
  1. A mistake resulting from inattention (synset 100075344)
  2. A break or intermission in the occurrence of something (synset 115296403)
    "a lapse of three weeks between letters"
  3. A failure to maintain a higher state (synset 100069153)
  1. Pass into a specified state or condition (synset 201976145)
    "He sank into nirvana"
  2. End, at least for a long time (synset 200352478)
    "The correspondence lapsed"
  3. Drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards (synset 200204947)
  4. Go back to bad behavior (synset 200093079)
    "Those who recidivate are often minor criminals"
  5. Let slip (synset 202308741)
    "He lapsed his membership"
  6. Pass by (synset 202076777)
    "three years elapsed"

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