Nouns denoting animals
- division Protista
- eukaryotic one-celled living organisms distinct from multicellular plants and animals: protozoa, slime molds, and eukaryotic algae
- pony
- an informal term for a racehorse
- family Ichneumonidae
- ichneumon flies
- puppy
- a young dog
- infusorian
- any member of the subclass Infusoria
- order Synentognathi
- order of fishes having spineless fins; needlefishes; sauries; flying fishes; halfbeaks
- genus Pyralis
- type genus of the Pyralidae
- dimetrodon
- carnivorous dinosaur of the Permian in North America having a crest or dorsal sail
- family Pteroclididae
- sandgrouses
- family Phocidae
- earless seals
- Pterocnemia pennata
- smaller of two tall fast-running flightless birds similar to ostriches but three-toed; found from Peru to Strait of Magellan
- fur
- dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals (e.g., cat or seal or weasel)
- man
- all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
- Australian sea lion
- a variety of sea lion found in Australia
- popinjay
- an archaic term for a parrot
- bird
- warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
- genus Tragopan
- a genus of Phasianidae
- order Galliformes
- pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins
- Eschrichtius robustus
- medium-sized greyish-black whale of the northern Pacific
- genus Bubalus
- in some classification systems included in genus Bos; water buffaloes
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