
  1. An inclined surface connecting two levels (synset 104058661)
  2. North American perennial having a slender bulb and whitish flowers (synset 112455843)
  3. A movable staircase that passengers use to board or leave an aircraft (synset 104623085)
  1. Behave violently, as if in state of a great anger (synset 202728891)
  2. Furnish with a ramp (synset 202339591)
    "The ramped auditorium"
  3. Be rampant (synset 202147597)
    "the lion is rampant in this heraldic depiction"
  4. Creep up -- used especially of plants (synset 201926747)
    "The roses ramped over the wall"
  5. Stand with arms or forelegs raised, as if menacing (synset 201549295)

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