Verbs of raining, snowing, thawing, thundering
- inflame
- catch fire
- catch
- start burning
- burn
- cause to burn or combust
- dry out
- become empty of water
- snow
- fall as snow
- char
- burn to charcoal
- liquefy
- become liquid
- overcloud
- become covered with clouds
- shade
- cast a shadow over
- rekindle
- kindle anew, as of a fire
- plague
- cause to suffer a blight
- twinkle
- emit or reflect light in a flickering manner
- shine
- emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light
- fall
- fall from clouds
- clear
- become clear
- sparkle
- emit or produce sparks
- shine
- throw or flash the light of (a lamp)
- freeze
- be very cold, below the freezing point
- frost over
- become covered with a layer of ice; of a surface such as a window
- hail
- precipitate as small ice particles
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