1: S
weak, have
2: SU
hormones, compounds, hormone, effects, action2: US
compounds, effects, effect3: SUU
substances, chemicals, properties4: USUU
activity4: UUSU
Surrounder Phrases
conjugated metabolites, compoundssynthetic chemicals, hormones, steroids, compounds, hormone, substances, compound, activity, substance, agents, phase, activitiespotency steroids, agentshormone therapy, stimulation, metabolites, regulation, action, responses, response, activity, effectspotent steroids, synthetic, chemicals, compounds, agents, compound, substances, hormone, effects, effect, substance, activityits metabolites, potency, effects, effect, component, activities, substance, properties, agentshormones hormone, haveother substances, chemicals, hormones, agents, activities, compounds, metabolites, properties, steroids, syntheticcompound substances, substance, actioncompounds compound, havephase response, component, responsesstimulation therapy, effectsno effect, response, other, actionhave noweak stimulation, response, responses, effect, regulationsteroids haveresponse propertiessubstances substance, havecomponent properties, therapyagents havemetabolites have