- presence chamber
- room in which a monarch or other great person receives guests, assemblies, etc.
- Lanchow
- the capital city of the Chinese province of Gansu on the Yellow River
- substation
- a subsidiary station where electricity is transformed for distribution by a low-voltage network
- schooner
- sailing vessel used in former times
- stealth fighter
- a fighter that is difficult to detect by radar; is built for precise targeting and uses laser-guided bombs
- pocket battleship
- a small battleship built to conform with treaty limitations on tonnage and armament (from 1925 to 1930)
- Barranquilla
- a port city of northern Colombia near the Caribbean on the Magdalena River
- fife rail
- the railing surrounding the mast of a sailing vessel
- pied-a-terre
- lodging for occasional or secondary use
- Mount Whitney
- the highest peak in the Sierra Nevada range in California (14,494 feet high)
- ward
- a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections
- z-axis
- the third axis in a 3-dimensional coordinate system
- bowling green
- a field of closely mowed turf for playing bowls
- clotheshorse
- a framework on which to hang clothes (as for drying)
- litter
- conveyance consisting of a chair or bed carried on two poles by bearers
- supply route
- a route over which supplies can be delivered
- crenellation
- a rampart built around the top of a castle with regular gaps for firing arrows or guns
- University of Washington
- a university in Seattle, Washington
- Taklimakan Desert
- a desert in western China
- funnel
- (nautical) smokestack consisting of a shaft for ventilation or the passage of smoke (especially the smokestack of a ship)
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