
  1. The production of young from an egg (synset 113512667)
  2. Shading consisting of multiple crossing lines (synset 104689154)
  3. A sloping rear car door that is lifted to open (synset 103503787)
  4. A movable barrier covering a hatchway (synset 103503661)
  1. Emerge from the eggs (synset 200062866)
    "young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch"
  2. Devise or invent (synset 201637684)
    "He thought up a plan to get rich quickly"; "no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software"
  3. Inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating (synset 201686129)
  4. Draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper (synset 201279157)
    "hatch the sheet"
  5. Sit on (eggs) (synset 200059956)
    "Birds brood"; "The female covers the eggs"

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