
  1. A unit of length equal to 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet;
    Exactly 1609.344 meters (synset 113672836)
  2. A unit of length used in navigation;
    Exactly 1,852 meters;
    Historically based on the distance spanned by one minute of arc in latitude (synset 113682449)
  3. A large distance (synset 113798542)
    "he missed by a mile"
  4. A former British unit of length once used in navigation;
    Equivalent to 6,000 feet (1828.8 meters) (synset 113682973)
  5. A former British unit of length equivalent to 6,080 feet (1,853.184 meters);
    800 feet longer than a statute mile (synset 113682724)
  6. An ancient Roman unit of length equivalent to 1620 yards (synset 113677032)
  7. A Swedish unit of length equivalent to 10 km (synset 113676880)
  8. A footrace extending one mile (synset 107484465)
    "he holds the record in the mile"

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