exact syllable matches

finally doing
a deal together
not being
a decent parent
to write
a decent sentence
anything like
a decent weapon
ignition in
money on
a diesel engine
evolved in
a equal measure
will and
a keen awareness
body becomes
brain is
him is
not make
used as
a lethal weapon
registered as
here on
a peaceful errand
put in
a people cellar
a piece of metal
to make
two had
a real connection
A healing,
as a healing,
a reconnection
a scene from bedlam
set up
a secret question
girl for
I got
We have
a secret weapon
to receive
a teachers pension
hope to
achieve against us
of mankind
achieve the second
what we can
what we could
achieve together
she made the
agreements better
but we're Avengers
his own
butt cheeks together
they all get
chummy together
We can
compete together
completed their work
that could be
concealed forever
there are very
concrete connections
convenience method
convenience methods
country of their birth
effectively running that
to bring the
to hold the
country together
those who
critique against us
dull gleam of leather
traces of the
earlier efforts
earlier genkan
back to an
earlier lesson
Early bird special
to the
Early Bird Special
earth cleans her feathers
flag in all
earthly directions
Felicia Hemans
Felipe Herrera
only locks more
firmly together
government representatives
from here attended
her pets
from me forever
God, we're
funny together
with them little
funny umbrellas
accident and their
can take this
we begin our
We started this
went on a
journey together
we had many
journeys together
we can
just be together
just beat us senseless
The Jack
Kirby Collector
Internet will
thought would
Will you
love me forever
moral truth and
loveliness thereof
you a
lovely pearl necklace
We can't stay
lucky forever
Maria Edgeworth
Mercy, the devil
a lot of
to get some
to get the
We'll get the
will get their
money together
that of shepherds, not
and Hillis for
multi-touch gestures
two being all
mushy together
Must be a setup
must be a weapon
and they
corruption, it
must be corrected
the minimum
must be oppression
some freedoms
must be surrendered
must be the Devil
must peak together
Nutty professor
well as the
Nutty Professor
can be
young people
of either gender
You're out
of here forever
get out
of here together
are out
of here, forever
a fool
You're free
of me forever
awful lot
of meals together
by members
of Peoples Temple
secret load
of secret treasure
the holiest
of Shiva temples
a succession
of sweet surrenders
the importance
of these connections
me, consists
of these surrenders
or all
of these together
one needs a haircut
friends and
one secret weapon
tried to divert
police attention
to give him
police protection
to steal a
policeman's helmet
office in the
policeman's Presence
a month, special
procedures extra
lives and rescuing
puppies whatever
that stays a
puppy forever
politics and economics
receive attention
wounded, and
received a medal
they have
received a penance
when Tennyson
received a pension
he would
run free forever
a group of
Serbian rebels
and you're
stuck here forever
stuck here together
Gregorian monks
studied the heavens
to the
study of methods
to a
study of venom
35 pupils who
study together
Tahitian chestnut
go to
the beach together
themselves in
the chief convention
standing in
the creek together
humanity at
the deepest level
The dreams of parents
Gladstone, and
the Eastern Question
and eat at
the Enoteca
Bender is
the evil Bender
day is
the evil thereof
dates below
the genius level
high as in
the geometrids
the key of heaven
the key of Heaven
What are
the least apparent
me with
to pay
the least attention
not make
the least objection
the peace of heaven
the people's questions
and protect
the people's treasures
take away
the people's weapons
the Queen of Heaven
come on
the real offender
statement of
the research questions
the seals of heaven
messages at
the SECRET level
Bring out
the secret weapon
Holmes and
the Secret Weapon
central heart,Nestles
the seed perfection
this is
the senior center
even at
the senior level
gave her
the sheep placenta
can't hold
the team together
the three of them one
We break
the wheel together
of this here
to sign the
vote on the
Thirteenth Amendment
us eat the
turkey together
are increased to
undreamed potentials
never let
us be together
were here together
of his papers
were reassembled
she'll get
what she selected
through the
words he assembles
world, people get hurt
in the
world, she reflected
One is the
worldly connection
of all his
worldly possessions
or in a
worldly profession
not be a
worthy successor

