Showing results for "fein" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
1 Syllable: S
5, 8, 9, a, Abe, ace, ache, ade, age, aid, aide, aids, ail, aim, aime, aims, aisle, ale, ame, ane, ape, A's, ate, ay, aye, babe, bade, bail, Bain, bait, bake, bale, bane, base, bass, bate, bathe, bay, bide, Bight, bile, bind, bite, blade, Blake, blame, blaze, blight, blind, blithe, brace, braid, brain, brake, brave, Bray, break, bribe, bride, bright, brine, Bryce, buy, by, bye, cache, cage, Cain, cake, came, cane, Cape, case, cate, cave, chafe, chain, chaise, change, chase, chaste, chez, Chi, chide, child, child's, chime, Christ, Christ's, cite, claim, clay, climb, clime, Clive, Clyde, Craig, Crane, crape, crates, crave, craze, cried, cries, crime, cry, Dale, Dame, Dane, date, Dave, day, dazed, deign, des, Dey, dial, dice, die, dike, dime, dine, dive, drain, Drake, draped, dried, dries, drive, dry, Dwight, dye, Dyke, eight, eighth, ein, eine, eye, face, fade, fail, fain, faint, fait, faith, fake, fame, fane, fate, Fay, feign, feint, fete, fi, fide, fie, fife, fight, file, find, fine, five, flail, flake, flame, flayed, flies, flight, fly, frail, frame, fray, freight, fried, fright, fry, Gage, gain, gainst, gait, gale, game, gaol, gape, gate, gauge, gave, gay, gaze, Giles, glade, glaze, glide, grace, grade, grain, Grange, grape, grate, grave, gray, Gray's, graze, great, grey, grind, guide, guile, guise, Guy, H, haec, Hague, hail, Hale, haste, hate, hay, haye, Haynes, Hays, haze, height, Heine, Hey, hi, hide, hie, high, hike, hind, hive, Hyde, I, ice, ide, ike, ille, I's, ise, Isle, Ives, J, jade, jail, James, Jane, Jay, Jive, K, Kai, Kane, Kate, Kay, kind, kite, Klein, knave, knife, knight, knives, lace, laid, lain, lake, lame, Lane, late, lathe, Lave, lay, lea, lei, les, ley, lice, lie, life, life's, light, like, lime, line, Lisle, lite, lithe, live, lye, mace, made, Mai, maids, mail, maimed, main, Maine, mains, mais, maize, make, male, mane, mate, may, maze, mei, mice, might, Mike, mild, mile, mime, mind, mine, mite, my, nail, name, nape, nate, nave, nay, neigh, ney, nice, nigh, night, Nile, nine, ninth, ole, pace, page, paid, pail, pain, Paine, pains, paint, pale, pane, paste, pate, pave, pay, Payne, pays, pei, phase, Phi, phrase, pi, pie, pike, pile, pine, pint, pipe, place, plague, plain, plaint, plait, plane, plate, play, plied, plies, plight, ply, praise, pray, prey, price, pride, prime, prise, prize, pry, quail, quaint, quake, quays, quite, race, Rae, rage, raid, rail, rain, raise, rake, range, rape, rate, rave, ray, razed, Reich, reign, rein, Reine, reins, res, Rey, Rheims, Rhine, rhyme, rial, rice, ride, ries, rife, right, rime, rind, ripe, rise, rite, rive, rye, safe, sage, sai, sail, Saint, sake, sale, Salle, same, sane, sate, save, say, scale, scape, Sci, scrape, scribe, scries, scythe, sei, sein, Seine, shade, shake, shale, shame, shape, shave, shine, shrine, shy, side, sigh, sight, sign, sine, site, size, skate, skein, skies, sky, slain, slate, slave, slay, sleigh, sleight, slice, slide, slight, slime, sly, smile, smite, Smyth, snail, snake, snipe, space, spade, Spain, Spain's, spake, spate, spice, spied, spies, spike, spine, spite, Sprague, spray, spy, St, sta, stage, staid, stain, stake, stale, state, state's, States, stave, stay, steak, Stein, stile, straight, strain, strait, strange, stray, stride, strife, strike, stripe, strive, sty, style, swain, sway, swine, Sykes, Tai, tail, taint, Tait, take, tale, tame, tape, taste, Tate, Tay, thai, they, thigh, thine, thrice, thrive, thy, thyme, tice, tide, tie, tight, tile, time, tine, tithe, trace, trade, trail, train, trait, tray, tre, tri, trial, tribe, trie, trite, try, trying, twain, twice, twine, ty, Tyne, type, vague, vail, vain, vale, vane, vase, veil, vein, vial, vice, vide, vie, vile, vine, vise, vive, wade, wage, wai, wail, waist, wait, waive, wake, Wales, wane, waste, wave, way, Wayne, ways, weigh, weight, Weil, Weiss, whale, whate, while, whilst, whine, white, whitened, whites, why, wide, wife, wife's, Wight, wild, Wilde, wilds, wile, wind, wine, wipe, wise, wives, Wright, Wright's, write, wry, Yale, Yates, yea, Zeit
