
  1. A puddle where animals go to wallow (synset 109497687)
  2. An indolent or clumsy rolling about (synset 107457474)
    "a good wallow in the water"
  1. Devote oneself entirely to something;
    Indulge in to an immoderate degree, usually with pleasure (synset 201194507)
    "Wallow in luxury"; "wallow in your sorrows"
  2. Roll around (synset 201870016)
    "pigs were wallowing in the mud"
  3. Rise up as if in waves (synset 202045267)
    "smoke billowed up into the sky"
  4. Be ecstatic with joy (synset 201827320)
  5. Delight greatly in (synset 201193936)
    "wallow in your success!"

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