty-two
- a .22 caliber firearm (pistol or rifle)
- kirpan
- a ceremonial four-inch curved dagger that Sikh men and women are obliged to wear at all times
- Greek fire
- a mixture used by Byzantine Greeks that was often shot at adversaries; catches fire when wetted
- spitball
- a projectile made by chewing a piece of paper and shaping it into a sphere
- heat-seeking missile
- a missile with a guidance system that directs it toward targets emitting infrared radiation (as the emissions of a jet engine)
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