Stock phrases that have become nonsense through endless repetition (synset 106620630)
is a type of: bunk, hokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality - a message that seems to convey no meaningsame as: buzzword
A slope in the turn of a road or track;
The outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force (synset 109236735) -
A characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves) (synset 107171981)
"they don't speak our lingo"domain member usage:
- bite - a portion removed from the whole
- swiz - British slang for a swindle
- heist, rip-off - the act of stealing
- shakedown - extortion of money (as by blackmail)
- power trip - (slang) a self-aggrandizing action undertaken simply for the pleasure of exercising control over other people
- ass, fuck, fucking, nookie, nooky, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, screw, screwing, shag, shtup - slang for sexual intercourse
- blowjob, cock sucking - slang for fellatio
- hand job, jacking off, jerking off, wank - slang for masturbation
- dekko - British slang for a look
- square-bashing - drill on a barracks square
- shakedown - a very thorough search of a person or a place
- caff - informal British term for a cafe
- deck - street name for a packet of illegal drugs
- gat, rod - a gangster's pistol
- mickey finn - slang term for knockout drops
- nick - (British slang) a prison
- dreck, schlock, shlock - merchandise that is shoddy or inferior
- cert - an absolute certainty
- legs - staying power
- soup-strainer, toothbrush - slang for a mustache
- arse, arsehole, asshole, bunghole - vulgar slang for anus
- bay window, corporation, pot, potbelly, tummy - slang for a paunch
- niff, pong - an unpleasant smell
- corker - (dated slang) a remarkable or excellent thing or person
- hooey, poppycock, stuff, stuff and nonsense - senseless talk
- baloney, bilgewater, boloney, bosh, drool, humbug, taradiddle, tarradiddle, tommyrot, tosh, twaddle - pretentious or silly talk or writing
- applesauce, codswallop, folderol, rubbish, trash, tripe, trumpery, wish-wash - nonsensical talk or writing
- skin flick - a pornographic movie
- dibs - a claim of rights
- bun-fight, bunfight - (Briticism) a grand formal party on an important occasion
- burnup - a high-speed motorcycle race on a public road
- nosh-up - a large satisfying meal
- hood - (slang) a neighborhood
- 'hood - (slang) a neighborhood
- poor white trash, white trash - (slang) an offensive term for White people who are impoverished
- honkey, honkie, honky, whitey - (slang) offensive names for a White man
- injun, red man, redskin - (slang) offensive term for Native Americans
- hymie, kike, sheeny, yid - (ethnic slur) offensive term for a Jew
- chinaman, chink - (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Chinese descent
- dago, ginzo, greaseball, guinea, wop - (ethnic slur) offensive term for a person of Italian descent
- jap, nip - (offensive slang) offensive term for a person of Japanese descent
- spic, spick, spik - (ethnic slur) offensive term for persons of Latin American descent
- boche, hun, jerry, kraut, krauthead - offensive term for a person of German descent
- airhead - a flighty scatterbrained simpleton
- bad egg - (old-fashioned slang) a bad person
- boffin - (British slang) a scientist or technician engaged in military research
- butch, dike, dyke - (slang) offensive term for a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
- good egg - (old-fashioned slang) a good person
- guvnor - (British slang) boss
- old man - (slang) boss
- out-and-outer - someone who is excellent at something
- schlockmeister, shlockmeister - (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise
- squeeze - (slang) a person's girlfriend or boyfriend
- suit - (slang) a businessman dressed in a business suit
- tripper - (slang) someone who has taken a psychedelic drug and is undergoing hallucinations
- wog - (offensive British slang) term used by the British to refer to people of color from Africa or Asia
- juice - electric current
- big bucks, big money, bundle, megabucks, pile - a large sum of money (especially as pay or profit)
- key - a kilogram of a narcotic drug
- skinful - a quantity of alcoholic drink sufficient to make you drunk
- juice - energetic vitality
- the shits, the trots - obscene terms for diarrhea
- heebie-jeebies, jitters, screaming meemies - extreme nervousness
- bitch - an unpleasant difficulty
- give - occur
- buy it, pip out - be killed or die
- feel - pass one's hands over the sexual organs of
- hoof - dance in a professional capacity
- chuck, ditch - throw away
- bunk off, play hooky - play truant from work or school
- square, straight - rigidly conventional or old-fashioned
- besotted, blind drunk, blotto, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, loaded, pie-eyed, pissed, pixilated, plastered, slopped, sloshed, smashed, soaked, soused, sozzled, squiffy, stiff, tight, wet - very drunk
- can-do - marked by a willingness to tackle a job and get it done
- freaky - strange and somewhat frightening
- uncool - (spoken slang) unfashionable and boring
- butch - (of male or female homosexuals) characterized by stereotypically male traits or appearance
- grotty - very unpleasant or offensive
- some - remarkable
- mean - excellent
- bolshy, stroppy - obstreperous
- pint-size, pint-sized, runty, sawed-off, sawn-off - well below average height
- slam-bang - violent and sudden and noisy
- clean, plum, plumb - completely; used as intensifiers
- drop-dead - extremely
is a type of: non-standard speech - speech that differs from the usual accepted, easily recognizable speech of native adult members of a speech communitysubtypes:- street name - slang for something (especially for an illegal drug)
- rhyming slang - slang that replaces words with rhyming words or expressions and then typically omits the rhyming component
Insincere talk about religion or morals (synset 107150806)
same as: pious platitude
Two surfaces meeting at an angle different from 90 degrees (synset 102836781)
is a type of: edge - a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an objectsubtypes: splay - an outward bevel around a door or window that makes it seem larger
Heel over (synset 201888570)
"The tower is tilting"; "The ceiling is slanting"is a type of: move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motionsubtypes: cock - tilt or slant to one side
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