On the menu: (ADJECTIVE) (FOOD)

bird1 lard2
1 the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food
2 soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog
May wine1 heavy cream2
1 a punch made of Moselle and sugar and sparkling water or champagne flavored with sweet woodruff
2 contains more than 36% butterfat
lima bean1 obesity diet2
1 broad flat beans simmered gently; never eaten raw
2 a diet designed to help you lose weight (especially fat)
chocolate sauce1 ham and eggs2
1 sauce made with unsweetened chocolate or cocoa and sugar and water
2 eggs (scrambled or fried) served with ham
chicken stew1 Parker House roll2
1 a stew made with chicken
2 yeast-raised dinner roll made by folding a disk of dough before baking
tomato juice1 apple juice2
1 the juice of tomatoes (usually bottled or canned)
2 the juice of apples
turkey stew1 triple sec2
1 a stew made with turkey
2 type of curacao having higher alcoholic content
tap water1 stew meat2
1 water directly from the spigot
2 tough meat that needs stewing to be edible
canned foods1 black pepper2
1 food preserved by canning
2 pepper that is ground from whole peppercorns with husks on
Chinese gooseberry1 bread sauce2
1 fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
2 creamy white sauce made with bread instead of flour and seasoned with cloves and onion
fowl1 lard2
1 the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food
2 soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog
May wine1 heavy cream2
1 a punch made of Moselle and sugar and sparkling water or champagne flavored with sweet woodruff
2 contains more than 36% butterfat
lima bean1 obesity diet2
1 broad flat beans simmered gently; never eaten raw
2 a diet designed to help you lose weight (especially fat)
chocolate syrup1 ham and eggs2
1 sauce made with unsweetened chocolate or cocoa and sugar and water
2 eggs (scrambled or fried) served with ham
chicken stew1 Parker House roll2
1 a stew made with chicken
2 yeast-raised dinner roll made by folding a disk of dough before baking
tomato juice1 apple juice2
1 the juice of tomatoes (usually bottled or canned)
2 the juice of apples
turkey stew1 triple sec2
1 a stew made with turkey
2 type of curacao having higher alcoholic content
tap water1 stew meat2
1 water directly from the spigot
2 tough meat that needs stewing to be edible
canned goods1 black pepper2
1 food preserved by canning
2 pepper that is ground from whole peppercorns with husks on
Chinese gooseberry1 bread sauce2
1 fuzzy brown egg-shaped fruit with slightly tart green flesh
2 creamy white sauce made with bread instead of flour and seasoned with cloves and onion
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