
  1. A contagious skin infection caused by the itch mite;
    Characterized by persistent itching and skin irritation (synset 114203809)
    "he has a bad case of the itch"
  2. A strong restless desire (synset 107505591)
    "why this urge to travel?"
  3. An irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch (synset 105731508)
  1. Scrape or rub as if to relieve itching (synset 202124339)
    "Don't scratch your insect bites!"
  2. Have or perceive an itch (synset 202125653)
    "I'm itching--the air is so dry!"
  3. Cause to perceive an itch (synset 202125888)
    "his skin itched"
  4. Have a strong desire or urge to do something (synset 201829703)
    "She is itching to start the project"; "He is spoiling for a fight"

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