exact syllable matches

The letter
2, my friend
out with
blue fire breath
saw ye the
blue-eyed fair
Compare ancient
Chu dialect
been a
clue right there
cool my jets
that sounds
cool, I guess
that chicken
coop right there
is the
crew I get
able to
do by herself
and I
do by ten
I can
do by then
you can
do by yourself
And why
but what
certificate, what
it, what
the fuck
the hell
do I care
and what
money, what
do I get
now, what
do I press
Hmm, why
do I read
And what
do I sell
Anyway, I'll
But I'll
I must
I shall
you, I'll
do my best
case as I
do myself
do, I cut hair
barely on solid
food myself
have long, somewhat
goose-like necks
first consciousness to un-
Jew myself
the spoiled grape
juice myself
July 10
July 12
Fourth of
July eggs
better than I
moment I never
knew myself
you once
knew quite well
bound and
loosed by them
did you
lose by again
I shall
lose my head
I didn't
lose my leg
make me wanna
really did was
the shelf,I wanna
Will I
lose myself
the fucking
mood strikes them
Do I
move like them
I can't
move my legs
on a vulgar
move myself
never gonna
move right again
was never
who are
moved by them
are aggressively pursuing
new clientele
new kind of death
Opera An all
new nightmare
still have the
new-guy smell
some bad
news my friends
up my
poor life again
That's the
proof right there
prove I'm the best
something to
prove my success
how I can
prove myself
survey the
route by air
rules are
rules, I guess
away from high
school myself
junior high
school science fair
running at
school, I fell
Cause I'll never
don't I just
me I'd fucking
shoot myself
did run
smooth my friend
come around
soon, I guess
pump right
through my chest
a bullet
almost went
background running
been gnawing
out is
through my head
was comin'
through, right there
chains, not
to bind them
spins around
to bite them
To Bryant, Dead
I came
remember how
to buy bread
to buy some bread
I want
one's while
white man's
you like
to buy them
no mountain
to climb there
vowed never
to cry again
to cry the next
vary from dialect
to dialect
must like
to dice, correct
dead never
for you
to die again
you want
to die then
the balls
to die there
be able
is how
the strength
to die well
beings are designed
for a father
to prepare and
You'll be hard
to digest
16, go
to driver's ed
very difficult
to dry yourself
will have
to fight again
the world
to fight against
to fight the tares
and try
be there
don't want
happenings and
left now
my life
our government
they'd send
to have
to live
to fight them
We have
to fight well
to find a vent
long enough
to find Greg
to find her there
that needed
to find herself
to find the rest
and skies
and where
been able
bushes open
dynamite hillsides
have time
One Ring
room apart
the cellar
We have
will try
would fail
to find them
came here
forty years
to find yourself
so impossible
to find, then
bring myself
never able
they want
threatened never
to fly again
he had
to fly them
be able
to hide again
to hide from them
is trying
to hide herself
don't try
we try
to hide them
It's unable
to hide yourself
a misfortune
to higher men
wasn't going
to hire them
ever have
to try
to lie again
come back
country come
Khan come
will come
to life again
so hard
to like them
can begin
you decide
to like yourself
I want
to begin
was time
to live again
a desire
to live herself
he has
little place
to live somewhere
be able
however, is
their right
to live them
don't want
even have
must learn
not like
the villages
to live there
of how
to live well
a gun
to Michael's head
- comes
to mind again
was stuck
wastebasket next
to my bed
and fall
being dragged
I'm falling
to my death
I'm listening
say hi
to talk
to my friend
a nark
brought pain
forward them
I lie
I talk
I'm useless
introduced her
my collection
my love
you done
to my friends
to my girlfriend
gonna happen
you've done
to my hair
a gun
a pistol
cold cloth
he done
it went
own gun
went right
you done
to my head
to my health
ground attached
to my leg
in up
to my neck
receive answers
to my prayers
I'm laid
to my rest
can relate
my persona
to my self
going back
to my SHED
and play
to my strengths
full meaning
to my success
I returned
to my tent
not responding
to my text
to my world, Jeff
to my young friend
a single night
a solemn promise
also give birth
am I talking
Am l talking
an idiot, talking
and carried off
as an admonition
as an example
be a friend
be a stranger
becoming a problem
boat, and left
Came from talking
clothes closet all
few precious minutes
gave me back
get a second
give or take
habit of talking
had a place
had the place
have I done
have my thoughts
