Verbs of sewing, baking, painting, performing
- accompany
- perform an accompaniment to
- accomplish
- put in effect
- act out
- represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage
- act out
- act out; represent or perform as if in a play
- act
- behave unnaturally or affectedly
- act
- perform on a stage or theater
- act
- play a role or part
- activate
- put in motion or move to act
- actualise
- make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
- actuate
- give an incentive for action
- ad-lib
- perform without preparation
- adopt
- put into dramatic form
- adorn
- make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.
- alliterate
- use alliteration as a form of poetry
- alter
- make an alteration to
- animalise
- represent in the form of an animal
- annotate
- add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments
- anthologise
- compile an anthology
- appear
- appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.
- applique
- sew on as a decoration
- aquatint
- etch in aquatint
- arouse
- summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
- arrange
- set (printed matter) into a specific format
- arrange
- adapt for performance in a different way
- arrange
- plan, organize, and carry out (an event)
- assemble
- create by putting components or members together
- assume
- make a pretence of
- attempt
- enter upon an activity or enterprise
- audition
- perform in order to get a role
- author
- be the author of
- back up
- make a copy of (a computer file) especially for storage in another place as a security copy
- bake
- prepare with dry heat in an oven
- bang out
- play loudly
- bard
- put a caparison on
- bead
- decorate by sewing beads onto
- bear
- bring forth
- beat
- shape by beating
- beat
- produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly
- beat
- make by pounding or trampling
- bedeck
- decorate
- bedizen
- decorate tastelessly
- begild
- decorate with, or as if with, gold leaf or liquid gold
- bejewel
- adorn or decorate with precious stones
- belly dance
- perform a belly dance
- belt
- sing loudly and forcefully
- benday
- reproduce by the Benday process
- bespangle
- decorate with spangles
- blast
- make with or as if with an explosion
- blast
- create by using explosives
- blaze away
- perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly
- blazon
- decorate with heraldic arms
- blotch
- mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
- blueprint
- make a blueprint of
- bodypaint
- apply paint to a body
- boldface
- print in boldface
- bootleg
- produce or distribute illegally
- bow
- play on a stringed instrument with a bow
- braid
- make by braiding or interlacing
- break apart
- take apart into its constituent pieces
- breed
- call forth
- brew
- prepare by brewing
- bring about
- cause to happen, occur or exist
- bring forth
- bring into existence
- bring forth
- bring forth or yield
- bring on
- cause to appear
- bring on
- cause to arise
- bring
- advance or set forth in court
- bring
- cause to happen or to occur as a consequence
- brocade
- weave a design into (textiles)
- broider
- decorate with needlework
- bugle
- play on a bugle
- build
- be engaged in building
- build
- give form to, according to a plan
- build
- make by combining materials and parts
- build
- build or establish something abstract
- burn
- create by duplicating data
- busk
- play music in a public place and solicit money for it
- call forth
- evoke or provoke to appear or occur
- call up
- cause to become available for use, either literally or figuratively
- calligraph
- write beautifully and ornamentally
- cantilever
- construct with girders and beams such that only one end is fixed
- capitalise
- write in capital letters
- capture
- succeed in representing or expressing something intangible
- carnalize
- represent materialistically, as in a painting or a sculpture
- carol
- sing carols
- carry
- bear (a crop)
- carry
- include as the content; broadcast or publicize
- cartoon
- draw cartoons of
- carve out
- establish or create through painstaking effort
- cast
- select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet
- cast off
- make the last row of stitches when knitting
- cast on
- make the first row of stitches when knitting
- cast
- put or send forth
- cast
- form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold
- catalog
- make a catalogue, compile a catalogue
- catch
- apprehend and reproduce accurately
- cause
- give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally
- chalk
- write, draw, or trace with chalk
