come out

  1. Appear or become visible;
    Make a showing (synset 200424655)
    "She turned up at the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface again"
  2. Be issued or published (synset 200426920)
    "Did your latest book appear yet?"; "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"
  3. Come out of (synset 200530070)
    "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The words seemed to come out by themselves"
  4. Result or end (synset 202616880)
    "How will the game turn out?"
  5. Come off (synset 202102203)
    "His hair and teeth fell out"
  6. Take a place in a competition;
    Often followed by an ordinal (synset 200661447)
    "Jerry came in third in the Marathon"
  7. Make oneself visible;
    Take action (synset 202093441)
    "Young people should step to the fore and help their peers"
  8. Bulge outward (synset 202086193)
    "His eyes popped"
  9. To state openly and publicly one's homosexuality (synset 200937488)
    "This actor outed last year"
  10. Be made known;
    Be disclosed or revealed (synset 200937173)
    "The truth will out"
  11. Break out (synset 200549346)
    "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted"

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