Verbs of seeing, hearing, feeling
- abacinate
- blind by holding a red-hot metal plate before someone's eyes
- acetify
- make sour or more sour
- ache
- be the source of pain
- ache
- feel physical pain
- act up
- make itself felt as a recurring pain
- admire
- look at with admiration
- advert
- give heed (to)
- aerate
- expose to fresh air
- appear
- give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect
- appear
- seem to be true, probable, or apparent
- apperceive
- perceive in terms of a past experience
- aromatise
- fill or impregnate with an odor
- attaint
- condemn by attainder
- auscultate
- examine by auscultation
- autopsy
- perform an autopsy on a dead body; do a post-mortem
- babble
- flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise
- backfire
- emit a loud noise as a result of undergoing a backfire
- bang
- to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound
- beacon
- shine like a beacon
- beam
- have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink
- beat
- glare or strike with great intensity
- beat down
- shine hard
- beat
- make a rhythmic sound
- beat
- make a sound like a clock or a timer
- becloud
- make less visible or unclear
- bedaze
- overcome as with astonishment or disbelief
- bedazzle
- to cause someone to lose clear vision, especially from intense light
- beep
- make a loud noise
- behold
- see with attention
- bench
- exhibit on a bench
- benumb
- make numb or insensitive
- besot
- make dull or stupid or muddle with drunkenness or infatuation
- bethink
- cause oneself to consider something
- birr
- make a soft swishing sound
- bite
- cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort
- bitter
- make bitter
- blare
- make a strident sound
- bleep
- emit a single short high-pitched signal
- blind
- render unable to see
- blind
- make blind by putting the eyes out
- blink
- gleam or glow intermittently
- block
- interrupt the normal function of by means of anesthesia
- block
- shut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sight
- blow
- play or sound a wind instrument
- blow
- make a sound as if blown
- blow
- sound by having air expelled through a tube
- blow
- provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
- blur
- to make less distinct or clear
- blur
- become glassy; lose clear vision
- bob under
- disappear suddenly, as if under the surface of a body of water
- bombilate
- make a buzzing sound
- bong
- ring loudly and deeply
- boom
- make a deep hollow sound
- boom
- make a resonant sound, like artillery
- bosom
- hide in one's bosom
- brandish
- exhibit aggressively
- brattle
- make a rattling sound
- bring forth
- bring out for display
- bring on
- bring onto the market or release
- bring out
- make visible
- bug
- tap a telephone or telegraph wire to get information
- burn
- feel hot or painful
- bury
- cover from sight
- camouflage
- disguise by camouflaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something
- candle
- examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light
- candy
- coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze
- case
- look over, usually with the intention to rob
- catch a glimpse
- see something for a brief time
- catch
- suffer from the receipt of
- catch
- perceive by hearing
- catch
- hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers
- catch
- perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily
- catch
- see or watch
- cause to be perceived
- have perceptible qualities
- cense
- perfume especially with a censer
- chafe
- become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
- change intensity
- increase or decrease in intensity
- change taste
- alter the flavor of
- chatter
- click repeatedly or uncontrollably
- chime
- emit a sound
- chink
- make or emit a high sound
- chiromance
- divine by reading someone's palms
- chug
- make a dull, explosive sound
- clang
- make a loud noise
- clangor
- make a loud resonant noise
- clank
- make a clank
- clear
- go away or disappear
- click
- make a clicking or ticking sound
- clink
- make a high sound typical of glass
- clitter
- make a shrill creaking noise by rubbing together special bodily structures
- cloak
- hide under a false appearance
- clop
- make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground
- close
- cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop
- come
- experience orgasm
- come across
- be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression
- come to
- cause to experience suddenly
- comprehend
- to become aware of through the senses
- conceal
- prevent from being seen or discovered
- conceal
- hold back; keep from being perceived by others
- condemn
- demonstrate the guilt of (someone)
- consider
- look at carefully; study mentally
- consider
- look at attentively
- consider
- give careful consideration to
- consonate
- sound in sympathy
- contemplate
- look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought
- cover
- spread over a surface to conceal or protect
- cover
- hide from view or knowledge
- crack
- make a very sharp explosive sound
- crack
- make a sharp sound
- crackle
- make a crackling sound
- crash
- make a sudden loud sound
- creak
- make a high-pitched, screeching noise
- crop up
- appear suddenly or unexpectedly
- cruise
- look for a sexual partner in a public place
- crump
- make a noise typical of an engine lacking lubricants
- curry
