All nouns

Includes nouns denoting acts or actions, nouns denoting animals, nouns denoting attributes of people and objects, nouns denoting body parts, nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents, nouns denoting communicative processes and contents, nouns denoting feelings and emotions, nouns denoting foods and drinks, nouns denoting goals, nouns denoting groupings of people or objects, nouns denoting man-made objects, nouns denoting natural events, nouns denoting natural objects (not man-made), nouns denoting natural phenomena, nouns denoting natural proesses, nouns denoting people, nouns denoting plants, nouns denoting possession and transfer of possession, nouns denoting quantities and units of measure, nouns denoting spatial position, nouns denoting stable states of affairs, nouns denoting substances, nouns denoting time and temporal relations, nouns denoting two and three dimensional shapes

a blemish on the skin that is formed before birth
food or drink to stimulate the appetite (usually served before a meal or as the first course)
Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli
Italian pope from 1958 to 1963 who convoked the Second Vatican Council (1881-1963)
any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal
a sum of money paid or a claim discharged
the largest Chilean island and the only one to be settled; located off south-central Chile
Northern Territory
a territory in north central Australia
tornado lantern
an oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds; candlestick with a glass chimney
the food served and eaten at one time
Varanus komodoensis
the largest lizard in the world (10 feet); found on Indonesian islands
data converter
converter for changing information from one code to another
William Dawes
American patriot who rode with Paul Revere to warn that the British were advancing on Lexington and Concord (1745-1799)
Robert Woodrow Wilson
United States physicist honored for his work on cosmic microwave radiation (born in 1918)
dilatation of the veins associated with the spermatic cord in the testes
bramble bush
any prickly shrub of the genus Rubus bearing edible aggregate fruits
an industrial city in Chile to the south of Santiago
a person authorized to conduct religious worship
executive agency
an agency of the executive branch of government
acquiring or coming into something (usually undesirable)
computer circuit consisting of an assembly of electronic components (as of computer hardware)
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