Showing results for "ROUTE" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
1 Syllable: S
2, blew, bloom, blue, boo, boom, boon, Boone, boost, boot, Booth, boots, bout, bowed, brew, brooch, brood, broom, Bruce, Bruges, bruise, brute, Bute, chew, choose, Chu, chute, clew, cloud, clout, clue, coo, cool, coon, coop, cou, couched, coup, cowed, crew, crouched, croup, crowd, crude, cruel, cruise, Cruz, cube, cue, cute, deuce, deux, dew, do, doom, doubt, drew, droop, drought, dual, duce, due, duel, dues, Duke, dune, dupe, ewe, Faust, feu, feuds, few, flew, flu, flue, flute, food, fool, fruit, fuel, fume, fuse, gloom, glue, goo, goose, Gould, gout, grew, groom, groove, group, hew, hewn, hoof, hoop, hoot, hou, hue, huge, Hugh, Hughes, Hume, Jew, jewel, jewelled, jewels, Jews, Jude, juice, Jules, June, jus, jute, Kew, knew, Kuhn, lew, lieu, Lieut, Liu, loo, loom, loon, loop, loose, loot, lose, Lou, Luce, Luke, Luke's, lute, mew, mood, moon, moose, moot, move, mule, muse, mute, new, Newell, news, noon, noose, nous, nude, ooo, ooze, oust, out, pew, ploughed, plowed, plume, pooh, pool, Poole, pools, proof, proud, prove, prune, Q, que, queue, rood, roof, room, roost, root, Rouge, rout, routes, rude, rue, rule, ruse, Ruth, school, scoop, scout, screw, shew, shewn, shews, shoe, shoot, shout, shrew, shroud, Sioux, slew, sloop, sluice, smooth, snout, Soo, soon, sooth, soothe, soup, sous, sowed, spoon, spout, sprout, spruce, stew, stool, stoop, stout, strew, strewn, sue, suit, swoon, swoop, threw, thro, through, to, tomb, too, tool, tooth, tout, troop, troupe, trout, truce, true, truth, tu, tube, tude, tue, tune, two, u, use, usque, view, vouched, vous, vowed, who, whom, whoop, Who's, whose, womb, woo, woof, wound, yew, you, youths, Zeus, zoo, zu
2 Syllables: SU
2 Syllables: US
3 Syllables: SUU
3 Syllables: UUS
4 Syllables: UUUS

Found 420 words across 6 groupings. Skipped 205 excess words of a similar stem.