with 1 extra syllable

I won't be
17 forever
17, compare Herm
adversely possesses
her chosen
altar be neglected
answer me a question
answer me one question
with an
awkwardly clutched pencil
azure shield, the Heavens
wear New
Balance sneakers, ever
under Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection
Batson venous plexus
Because we're together
love will
become deep affection
Bittersweet perfection
foreigners from our
boundaries forever
Man the
boundaries, protect us
it always stands
brotherly together
Sixth Edition, very
Carefully Corrected
was purely a nineteenth-
century conception
blast through prejudices,
challenge preconceptions
if it
changes me forever
out a
Christmas tree together
rafts during the pre-
Columbian era
Comedy of errors
Comedy of Errors
Comedy of Terrors
penalty for insurance
company directors
English East India
Company's protection
in turn
confirms these perceptions
actions have been
constantly directed
the national
currency, the quetzal
It is
currently suspended
and to
dazzle me forever
defer me from vengeance
will change your
destiny forever
and I
didn't feel successful
Self over-there are
differently reflected
consider our past
disagreement settled
ever after
doesn't mean forever
Someone who
doesn't speak judgmental
Dorothea Hemans
Eamon de Valera
to things, is
easily apparent
first is actually
easily corrected
fun offending the
You're too
easily offended
the endless
ecstasies of heaven
hoses feeding
endlessly the desert
are not
enemies, but brethren
to throw off
enemy oppression
my old
enemy, the Shredder
equally cheerful, and
equally contented
oppressions of their
European brethren
European redbud
than can
ever be assembled
and give him
every attention
a breath in
and inspiration in
citizens authoritatively in
demoralizing effect in
diffuse itself in
from it in
he knows in
hundred yards in
of happiness in
ongoing divergence in
pans stretch in
queen goes in
Radiate peace in
radiation shielding from
spiritual energy in
spreading out in
the substratum in
they discover in
those bastards from
variations occur in
every direction
souls of
every one present
every one special
follow your
every word, Evan
get my
evil, evil vengeance
good character, and
family affection
to keep denying
family connection
because of her
he had the
family connections
me and my
family forever
from a
family of seven
building a
to keep the
family together
proven to provide
faster defervescence
finally a dead run
inequitable, can be
finally successful
finally together
be far more
frequently neglected
Both have been
frequently suggested
how to
fricassee a pheasant
think they've been
frightfully neglected
would change the
galaxy forever
in the
Galaxy of Terror
It binds the
taking on the
that holds the
galaxy together
gonna be a scarer
are never
gonna be together
me the
grandest Easter ever
greatest teacher ever
He's a
guaranteed connection
was the
harmony of heaven
but all in
harmony together
in all four
heavenly directions
Jeb gave
Hillary a medal
alter our family
history forever
in the
history of ever
out I'm a
history professor
we could make
we got a
history together
in any profane
of any other
history whatever
It goes on
hopelessly forever
hear the
human screams forever
humor we're aware of
that was my
incomplete confession
is synonymous with
incomplete perception
than a slightly
inconvenient presence
no one asks
inconvenient questions
to an important
industrial centre
the restriction of
industrial credit
those of the
industrial era
and language and
its governmental and
industrial methods
of a new
industrial sector
in all advanced
industrial sectors
injury potential
injury potentials
It'll be a pleasure
don't think
my life,
it'll be forever
a movie,
it'll be successful
legacy, a
legacy of vengeance
the President's
legal team suggested
letter D, from letter
glory and of
liberty forever
sincerely want my
liberty unfettered
They're this
little team together
a set of
local preconceptions
medic won my
loyalty forever
in the
magazine The Era
through the teen
magazines forever
face from my
will cherish the
memories forever
random thoughts,
memories of Shredder
lives in the
memory forever
MEMORY forever
of rendering his
ministry successful
wallowing in freakish
misery forever
out of our
misery, forever
mutants here against us
the very
mysteries of heaven
will I
never be offended
generalization can
he will
never be successful
too should
we can
we may
never be together
never sleeps, but guess what
out in a
northernly direction
appears as an
orderly progression
lived on
other people's edges
share all
our dreams together
to bend to
our pre-conceptions
very core of
our pre-possessions
forward to
our scene together
broadcasts of
Our Secret Weapon
could've been
outta here forever
can get
outta here together
passion be selected
penalties, assessments
but share it
perfectly together
Bangalore and his
poetry collection
names will breathe
poetry forever
issue than my
policy directors
a six,
possibly a seven
Possibly forever
power, people get hurt
Brabant and
presently of Belgium
Probably forever
Cambodia is
probably the second
are the
properties of terror
basic rights of
property possession
with a
with the
purity of essence
Purity of essence
purity of their blood
quality of their work
fall away from
Quality together
possessed a
quantity of pebbles
Or just sat
quietly together
strength is not
readily apparent
the only
reason we're together
to get the
referee's attention
and thus
render me contented
Satan, see The Devil
has received scant
have received scant
scholarly attention
unsupported by a
scholarly consensus
and nurture blend
seamlessly together
inaccessible to direct
take precedence over
sensory perception
sensory receptors
be Sector
Seven's secret weapon
just can't stay
the dead stay
seventeen forever
passage of the
Seventeenth Amendment
shatter preconceptions
you will
silence me forever
her gaze of
sisterly affection
alarming attitude of pro-
slavery aggression
Sour Cream a second
like the
strictest teacher ever
be scarier than
sudden decompression
you are
super sweet together
you would've
tortured me forever
person, in
unity of essence
himself declared
unworthy of credit
pushing Danny and
Valerie together
idea the
weapons he possesses
In a
westerly direction
dissection, means
wisdom, means perfection