- chalk out
- make a sketch of
- channelise
- make a channel for; provide with a channel
- charcoal
- draw, trace, or represent with charcoal
- charge
- place a heraldic bearing on
- chart
- represent by means of a graph
- check
- mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
- chirp
- sing in modulation
- choir
- sing in a choir
- chop
- form or shape by chopping
- chord
- play chords on (a stringed instrument)
- choreograph
- compose a sequence of dance steps, often to music
- churn out
- perform in a mechanical way
- churn out
- produce something at a fast rate
- cinematise
- make a film of or adopt so as to make into a film
- cite
- refer to
- clap together
- make hastily and carelessly
- clarion
- blow the clarion
- clog
- dance a clog dance
- clone
- make multiple identical copies of
- co-author
- be a co-author on (a book, a paper)
- co-star
- be the co-star in a performance
- cobble together
- put together hastily
- coil
- make without a potter's wheel
- coin
- make up
- coin
- form by stamping, punching, or printing
- cold work
- shape (metal) without heat
- color
- decorate with colors
- come up
- bring forth, usually something desirable
- comfit
- make into a confection
- commence
- get off the ground
- commend
- present as worthy of regard, kindness, or confidence
- compile
- use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into computer-readable machine code that can be executed
- compile
- put together out of existing material
- compose
- produce a literary work
- compose
- write music
- compound
- create by mixing or combining
- computerise
- control a function, process, or creation by a computer
- conceive of
- form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case
- conceive
- have the idea for
- concert
- contrive (a plan) by mutual agreement
- concertise
- give concerts; perform in concerts
- concoct
- prepare or cook by mixing ingredients
- concoct
- devise or invent
- concoct
- invent
- concord
- arrange by concord or agreement
- conduct
- lead musicians in the performance of
- conduct
- lead, as in the performance of a composition
- confabulate
- unconsciously replace fact with fantasy in one's memory
- confect
- make or construct
- configure
- set up for a particular purpose
- confuse
- assemble without order or sense
- constitute
- set up or lay the groundwork for
- construct
- create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts
- construct
- create by linking linguistic units
- construct
- put together out of artificial or natural components or parts
- consummate
- make perfect; bring to perfection
- consummate
- fulfill sexually
- contour
- form the contours of
- contrive
- make or work out a plan for; devise
- contrive
- come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
- conventionalize
- represent according to a conventional style
- cook
- prepare a hot meal
- cook up
- concoct something artificial or untrue
- cook
- prepare for eating by applying heat
- cooper
- make barrels and casks
- copy
- copy down as is
- copy out
- copy very carefully and as accurately as possible
- copy
- reproduce someone's behavior or looks
- copy
- make a replica of
- copy
- reproduce or make an exact copy of
- corduroy
- build (a road) from logs laid side by side
- counterfeit
- make a copy of with the intent to deceive
- counterpoint
- write in counterpoint
- craft
- make by hand and with much skill
- crank out
- produce in a routine or monotonous manner
- crayon
- write, draw, or trace with a crayon
- create
- pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity
- create
- bring into existence
- create by mental act
- create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands
- create from raw material
- make from scratch
- create verbally
- create with or from words
- create
- make or cause to be or to become
- create
- create by artistic means
- create
- create or manufacture a man-made product
- crochet
- create by looping or crocheting
- crochet
- make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle
- crop
- yield crops
- crop
- prepare for crops
- cross
- trace a line through or across
- crosshatch
- shade with multiple crossing lines
- cultivate
- foster the growth of
- customise
- make to specifications
- cut
- perform or carry out
- cut
- form or shape by cutting or incising
- cut
- form by probing, penetrating, or digging
- cut
- record a performance on (a medium)
- cut
- make a recording of
- cut corners
- do something the cheapest or easiest way
- cut
- style and tailor in a certain fashion
- cyclostyle
