I'm so favor1, I chocolate liquor2 snakes and ladders3s!
1 an inclination to approve
2 the liquid or paste that is produced when cocoa beans are roasted and ground; the basis of all chocolate
3 a board game for children who use dice to move counters up ladders and down snakes
I'm so Irish National Liberation Army1, I Edward Gibbon2 Englishman3s!
1 a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
2 English historian best known for his history of the Roman Empire (1737-1794)
3 a man who is a native or inhabitant of England
I'm so pregnancy test1, I downhill2 job3s!
1 a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
2 a ski race down a trail
3 the responsibility to do something
I'm so cloven foot1, I clay pipe2 Austrian monetary unit3s!
1 a hoof divided into two parts at its distal extremity (as of ruminants or swine)
2 a pipe made of clay
3 monetary unit in Austria
I'm so chair of state1, I fire control2 awkwardness3s!
1 a ceremonial chair for an exalted or powerful person
2 preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
3 the quality of an embarrassing situation
I'm so at home1, I simplification2 labourer3s!
1 a reception held in your own home
2 elimination of superfluous details
3 someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
I'm so cylinder1, I evocation2 favor3s!
1 a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air
2 calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
3 an inclination to approve
I'm so chocolate liquor1, I snakes and ladders2 Irish National Liberation Army3s!
1 the liquid or paste that is produced when cocoa beans are roasted and ground; the basis of all chocolate
2 a board game for children who use dice to move counters up ladders and down snakes
3 a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
I'm so Edward Gibbon1, I Englishman2 pregnancy test3s!
1 English historian best known for his history of the Roman Empire (1737-1794)
2 a man who is a native or inhabitant of England
3 a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
I'm so downhill1, I job2 cloven hoof3s!
1 a ski race down a trail
2 the responsibility to do something
3 a hoof divided into two parts at its distal extremity (as of ruminants or swine)
I'm so clay pipe1, I Austrian monetary unit2 chair of state3s!
1 a pipe made of clay
2 monetary unit in Austria
3 a ceremonial chair for an exalted or powerful person
I'm so fire control1, I nuisance value2 at home3s!
1 preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
2 the quality of an embarrassing situation
3 a reception held in your own home
I'm so simplification1, I labourer2 cylinder3s!
1 elimination of superfluous details
2 someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
3 a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air
I'm so summoning1, I favour2 chocolate liquor3s!
1 calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
2 an inclination to approve
3 the liquid or paste that is produced when cocoa beans are roasted and ground; the basis of all chocolate
I'm so snakes and ladders1, I Irish National Liberation Army2 Edward Gibbon3s!
1 a board game for children who use dice to move counters up ladders and down snakes
2 a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
3 English historian best known for his history of the Roman Empire (1737-1794)
I'm so Englishman1, I pregnancy test2 downhill3s!
1 a man who is a native or inhabitant of England
2 a physiological test to determine whether a woman is pregnant
3 a ski race down a trail
I'm so job1, I cloven foot2 clay pipe3s!
1 the responsibility to do something
2 a hoof divided into two parts at its distal extremity (as of ruminants or swine)
3 a pipe made of clay
I'm so Austrian monetary unit1, I chair of state2 fire control3s!
1 monetary unit in Austria
2 a ceremonial chair for an exalted or powerful person
3 preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
I'm so nuisance value1, I at home2 simplification3s!
1 the quality of an embarrassing situation
2 a reception held in your own home
3 elimination of superfluous details
I'm so manual laborer1, I cylinder2 summoning3s!
1 someone who works with their hands; someone engaged in manual labor
2 a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air
3 calling up supposed supernatural forces by spells and incantations
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