Showing results for "CONSENT" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
1 Syllable: S
10, am, Ben, bench, bend, bent, blend, Brent, cent, Chem, cleanse, clenched, dem, den, denned, dens, dense, dent, dreamt, drenched, end, ent, femme, fen, fence, fend, fens, French, friend, gem, Gen, gent, Glen, Glenn, hem, hemmed, hemp, hen, hence, hens, Jen, Kemp, ken, Kent, len, lends, length, lens, lent, M, mam, meant, mem, men, n, pen, pence, Penn, pens, pent, quench, rem, ren, rent, scent, seme, sen, sends, sens, sense, sent, Spence, spend, spent, stem, stemmed, stems, stench, strength, temp, tempt, ten, tends, Tenn, tens, tense, tent, tenth, tents, Thames, them, then, thence, trench, trend, Trent, vent, wen, wench, went, when, whence, Wren, wrench, yen
2 Syllables: SU
2 Syllables: US
again, against, Amen, amends, append, ascend, ascent, assent, attempt, attend, augment, avenge, befriend, cement, commence, commend, condemn, condense, consents, contemned, contempt, contend, defence, defend, defense, depend, descend, descent, dispense, dissent, entrenched, event, exempt, expence, expend, expense, extend, extent, immense, intend, intense, intent, intrenched, invent, lament, offence, offend, offense, percent, pretence, pretend, pretense, prevent, relent, repent, resent, revenge, schoolmen, suspend, suspense, transcend, unkempt
3 Syllables: SUU
3 Syllables: UUS
apprehend, circumvent, commonsense, comprehend, condescend, discontent, Lucien, Madeleine, malcontents, penitents, recommence, recommend, represent, supplements, underwent
4 Syllables: UUUS
Found 192 words across 6 groupings. Skipped 72 excess words of a similar stem.