- print with an implement with small toothed wheels that cuts small holes in a stencil
- damascene
- inlay metal with gold and silver
- dance
- move in a pattern; usually to musical accompaniment; do or perform a dance
- dash off
- write quickly
- daydream
- have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy
- debut
- appear for the first time in public
- debut
- make one's debut
- debut
- present for the first time to the public
- deglaze
- dissolve cooking juices or solid food in (a pan) by adding liquid and stirring
- delineate
- trace the shape of
- demolish
- ruin or destroy
- demolish
- destroy completely
- demyelinate
- destroy the myelin sheath of
- depict
- make a portrait of
- depict
- show in, or as in, a picture
- descant
- sing in descant
- descant on
- sing a descant on a main tune or melody
- design
- create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner
- design
- conceive or fashion in the mind; invent
- design
- create designs
- design
- make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form
- destroy
- do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
- destruct
- destroy (one's own missile or rocket)
- develop
- generate gradually
- develop
- make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation
- develop
- work out
- devil
- coat or stuff with a spicy paste
- devise
- arrange by systematic planning and united effort
- diagram
- make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows interactions among variables or how something is constructed
- dilapidate
- bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin by neglect or misuse
- dip
- place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
- direct
- guide the actors in (plays and films)
- discover
- make a discovery, make a new finding
- disincarnate
- make immaterial; remove the real essence of
- disk
- draw a harrow over (land)
- dismantle
- tear down so as to make flat with the ground
- distemper
- paint with distemper
- do
- carry out or perform an action
- do
- create or design, often in a certain way
- dogfight
- arrange for an illegal dogfight
- doodle
- make a doodle; draw aimlessly
- double crochet
- make by double stitching
- double tongue
- play fast notes on a wind instrument
- double
- make or do or perform again
- draft
- draw up an outline or sketch for something
- draw
- represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface
- draw
- write a legal document or paper
- draw
- engage in drawing
- draw out
- deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning)
- draw
- earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher
- dress ship
- decorate a ship with flags
- dress
- decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
- drive
- compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment
- dropforge
- forge with a dropforge
- drum
- play a percussion instrument
- dry-wall
- construct with drywall
- dummy
- make a dummy of
- duplicate
- make a duplicate or duplicates of
- effect
- produce
- elaborate
- produce from basic elements or sources; change into a more developed product
- elegise
- compose an elegy
- embattle
- prepare for battle or conflict
- enamel
- coat, inlay, or surface with enamel
- end
- put an end to
- engrave
- carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block
- enter
- come on stage
- entwine
- tie or link together
- envision
- imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind
- envision
- picture to oneself; imagine possible
- eradicate
- destroy completely, as if down to the roots
- erect
- construct, build, or erect
- escallop
- bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top
- establish
- bring about
- etch
- make an etching of
- extort
- get or cause to become in a difficult or laborious manner
- extrude
- form or shape by forcing through an opening
- facilitate
- increase the likelihood of (a response)
- faggot
- ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch
- fantasise
- portray in the mind
- fantasise
- indulge in fantasies
- farm
- cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques
- fashion
- make out of components (often in an improvising manner)
- feint
- deceive by a mock action
- festoon
- decorate with strings of flowers
- fictionalise
- make into fiction
- fiddle
- play on a violin
- fiddle
- play the violin or fiddle
- filet
- decorate with a lace of geometric designs
- filigree
- make filigree, as with a precious metal
- fill in
- represent the effect of shade or shadow on
- film
- record in film
- film-make
- make films; be a film maker