- season with a mixture of spices; typical of Indian cooking
- cut
- give the appearance or impression of
- damp
- deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
- deaf
- make or render deaf
- deafen
- be unbearably loud
- demo
- give an exhibition of to an interested audience
- deodorise
- eliminate the odor from
- descry
- catch sight of
- desensitise
- cause not to be sensitive
- detect
- discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
- develop
- make visible by means of chemical solutions
- die
- suffer or face the pain of death
- dig
- remove, harvest, or recover by digging
- dim
- switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
- ding
- go `ding dong', like a bell
- disappear
- become invisible or unnoticeable
- discern
- detect with the senses
- disclose
- reveal to view as by removing a cover
- discover
- see for the first time; make a discovery
- discriminate
- distinguish
- disguise
- make unrecognizable
- disgust
- fill with distaste
- disorient
- cause to be lost or disoriented
- display
- to show, make visible or apparent
- dissimulate
- hide (feelings) from other people
- dissonate
- be dissonant or harsh
- divine
- perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
- do justice
- bring out fully or to advantage
- dream
- experience while sleeping
- drone
- make a monotonous low dull sound
- drown out
- make imperceptible
- dulcify
- make sweeter in taste
- earth
- hide in the earth like a hunted animal
- eavesdrop
- listen without the speaker's knowledge
- echo
- ring or echo with sound
- eclipse
- cause an eclipse of (a celestial body) by intervention
- endure
- undergo or be subjected to
- enjoy
- have for one's benefit
- etch
- cause to stand out or be clearly defined or visible
- examine
- observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect
- excavate
- recover through digging
- excite
- stir feelings in
- experience
- go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
- experience
- undergo or live through a difficult experience
- expose
- expose or make accessible to some action or influence
- expose
- expose to light, of photographic film
- express
- manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait)
- eye
- look at
- eyewitness
- be present at an event and see it with one's own eyes
- face
- turn so as to expose the face
- feel
- produce a certain impression
- feel
- grope or feel in search of something
- feel
- undergo passive experience of
- feel
- perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles
- find
- perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place
- find
- perceive or be contemporaneous with
- fixate
- pay attention to exclusively and obsessively
- flash
- expose or show briefly
- flash
- display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously
- flavor
- lend flavor to
- flex
- exhibit the strength of
- flick
- flash intermittently
- flick
- look through a book or other written material
- fluoresce
- exhibit or undergo fluorescence
- flush
- glow or cause to glow with warm color or light
- fly
- display in the air or cause to float
- focus
- cause to converge on or toward a central point
- follow
- keep under surveillance
- fume
- treat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests
- gag
- prevent from speaking out
- gape
- look with amazement; look stupidly
- gaze
- look at with fixed eyes
- get a load
- look at with attention
- get a noseful
- smell strongly and intensely
- get off
- enjoy in a sexual way
- get
- receive as a retribution or punishment
- ginger
- add ginger to in order to add flavor
- give the eye
- look at with a critical eye
- give the glad eye
- look seductively at someone
- glance over
- examine hastily
- glance
- throw a glance at; take a brief look at
- glare
- shine intensely
- glass
- scan (game in the forest) with binoculars
- gleam
- shine brightly, like a star or a light
- gleam
- be shiny, as if wet
- glimpse
- catch a glimpse of or see briefly
- gloat
- gaze at or think about something with great self-satisfaction, gratification, or joy
- gloss over
- cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error
- glow
- emit a steady even light without flames
- glug
- make a gurgling sound as of liquid issuing from a bottle
- go
- make a certain noise or sound
- gong
- sound a gong
- greet
- be perceived by
- groak
- look or stare at longingly
- grumble
- make a low noise
- guggle
- make a sound like a liquid that is being poured from a bottle
- guide
- use as a guide
- gurgle
- make sounds similar to gurgling water
- hallucinate
- perceive what is not there; have illusions
- harbor
- hold back a thought or feeling about
- hark
- listen; used mostly in the imperative
- hear
- perceive (sound) via the auditory sense
- hear
- receive a communication from someone
- hear out
- listen to every detail and give a full hearing to
- hear
- listen and pay attention
- hide
- be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety
- hold up
- hold up something as an example; hold up one's achievements for admiration
- hole up
- remain secluded or in hiding
- honey
- sweeten with honey
- horn in
- search or inquire in a meddlesome way
- horripilate
- cause (someone's) hair to stand on end and to have goosebumps
- horripilate
- have one's hair stand on end and get goosebumps
- hum
- sound with a monotonous hum
- hunger
- feel the need to eat
- hunker down
