Showing results for "Fischer" instead. (You can only search for 1 word at a time unless you use the Storm or Mosaic Rhyme tools)
2 Syllables: SU
bidder, bigger, bitter, blister, blizzard, cistern, cither, clearer, Clifford, clipper, dearer, differ, digger, dinner, fiddler, filler, Fisher, fissure, fitter, flicker, Gifford, giver, glimmer, glitter, hither, Hitler, Hitler's, inner, killer, liquor, listener, Lister, litter, liver, livres, lizard, Miller, mirror, Mister, nearer, nigger, pillar, pitcher, printer, prisoner, Pritchard, quicker, quiver, Richard, richer, rigor, Ritter, river, Schiller, scissors, shippers, shiver, sinner, sister, Skinner, skipper, slipper, spinner, swifter, swimmer, thicker, thinner, thither, tiller, trigger, Vicar, vigor, vigour, whiskers, whisper, whither, wicker, Willard, winner, wishers, wither, wizard
3 Syllables: USU
4 Syllables: UUSU
Found 88 words across 3 groupings. Skipped 61 excess words of a similar stem.