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1 Syllable: S
boil, boy, Boyle, boys, broiled, choice, coil, coin, coy, Croix, Deutsch, Deutsche, doit, Doyle, droit, Floyd, foil, Freud, goin, groin, hoi, hoist, hoy, jeune, join, joint, joy, Joyce, joys, Lloyd, Lloyd's, loin, loyal, Moines, moist, Neu, noise, Noyes, oil, oy, poi, point, poise, Roi, Roy, Royal, Royce, soil, soy, spoil, spoilt, toil, toy, Troy, voice, void
2 Syllables: SU
2 Syllables: US
3 Syllables: UUS

Found 89 words across 4 groupings. Skipped 41 excess words of a similar stem.