- take shelter
- hush
- become quiet or quieter
- ignore
- fail to notice
- image
- render visible, as by means of MRI
- incline
- bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well
- insolate
- expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the sun
- inspect
- look over carefully
- instantiate
- find an instance of (a word or particular usage of a word)
- instantiate
- represent by an instance
- itch
- have or perceive an itch
- itch
- cause to perceive an itch
- itch
- scrape or rub as if to relieve itching
- jangle
- make a sound typical of metallic objects
- keep one's eyes open
- pay attention; be watchful
- kill
- be the source of great pain for
- knell
- ring as in announcing death
- knell
- make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
- knock
- sound like a car engine that is firing too early
- knock
- make light, repeated taps on a surface
- lap
- move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound
- leer
- look suggestively or obliquely; look or gaze with a sly, immodest, or malign expression
- lie low
- keep a low profile, try to be inconspicuous
- listen
- hear with intention
- listen in
- listen quietly, without contributing to the conversation
- look
- perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards
- look after
- keep under careful scrutiny
- look around
- look about oneself
- look away
- avert one's gaze
- look back
- look towards one's back
- look on
- observe with attention
- look out
- be vigilant, be on the lookout or be careful
- look
- search or seek
- lose
- allow to go out of sight or mind
- lose sight of
- be no longer able to see
- lose
- fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind
- louden
- become louder
- make
- appear to begin an activity
- make noise
- emit a noise
- mark
- notice or perceive
- masquerade
- take part in a masquerade
- meet
- undergo or suffer
- misperceive
- perceive incorrectly
- model
- display (clothes) as a mannequin
- model
- assume a posture as for artistic purposes
- monitor
- check, track, or observe by means of a receiver
- monitor
- keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance
- moon
- expose one's buttocks to
- mull
- heat with sugar and spices to make a hot drink
- nauseate
- upset and make nauseated
- nettle
- sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensation
- nose out
- recognize or detect by or as if by smelling
- nose
- catch the scent of; get wind of
- note
- observe with care or pay close attention to
- observe
- watch attentively
- occult
- hide from view
- occult
- become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished
- odorize
- cause to smell or be smelly
- offer
- produce or introduce on the stage
- ogle
- look at with amorous intentions
- open
- display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
- orient
- determine one's position with reference to another point
- outface
- overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring
- overexpose
- expose excessively
- overexpose
- expose to too much light
- overlook
- watch over
- overlook
- look past, fail to notice
- overshadow
- cast a shadow upon
- pass off
- be accepted as something or somebody in a false character or identity
- pass up
- fail to acknowledge
- patter
- make light, rapid and repeated sounds
- peal
- ring recurrently
- peal
- sound loudly and sonorously
- peep
- look furtively
- peep
- cause to appear
- peer
- look searchingly
- pepper
- add pepper to
- perambulate
- make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property)
- peruse
- examine or consider with attention and in detail
- photosensitise
- make (an organism or substance) sensitive to the influence of radiant energy and especially light
- pick up
- register (perceptual input)
- pierce
- sound sharply or shrilly
- ping
- make a short high-pitched sound
- pop
- make a sharp explosive noise
- pop
- cause to make a sharp explosive sound
- prepare
- lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord
- preview
- watch (a movie or play) before it is released to the general public
- prick
- cause a prickling sensation
- prick
- cause a stinging pain
- prickle
- cause a stinging or tingling sensation
- project
- project on a screen
- project
- cause to be heard
- prospect
- search for something desirable
- put
- cause (someone) to undergo something
- quicken
- make keen or more acute
- racket
- make loud and annoying noises
- radiate
- cause to be seen by emitting light as if in rays
- ramp
- be rampant
- rattle
- make short successive sounds
- reach one's nostrils
- be smelled; have a strong odor
- reconnoiter
- explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
- record
- be aware of
- redevelop
- develop for a second time, in order to improve the contrast, colour, etc., of a negative or print
- rediscover
- discover again
- redound
- return or recoil
- reecho
- repeat or return an echo again or repeatedly; send (an echo) back
- reecho
- echo repeatedly, echo again and again
- reek
- have an element suggestive (of something)
- reek
- smell badly and offensively
- reflect
- show an image of
- reflect
- manifest or bring back
- reflect
- to throw or bend back (from a surface)
- refocus
- focus once again
- refract
- subject to refraction
- register
- show in one's face
- reorient
- orient once again, after a disorientation
- resinate
- impregnate with resin to give a special flavor to