- finger-paint
- apply colors with one's fingers
- fingerprint
- take an impression of a person's fingerprints
- fire
- generate an electrical impulse
- fix
- set or place definitely
- flag
- decorate with flags
- flambe
- pour liquor over and ignite (a dish)
- fledge
- decorate with feathers
- foliate
- decorate with leaves
- foliate
- hammer into thin flat foils
- follow
- imitate in behavior; take as a model
- force
- urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate
- forge
- make something, usually for a specific function
- forge
- create by hammering
- formulate
- prepare according to a formula
- fracture
- interrupt, break, or destroy
- frame
- construct by fitting or uniting parts together
- free
- release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
- fresco
- paint onto wet plaster on a wall
- fret
- decorate with an interlaced design
- fret
- carve a pattern into
- fringe
- adorn with a fringe
- fruit
- bear fruit
- fruit
- cause to bear fruit
- fudge together
- produce shoddily, without much attention to detail
- garden
- work in the garden
- garland
- adorn with bands of flowers or leaves
- gazette
- publish in a gazette
- geminate
- form by reduplication
- generate
- produce (energy)
- generate
- give or supply
- get over
- to bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end
- ghost
- write for someone else
- gild the lily
- adorn unnecessarily (something that is already beautiful)
- give
- perform for an audience
- give
- present to view
- give birth
- create or produce an idea
- give
- organize or be responsible for
- give
- cause to happen or be responsible for
- gloss
- give a shine or gloss to, usually by rubbing
- grandstand
- perform ostentatiously in order to impress the audience and with an eye to the applause
- graph
- plot upon a graph
- grind
- shape or form by grinding
- grind
- created by grinding
- groin
- build with groins
- ham
- exaggerate one's acting
- handcraft
- make something by hand
- hang
- decorate or furnish with something suspended
- harmonise
- sing or play in harmony
- harmonise
- write a harmony for
- harp
- play the harp
- hasten
- cause to occur rapidly
- hatch
- inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating
- hectograph
- copy on a duplicator
- heel
- perform with the heels
- hill
- form into a hill
- hoe
- dig with a hoe
- honeycomb
- carve a honeycomb pattern into
- hoof
- dance in a professional capacity
- hot-work
- roll, press, forge, or shape (metal) while hot
- hymn
- sing a hymn
- hyphen
- divide or connect with a hyphen
- illuminate
- add embellishments and paintings to (medieval manuscripts)
- illustrate
- depict with an illustration
- illustrate
- supply with illustrations
- imitate
- make a reproduction or copy of
- impersonate
- assume or act the character of
- impress
- reproduce by printing
- incarnate
- make concrete and real
- indent
- set in from the margin
- induce
- produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes
- initiate
- bring into being
- initiate
- take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of
- inlay
- decorate the surface of by inserting wood, stone, and metal
- innovate
- bring something new to an environment
- inspire
- supply the inspiration for
- instrument
- write an instrumental score for
- interdict
- destroy by firepower, such as an enemy's line of communication
- interlude
- perform an interlude
- interpret
- give an interpretation or rendition of
- interpret
- create an image or likeness of
- intertwine
- make a loop in
- intertwine
- make lacework by knotting or looping
- introduce
- bring in or establish in a new place or environment
- italicise
- print in italics
- japan
- coat with a lacquer, as done in Japan
- jazz
- play something in the style of jazz
- jive
- dance to jive music; dance the jive
- knit
- make (textiles) by knitting
- knot
- make into knots; make knots out of
- lace
- do lacework
- lacquer
- coat with lacquer
- laminate
- create laminate by bonding sheets of material with a bonding material
- landscape
- do landscape gardening
- landscape
- embellish with plants
- lard
- prepare or cook with lard
- lay
- prepare or position for action or operation
- letter
- mark letters on or mark with letters
- letter
- set down or print with letters
- lipstick
- form by tracing with lipstick
- lithograph
- make by lithography
- localise
- locate
- lock
- build locks in order to facilitate the navigation of vessels
- loom
- weave on a loom
- lyric
- write lyrics for (a song)
- machine
- make by machinery
- machine
