
  1. A meeting at which a number of athletic contests are held (synset 107482986)
  1. Being precisely fitting and right (synset 301373068)
    "it is only meet that she should be seated first"
  1. Come together (synset 202026953)
    "I'll probably see you at the meeting"; "How nice to see you again!"
  2. Get together socially or for a specific purpose (synset 202492581)
  3. Be adjacent or come together (synset 202716276)
    "The lines converge at this point"
  4. Fill, satisfy or meet a want or need or condtion ro restriction (synset 201185870)
    "does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"; "This job doesn't match my dreams"; "meet a need"
  5. Collect in one place (synset 202433771)
    "We assembled in the church basement"; "Let's gather in the dining room"
  6. Get to know;
    Get acquainted with (synset 202602110)
    "I met this really handsome guy at a bar last night!"; "we met in Singapore"
  7. Meet by design;
    Be present at the arrival of (synset 202026650)
    "Can you meet me at the train station?"
  8. Contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle (synset 201081873)
    "Princeton plays Yale this weekend"; "Charlie likes to play Mary"
  9. Experience as a reaction (synset 202745355)
    "My proposal met with much opposition"
  10. Undergo or suffer (synset 202114536)
    "meet a violent death"; "suffer a terrible fate"
  11. Be in direct physical contact with;
    Make contact (synset 201208316)
    "The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched"; "The wire must not contact the metal cover"; "The surfaces contact at this point"

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