- resolve
- make clearly visible
- resonate
- sound with resonance
- reveal
- disclose directly or through prophets
- reverberate
- be reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
- ring out
- sound loudly
- roll
- emit, produce, or utter with a deep prolonged reverberating sound
- rubberneck
- strain to watch; stare curiously
- ruckle
- make a hoarse, rattling sound
- rustle
- make a dry crackling sound
- saccharify
- sweeten with sugar
- salt
- add salt to
- salute
- become noticeable
- savor
- taste appreciatively
- savor
- give taste to
- savor
- have flavor; taste of something
- scan
- examine minutely or intensely
- scintillate
- physics: fluoresce momentarily when struck by a charged particle or high-energy photon
- scream
- make a loud, piercing sound
- screen
- project onto a screen for viewing
- scrutinise
- to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail
- secrete
- place out of sight; keep secret
- see
- observe as if with an eye
- see
- perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight
- see
- see and understand, have a good eye
- see double
- see things as if they were there twice
- see through
- perceive the true nature of
- seel
- sew up the eyelids of hawks and falcons
- seem
- appear to one's own mind or opinion
- sense
- detect some circumstance or entity automatically
- sensitise
- cause to sense; make sensitive
- sharpen
- make (images or sounds) sharp or sharper
- shipwreck
- cause to experience shipwreck
- shoot
- cause a sharp and sudden pain in
- show
- make visible or noticeable
- show
- be or become visible or noticeable
- sight
- take aim by looking through the sights of a gun (or other device)
- sight
- catch sight of; to perceive with the eyes
- silhouette
- project on a background, such as a screen, like a silhouette
- skirl
- make a shrill, wailing sound
- slosh
- make a splashing sound
- smack
- have a distinctive or characteristic taste
- smell
- emit an odor
- smell
- smell bad
- smell
- inhale the odor of; perceive by the olfactory sense
- smell up
- cause to smell bad; fill with a bad smell
- sniff
- perceive by inhaling through the nose
- snow-blind
- affect with snow blindness
- snuff
- sniff or smell inquiringly
- soften
- make (images or sounds) soft or softer
- solarise
- overexpose to sunlight
- solarise
- become overexposed
- solarise
- reverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it briefly to light, then washing and redeveloping it
- sound
- appear in a certain way
- sound
- give off a certain sound or sounds
- sound
- announce by means of a sound
- sound
- cause to sound
- spangle
- glitter as if covered with spangles
- speak
- make a characteristic or natural sound
- spectate
- be a spectator in a sports event
- spice
- add herbs or spices to
- splat
- give off the sound of a bullet flattening on impact
- splurge
- be showy or ostentatious
- sputter
- make an explosive sound
- squelch
- make a sucking sound
- squint
- be cross-eyed; have a squint or strabismus
- stamp
- reveal clearly as having a certain character
- stargaze
- observe the stars
- stow away
- hide aboard a ship or a plane to get free transportation
- strum
- sound the strings of (a stringed instrument)
- subject
- cause to experience or suffer or make liable or vulnerable to
- survey
- look over carefully or inspect
- take
- experience or feel or submit to
- take notice
- observe with special attention
- taste
- distinguish flavors
- taste
- perceive by the sense of taste
- thirst
- feel the need to drink
- thrill
- cause to be thrilled by some perceptual input
- throb
- pulsate or pound with abnormal force
- thud
- make a dull sound
- tickle
- touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements
- ting
- make a light, metallic sound; go `ting'
- ting
- cause to make a ting
- tintinnabulate
- ring or sound like a small bell
- tolerate
- have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition
- toll
- ring slowly
- tootle
- play (a musical instrument) casually
- touch
- perceive via the tactile sense
- trace
- discover traces of
- track
- observe or plot the moving path of something
- trot out
- bring out and show for inspection and admiration
- trump
- produce a sound as if from a trumpet
- tune in
- regulate (a radio or television set) in order to receive a certain station or program
- turn on
- produce suddenly or automatically
- twang
- twitch or throb with pain
- twang
- sound with a twang
- twang
- cause to sound with a twang
- tweet
- make a weak, chirping sound
- twinge
- feel a sudden sharp, local pain
- underdevelop
- process (a film or photographic plate) less than the required time or in an ineffective solution or at an insufficiently high temperature
- underexpose
- expose to too little light
- underexpose
- expose insufficiently
- undergo
- pass through
- unfold
- open to the view
- urticate
- whip with or as with nettles
- ventilate
- expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage
- vet
- examine carefully
- visualise
- view the outline of by means of an X-ray
- vitriol
- expose to the effects of vitriol or injure with vitriol
- watch
- observe or determine by looking
- watch
- look attentively
- whish
- make a sibilant sound
- whistle
- make whistling sounds
- witness
- be a witness to
- work
- provoke or excite
- x-ray
- examine by taking x-rays
- zoom in
- examine closely; focus one's attention on