- turn, shape, mold, or otherwise finish by machinery
- macrame
- make knotted patterns
- madrigal
- sing madrigals
- make
- make by shaping or bringing together constituents
- make
- compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way
- make
- gather and light the materials for
- make
- perform or carry out
- make over
- make new
- make over
- use again in altered form
- make up
- devise or compose
- manufacture
- create or produce in a mechanical way
- manufacture
- produce naturally
- map
- make a map of; show or establish the features of details of
- map
- depict as if on a map
- map
- plan, delineate, or arrange in detail
- marble
- paint or stain like marble
- mass-produce
- produce on a large scale
- melodise
- supply a melody for
- metrify
- compose in poetic meter
- microcopy
- photocopy printed or other graphic matter so that it is reduced in size
- microfilm
- record on microfilm
- mime
- imitate (a person or manner), especially for satirical effect
- mime
- act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only
- mimeo
- print copies from (a prepared stencil) using a mimeograph
- miniate
- paint with red lead or vermilion
- miniate
- decorate (manuscripts) with letters painted red
- minstrel
- celebrate by singing, in the style of minstrels
- miscast
- cast an actor, singer, or dancer in an unsuitable role
- misplay
- play incorrectly, e.g., play a wrong note
- misprint
- print incorrectly
- mock up
- construct a model of
- model
- form in clay, wax, etc
- model
- plan or create according to a model or models
- model
- create a representation or model of
- modulate
- change the key of, in music
- mound
- form into a rounded elevation
- mound over
- form a mound over
- mount
- put up or launch
- mount
- prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance
- mythologise
- construct a myth
- net
- construct or form a web, as if by weaving
- noose
- make a noose in or of
- occasion
- give occasion to
- offset
- produce by offset printing
- offset
- create an offset in
- open up
- open up an area or prepare a way
- orchestrate
- write an orchestra score for
- output
- to create or manufacture a specific amount
- overbear
- bear too much
- overcrop
- to exhaust by excessive cultivation
- overprint
- print (additional text or colors) onto an already imprinted paper
- overproduce
- produce in excess; produce more than needed or wanted
- overproduce
- produce in excess
- overwork
- use too much
- pacify
- fight violence and try to establish peace in (a location)
- paint
- make a painting of
- paint
- make a painting
- panel
- decorate with panels
- paragraph
- write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
- paragraph
- write about in a paragraph
- parody
- make a spoof of or make fun of
- pedal
- operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument
- pencil
- write, draw, or trace with a pencil
- perform
- give a performance (of something)
- phase
- arrange in phases or stages
- phase in
- introduce gradually
- phase out
- terminate gradually
- photocopy
- reproduce by xerography
- photostat
- make a copy by means of a Photostat device
- pick
- provoke
- pipe
- trim with piping
- pipe
- play on a pipe
- play
- play on an instrument
- play
- perform music on (a musical instrument)
- play
- pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity
- play
- perform on a certain location
- play
- be performed or presented for public viewing
- play
- emit recorded sound
- play back
- reproduce (a recording) on a recorder
- play out
- perform or be performed to the end
- play
- cause to emit recorded audio or video
- play
- replay (as a melody)
- plot
- devise the sequence of events in (a literary work or a play, movie, or ballet)
- plough
- to break and turn over earth especially with a plow
- plume
- deck with a plume
- poetise
- compose verses or put into verse
- portray
- represent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpture
- practice
- engage in a rehearsal (of)
- prank
- dress or decorate showily or gaudily
- prearrange
- arrange beforehand
- preassemble
- to manufacture sections of (a building), especially in a factory, so that they can be easily transported to and rapidly assembled on a building site of buildings
- precipitate
- bring about abruptly
- preconceive
- conceive beforehand
- precook
- cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won't take long
- prefabricate
- produce synthetically, artificially, or stereotypically and unoriginally
- prefigure
- imagine or consider beforehand
- preform
