Showing results for "REALISM" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
1 Syllable: S
been, bids, bin, bitch, blink, bliss, bridge, Briggs, brim, brimmed, bring, brink, brisk, chin, chink, chins, Chris, cliff, clinch, cling, crisp, dif, digs, dim, dimmed, din, ding, dint, dis, disc, dish, disk, Diss, Dist, ditch, drift, drink, fifth, figs, fin, Finch, Fink, Finn, fins, fish, Fiske, fist, Fitch, flinch, fling, flint, fringe, Frith, Gibbs, gift, gin, gist, give, glimpse, glint, grim, Grimm, grin, grinned, grist, guage, him, hin, hinge, hint, his, hissed, Hist, hitch, hymn, ich, Ids, if, iff, im, imp, in, Inc, inch, inf, ing, ink, inn, ins, Inst, is, ish, itch, Jim, Jin, just, kids, Kim, kin, King, kiss, kith, lids, lift, lim, limb, limp, lin, ling, link, Linn, lint, lis, lish, lisp, list, liv, live, lymph, Lynch, Lynn, lynx, Mich, midst, min, mince, Ming, mint, mis, missed, mist, myth, niche, ning, nymph, pigs, pin, pinch, ping, pink, pinned, pins, pitch, pith, prim, prin, Prince, print, pris, Quin, Quinn, quiz, ribs, rich, ridge, rift, rim, rimmed, rims, ring, rinse, risk, says, shift, shin, shrimp, shrink, sich, sieve, sift, sim, sin, since, sind, sing, Singh, sings, sink, sinned, sins, sis, sixth, skiff, skim, skimmed, skin, skinned, skins, slim, sling, Smith, Smyth, sniff, Sphinx, spin, spring, squint, stiff, sting, stink, stint, stitch, string, swift, Swift's, swim, swing, Swiss, switch, sym, thin, thing, think, thinned, this, thrift, Tim, tin, ting, tinge, tinned, tins, tint, tis, trim, trimmed, twigs, twin, twist, twitch, vim, vin, vis, vith, which, whiff, Whigs, whim, whisked, whist, width, wigs, win, wince, winch, wind, wing, wink, wins, Wis, wish, wisp, witch, with, wring, wrist, writhed, XLIV, XXIV, XXXIV, zinc
2 Syllables: SU
akin, beaches, beaming, beating, beeches, being, bleaching, bleating, bleeding, breaches, breathing, breeding, breezes, ceaseless, ceases, ceasing, ceding, ceiling, cheating, cheering, cheeses, cleaning, clearing, cleavage, cleaving, creaking, creases, creeping, dealing, deeming, dreaming, earrings, eases, easing, eating, Edith, even, fearing, feasting, feeding, feeling, fiendish, fleeing, fleeting, freeing, freest, freezes, freezing, gearing, gleaming, gleanings, greenish, Greenwich, greeting, grieving, healing, heaping, hearing, heating, heaving, heeding, heedless, imprint, jeering, keeping, kneeling, leading, leakage, leaking, leaning, leaping, leases, leasing, leaving, leeches, leverage, Levin, meaning, meekness, meeting, nearing, needing, nieces, peaches, peeling, peeping, peering, peevish, penis, pieces, pleading, pleases, pleasing, preaches, preaching, precinct, reaches, reaching, reading, realist, reaping, rearing, reeking, reeling, Regis, Rhenish, scheming, screaming, screeching, screening, sealing, seating, seeding, seedlings, seeing, seeking, seemeth, seeming, seething, seizes, seizing, shearing, shrieking, sieges, sleeping, sneaking, sneering, sneezing, speaking, speeches, speeding, squeaking, squeezing, stealing, steaming, steering, streaming, Swedish, sweeping, syringe, teaches, teaching, tearing, teasing, teeming, thesis, thieving, treating, weaning, weaving, weeding, weekend, weeping, wheeling, zenith
2 Syllables: US
abridge, abyss, adrift, amiss, assist, Baptiste, begin, Berlin, bewitched, chagrin, consist, convince, desist, dismiss, distinct, enlist, enrich, evince, exist, extinct, forbids, forgive, forthwith, herein, herewith, impinge, infringe, insist, methinks, outlive, Peking, persist, remiss, reprint, rescind, resist, shortlived, sophists, subsist, succinct, therein, therewith, wherein, wherewith, within
3 Syllables: SUU
Beatrice, decreases, decreasing, deepening, equalling, featuring, increases, peopling, pianist, pyramids, realises, realising, realizes, realizing, reasoning, seasoning, secreting, secretive, theorist, weakening
3 Syllables: USU
achieving, adhering, adhesive, agreeing, appealing, appearing, appeasing, believing, beseeching, besieging, cohesive, competing, completing, concealing, conceding, conceiving, convening, deceiving, defeating, diseases, displeasing, endearing, entreating, exceeding, extremist, farreaching, fatiguing, foreseeing, idealist, impeding, increasing, intriguing, misleading, perceiving, policemen, policing, preceding, proceeding, reappearing, receding, receiving, redeeming, releases, releasing, relieving, repealing, repeating, retreating, retrieving, revealing, succeeding, unceasing, uncleanness, unfeeling, unpleasing, wellbeing
3 Syllables: UUS
4 Syllables: UUSU
disagreeing, disappearing, domineering, engineering, exegesis, guaranteeing, interfering, intervening, overweening, persevering, pioneering, superseding, unbelieving, volunteering
4 Syllables: UUUS
5 Syllables: UUUSU
Found 560 words across 9 groupings. Skipped 128 excess words of a similar stem.