
  1. Cause to burst with a violent release of energy (synset 200307505)
    "We exploded the nuclear bomb"
  2. Burst outward, usually with noise (synset 200306798)
    "The champagne bottle exploded"
  3. Show a violent emotional reaction (synset 200720986)
    "The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary"
  4. Be unleashed;
    Emerge with violence or noise (synset 200307321)
    "His anger exploded"
  5. Destroy by exploding (synset 201568576)
    "The enemy exploded the bridge"
  6. Cause to burst as a result of air pressure;
    Of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/ (synset 201057533)
  7. Drive from the stage by noisy disapproval (synset 200864131)
  8. Show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete (synset 200667253)
  9. Burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction (synset 200307079)
    "the bomb detonated at noon"; "The Molotov cocktail exploded"
  10. Increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner (synset 200157431)
    "The population of India is exploding"; "The island's rodent population irrupted"

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