2 Syllables: SU
2 Syllables: US
abate, abide, ablaze, abstain, acclaim, acquaint, advice, advise, affray, affright, aflame, afraid, again, against, alight, align, alike, alive, allay, amaze, apace, applied, applies, apply, appraise, apprise, arcade, aright, arise, arraigned, arrange, array, arrive, ascribe, ashamed, aside, assail, assign, assize, assuage, astray, astride, attain, avail, await, awake, away, awhile, awry, ballet, baptize, became, beguile, behave, behind, belie, benign, beside, betake, betide, betimes, betray, betrayal, betrayed, betrays, bewail, blockade, Bombay, bouquet, brigade, brocade, cafe, Calais, campaign, Carlyle's, cascade, champagne, Champaign, Champlain, chastise, Chine, cliche, cocaine, collide, combined, combines, compile, complain, complaint, complied, complies, comply, comprise, concise, confide, confine, connived, consign, constrain, constraint, contain, contrite, contrive, convey, create, crusade, curates, curtail, curtained, debase, debate, decay, decide, declaim, decline, decried, decry, defaced, defied, defies, defile, define, defray, defy, degrade, delay, delight, demise, Demy, denial, denied, denies, deny, depraved, deprive, deranged, deride, derive, describe, descried, descry, design, despise, despite, detailed, detain, device, devise, dilate, disclaim, disdain, disgrace, disguise, dislike, dismay, displace, display, dissuade, distaste, divide, divine, domain, efface, Elaine, email, embrace, encased, engage, engraved, enraged, enshrined, enslave, entail, entice, entwined, equate, erase, escape, essayed, estate, estranged, evade, exchange, excite, exclaim, exhale, explain, fillet, Fontaine, forbade, forgave, forsake, forthright, Francais, Germain, germane, goodbye, grenades, halfway, hereby, Hervey, homemade, humane, ignite, imbibe, impaled, implied, implies, imply, inane, incised, incite, inclined, inflame, inflate, ingrained, inhale, innate, insane, inscribe, invade, inveighed, invite, irate, Jose, July, Levine, lightweight, Lorraine, Mackay, Maclean, maintain, malaise, malign, mankind, mankind's, Marseilles, McKay, McLean, mislaid, misplaced, mistake, Montaigne, mundane, nearby, negate, obey, oblige, obtain, OK, okay, opaque, ordain, ornate, outright, outside, outweighed, Palais, parade, partake, passe, persuade, pertain, pervade, Poitiers, polite, portray, portrayal, portrayed, portrays, prearranged, precise, prescribe, preside, prevail, proclaim, profane, proscribed, provide, rearrange, recite, reclaim, reclined, refine, refrain, regain, regale, relate, relied, relies, rely, remain, remind, renamed, Rene, repaid, repay, repine, replace, replied, replies, reply, requite, reside, resign, restate, restrain, restraint, retain, retake, retrace, revile, revise, revive, sedate, Shanghai, shortlived, sublime, sublimest, subscribe, subside, suffice, supplied, supplies, supply, surmise, surprise, survive, sustain, terrain, thereby, tirade, today, tonight, transcribe, translate, travail, Ukraine, unchanged, unfeigned, unites, unkind, unlike, unnamed, unpaid, unripe, unsafe, unscathed, unsigned, unstained, untamed, untie, untrained, untried, unveil, unwise, upraised, upside, urbane, valet, Versailles, vouchsafed, whereby, worldwide, worthwhile
3 Syllables: SUU
3 Syllables: UUS
4 Syllables: UUUS
naivete, Societe

Found 1096 words across 6 groupings. Skipped 596 excess words of a similar stem.