have you all
Heh, just wizard-talkin'
hog you all
I am adjusted
I am talking
I better listen
I did that
I keep talking
I never talk
I thought
I was talking
I was unrecognizable
I'll read
I'm a hazard
I'm just talking
I'm talking
in this moment
it out loud
Jefferson Pierce all
Keep a thought
keep my hands
keep myself
like my nights
little world all
mail that box
manner more agreeable
must give that
my whole place
myself about talking
of my time
of the day
picture them all
pretty much kept
pretty stupid talking
reaction, I said
seem a stranger
sent this one
sometimes I talk
talk a little
testimony in regard
than attract attention
that are personal
the utmost importance
things about myself
title attracts attention
to keep something
To you and
uh, drawing attention
was a stranger
wouldn't be talking
your generous kindness
to myself
Nesbit, All
to Myself
dream may turn
to nightmare
it goes
to private wealth
to ride the crest
and spurred
to ride them
effective altruism
to right them
is never
perished, only
sleeping now
sun sets
to rise again
you out
to science fairs
correct conspiracy
to silence them
it just
to spite them
and begins
to stifle tears
the attempt
to stifle them
and determined
it necessary
to strike again
they try
to strike next
As thou art
dost not belong
Keep thy Judgment
thou restrain wisdom
to thyself
he had
he's going
just have
never get
really want
teleport here
You've got
to try again
is established
to try them
and loyal
entirely equal
to white men
to write the check
find time
I wanted
to write them
understand how
to write well
had time
know how
to write yet
keep that
of presidential,
too, I guess
For you
too, I suspect
true sign of strength
true, I swear
bitch-slap of
truth right there
cut in
two by Gazelle
defeated my
two knights, then
I have
two myself
What does E-N-N-
U-I, spell
is fervent and
united prayer
We want a
united realm
hearts, but Allah
united them
No other tie
than for what
unites them
I never
use my left
I can't
use my legs
I just
use my tears
they were
used by elves
two sons
who died there
the people
who drive them
political leader
who guided them
the partner
who hired them
or individual
who hires them
who I just met
to choose
who I protect
knows men
who like men
SWAT guys
who liked them
you by the bell
love with
you by then
or are
you by yourself
prep for
you driver's test
you find a friend
you find the next
you find the quest
dig until
guess where
Jews wherever
men as
Somebody's lost,
stereotypes wherever
you find them
being where
in helping
or journey
you find yourself
I call
I'd see
to see
you guys again
vacation days
you guys get
you guys read
What are
you guys, twelve
you guys, well,
Why do
you hide yourself
Why don't
you hire men
you lie just then
you like a friend
you like a pen
of God
Whatever kind
you like best
all around
you like death
or not
you like yet
how can
Why don't
you like yourself
I thought
you liked them
me tell
you my friend
then make
you my friends
I called
mean, are
you my girlfriend
get rid of
I will judge
I will quiet
I'm gonna strangle
kill most of
take care of
walk out on
wanted to tell
you myself
And I brought
because it'll give
Hilton girl gives
you nightmares
you quite well
bullet hits
have busted
you right there
you sign bear
you tired yet
you write them
you write us 12
first saw
you, I felt
-- except
you, I guess
gonna dig
to harm
you, I swear
And bless
God fucked
Oh, thank
soon engulf
you, my friend
god bless
Look around
you, my friends
friend, I'll retire
you, myself
How 'bout
you, Sideburns
you, white bread
you'd find a mess
You'll find 'em there
You'll like them

with 1 extra syllable

Teachers are
amused by them
got a little
I'm a little
confused myself
to be
consumed by care
who are
consumed by them
about after his
DUI arrest
Excuse my French
have lived to
exhume myself
adware programs can
include spyware
have crossed over
into eyewear
And crept
into light again
and pry
into my affairs
could come
into my den
always comes
coming back
just popped
Not turn
into my head
crept further
into my shell
growing up and
into myself
into side of them
Pasteur pipette
Pasteur pipettes
it awakened it
produced nightmares
refused my help
I can
rescue myself
prince stone,
shampoo, giant egg
Tribute, I said
my own light
myself have done
unto myself

with 2 extra syllables

altitude I guess
let you
execute my men
That's the
gratitude I get
Allow me to
I forgot to
I'd like to
Let me
perhaps I should
introduce myself
have not yet
I interrupted and
it when I
introduced myself

with 3 extra syllables

Allow me to
reintroduce myself