- form or shape beforehand or determine the shape of beforehand
- preform
- form into a shape resembling the final, desired one
- prelude
- play as a prelude
- premier
- perform a work for the first time
- premier
- be performed for the first time
- prepare
- to prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery
- present
- perform (a play), especially on a stage
- press
- create by pressing
- press
- press from a plastic
- print
- write as if with print; not cursive
- print
- make into a print
- print
- put into print
- prise
- make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry
- process
- shape, form, or improve a material
- profile
- represent in profile, by drawing or painting
- profile
- write about
- program
- write a computer program
- project
- draw a projection of
- proof
- make or take a proof of, such as a photographic negative, an etching, or typeset
- prove
- take a trial impression of
- psalm
- sing or celebrate in psalms
- publish
- have (one's work) issued for publication
- puddle
- subject to puddling or form by puddling
- pulsate
- produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of short bursts or pulses or cause an apparatus to produce pulses
- pun
- make a play on words
- purl
- embroider with gold or silver thread
- purl
- edge or border with gold or silver embroidery
- purl
- knit with a purl stitch
- purl stitch
- make with purl stitches
- put
- adapt
- put on
- put on the stove or ready for cooking
- put on
- carry out (performances)
- put out
- put out considerable effort
- quadruplicate
- reproduce fourfold
- quilt
- create by stitching together
- quilt
- stitch or sew together
- rack
- work on a rack
- raft
- make into a raft
- rag
- play in ragtime
- raise
- create a disturbance, especially by making a great noise
- rap
- perform rap music
- re-create
- create anew
- read
- audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role
- realise
- expand or complete (a part in a piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured bass
- reassemble
- assemble once again, after taking something apart
- rebuild
- build again
- recapitulate
- repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life
- recapitulate
- repeat an earlier theme of a composition
- recapture
- take up anew
- recast
- cast again, in a different role
- recast
- cast or model anew
- recast
- cast again
- recite
- render verbally
- recopy
- copy again
- recreate
- create anew
- redecorate
- redo the decoration of an apartment or house
- redesign
- design anew, make a new design for
- reenact
- enact or perform again
- regenerate
- reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make new or like new
- register
- manipulate the registers of an organ
- reharmonise
- provide with a different harmony
- reinvent
- create anew and make over
- reinvent
- bring back into existence
- reissue
- print anew
- relyric
- write new lyrics for (a song)
- remold
- shape again or shape differently
- repaint
- paint again
- replay
- play (a melody) again
- reproduce
- make a copy or equivalent of
- reproduce
- recreate a sound, image, idea, mood, atmosphere, etc.
- republish
- publish again
- rerun
- rerun a performance of a play, for example
- rewrite
- rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose
- rhyme
- compose rhymes
- rib
- form vertical ribs by knitting
- ridge
- plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip
- riff
- play riffs
- rig up
- erect or construct, especially as a temporary measure
- roneo
- make copies on a Roneograph
- rough
- prepare in preliminary or sketchy form
- roughcast
- shape roughly
- rubricate
- furnish with rubrics or regulate by rubrics
- rule
- mark or draw with a ruler
- run
- carry out
- run up
- make by sewing together quickly
- sand cast
- pour molten metal into a mold of sand
- sandwich
- make into a sandwich
- scale
- pattern, make, regulate, set, measure, or estimate according to some rate or standard
- scallop
- decorate an edge with scallops
- scamp
- perform hastily and carelessly
- schematize
- formulate in regular order; to reduce to a scheme or formula
- score
- write a musical score for
- scrape
- make by scraping
- scrawl
- write carelessly
- scrimmage
- practice playing (a sport)
- script
- write a script for
- sculpt
- create by shaping stone or wood or any other hard material
- seed
- bear seeds
- self-destroy
- do away with oneself or itself
- serenade
- sing and play for somebody
- set
- apply or start
- set to music
- write (music) for (a text)
- set up
- begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.