with 2 extra syllables

individual is
actually a network
villain who was
actually successful
I am
actually the devil
of First
Amendment speech protections
air to
another secret sender
poster won't call
anybody's attention
than any central
authority possesses
think we have
Biology together
have also been
commercially successful
the Jewish
Community of Hebron
holds the Fijian
of drawing a
to hold the
community together
they disbelieve in
compulsory protection
conspiracy against us
surely than
contention breeds contention
new characteristics are
decidedly unwelcome
all the
dependencies of Venice
had found no
difficulty whatever
to the
discovery of error
From the
Elizabethan era
it had been
to render them
eminently successful
extinct, and these
enormities corrected
exciting, charismatic, and
enormously successful
was not
entirely aware of
We'll spend
eternity together
who brought
everyone here together
of soldiers talking
excitedly together
its lambs
expresses deep affection
We will
forever be together
the whole
futility of effort
causation or, more
generally, conception
causes global
hostility against us
to be
imprisoned here forever
it is so
incredibly successful
Incredibly Whatever
and data
integrity of headers
I don't love
literally forever
flawed and
maximally unpleasant
the excuse of
minority protection
Has no
morality whatever
violate the
neutrality of Belgium
I wasn't too
personally offended
in pickling solution,
presumably unpleasant
long life and
prosperity forever
prosperity of their cubs
that in no
reality possesses
reality together
I am
seriously unpleasant
sonatas free of errors
to eat
together, sleep together
scalar, is indeed
tremendously successful
that I had
unconsciously neglected
usually the best one
transparent pink
variety of beryl
velocity potential
readily fomented and
violently contested

with 3 extra syllables

abdominal decompression
abdominal decompressions
will possibly issue
contradictory directions
You're being
deliberately unpleasant
etymology unsettled
eventually surrendered
extrasensory perception
and people live
harmoniously together
are not always
success is more
immediately apparent
they must be
immediately surrendered
in sight,
independently of methods
body and bound
indissolubly together
experienced, he's
intelligent, he's successful
all three are
occasionally contested
He's an equal
opportunity offender
high will be
particularly unpleasant
be, but
politically correct love
tired of
politically correct stuff
politically correctness
Solidarity forever
at the
University of Texas
international consultant and
university professor
They'd make fine
university professors

with 5 extra syllables

electrification scheme, the better