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1 Syllable: S
2 Syllables: SU
button, buxom, Buxton, cousin, Covent, Cullen, currants, currents, custom, dozen, Drummond, duction, Durham, Dutton, flooded, glutton, hubbub, Hudson, Hudson's, hunted, Hutton, Justin, mutton, oven, Prussian, Putnam, Putnam's, roughened, rugged, Russian, rusted, Rutland, substance, suction, sudden, sullen, summon, suppliant, Sutton, Tuscan, twopence, upland, Upton, urine
2 Syllables: US
3 Syllables: USU
4 Syllables: UUSU

Found 87 words across 5 groupings. Skipped 26 excess words of a similar stem.