- set
- set in type
- sew
- create (clothes) with cloth
- shell stitch
- make by shell stitching
- shimmy
- dance a shimmy
- short
- create a short circuit in
- sightread
- perform music from a score without having seen the score before
- sightsing
- sing from a score without having seen it before
- silhouette
- represent by a silhouette
- silkscreen
- print by silkscreen
- sing
- deliver by singing
- sing
- produce tones with the voice
- sing along
- sing with a choir or an orchestra
- single crochet
- make by single stitching
- sinter
- cause (ores or powdery metals) to become a coherent mass by heating without melting
- skirl
- play the bagpipes
- sloganeer
- coin new slogans
- slur
- play smoothly or legato
- smelt
- extract (metals) by heating
- smock
- embellish by sewing in straight lines crossing each other diagonally
- solmizate
- sing by the syllables of solmization
- solmizate
- sing using syllables like `do', `re' and `mi' to represent the tones of the scale
- solo
- perform a piece written for a single instrument
- sonnet
- compose a sonnet
- sonnet
- praise in a sonnet
- sound off
- start playing
- sovietise
- model a country's social, political, and economic structure on the Soviet Union
- spatchcock
- prepare for eating if or as if a spatchcock
- spatchcock
- interpolate or insert (words) into a sentence or story
- spell out
- spell fully and without abbreviating
- spell
- write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word)
- spin
- form a web by making a thread
- spin
- make up a story
- spondaise
- make spondaic
- sporulate
- produce spores
- stage direct
- direct for the stage
- stamp
- form or cut out with a mold, form, or die
- star
- be the star in a performance
- stencil
- mark or print with a stencil
- stenograph
- write in shorthand
- stick
- cover and decorate with objects that pierce the surface
- stipple
- apply (paint) in small dots or strokes
- stipple
- make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink
- stipple
- engrave by means of dots and flicks
- stooge
- act as the stooge
- streamline
- contour economically or efficiently
- strike
- produce by ignition or a blow
- strike
- disassemble a temporary structure, such as a tent or a theatrical set
- strike up
- begin
- stucco
- decorate with stucco work
- stunt
- perform a stunt or stunts
- style
- make consistent with a certain fashion or style
- superscribe
- write on the outside or upper part of
- superscribe
- write on the top or outside
- support
- play a subordinate role to (another performer)
- surcharge
- print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote
- sweep away
- eliminate completely and without a trace
- swing
- play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
- symphonise
- play or sound together, in harmony
- table
- arrange or enter in tabular form
- tag
- supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes
- take off
- mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner
- tap dance
- perform a tap dance
- tart up
- decorate in a cheap and flashy way
- tattoo
- stain (skin) with indelible color
- tee up
- make detailed arrangements or preparations
- think
- imagine or visualize
- throw
- make on a potter's wheel
- tie
- make by tying pieces together
- till
- work land as by ploughing, harrowing, and manuring, in order to make it ready for cultivation
- tinsel
- adorn with tinsel
- tissue
- create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton
- tongue
- articulate by tonguing, as when playing wind instruments
- tool
- work with a tool
- trace
- copy by following the lines of the original drawing on a transparent sheet placed upon it; make a tracing of
- track
- make tracks upon
- transcribe
- rewrite or arrange a piece of music for an instrument or medium other than that originally intended
- transpose
- put (a piece of music) into another key
- travesty
- make a travesty of
- trim
- decorate, as with ornaments
- triplicate
- reproduce threefold
- troll
- sing the parts of (a round) in succession
- trumpet
- play or blow on the trumpet
- turn out
- produce quickly or regularly, usually with machinery
- tweedle
- play negligently on a musical instrument
- twill
- weave diagonal lines into (textiles)
- typecast
- cast repeatedly in the same kind of role
- underact
- act (a role) with great restraint
- underperform
- perform too rarely
- underproduce
- produce below capacity or demand
- undo
- deprive of certain characteristics
- vamp
- make up
- vein
- make a veinlike pattern
- vermiculate
- decorate with wavy or winding lines
- visualise
- form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract
- vocalise
- sing (each note a scale or in a melody) with the same vowel
- walk through
- perform in a perfunctory way, as for a first rehearsal
- watercolor
- paint with watercolors
- wattle
- build of or with wattle
- whip up
- prepare or cook quickly or hastily
- write
- create code, write a computer program
- write
- mark or trace on a surface
- write about
- write about a particular topic
- write copy
- write for commercial publications
- write off
- write something fluently, and without hesitation
- write out
- put into writing; write in complete form