exact syllable matches
can stop on a--
That was
a close one
cut off
a corner
Once Upon
a Forest
park, and costs
a fortune
different on
a globe, sir
Hang on
a moment
a norma
dad's not
a phone, duh
I am not
My grandmother was
yes, Sebastian was
a poet
a popa
haven't gone
a short cut
You are not
a soldier
other words, not
a toaster
it rested upon
a tortoise
aboard of
If you cannot
afford one
even that long
ago, but
ahold of
he was not
alone, sir
related misunderstandings, as all-
a-mort from
baroque pearl
baroque pearls
bird chorus
bird courses
blood donor
blood donors
blood horses
blood orange
brush border
brush borders
Buck Owens
Burn Notice
burnt orange
burrow duck
burrow ducks
Chuck Holton
church organ
church organs
club soda
club sodas
Cologne earth
come forward
come over
The car
comes closer
comes over
control nerve
control verb
control verbs
a rock
crush your skull
cup holder
cup holders
cup orchid
cup orchids
cut corners
Davao Gulf
does over
done over
Duns Scotus
Dutch clover
Dutch corner
Dutch corners
Dutch donut
Dutch donuts
Dutch doughnut
Dutch doughnuts
Earl Warren
fer lo bus
in Boston was
first opened
first quarter
first quarters
From chrome, from
From doar, from
From flote, from
from Georgia
bulls, and wasps
from horses
and get pics
from orbit
Far, far
nightmares are far
from over
situated not far
from Pola
From quart, from
From Schnorchel
front loader
front loaders
front porches
fuck over
fucked over
fucks over
fuss over
gut courses
have all
heard so much
hello girl
hello girls
Hello World
Hello Worlds
cannot harm
her own son
man on
her own terms
an arm on
her hand on
her shoulder
his hands on
it fall on
her shoulders
nice job on
her, Norman
Herb Goldberg
hunch over
hung over
ingen orsak
Just for Fun
just won't come
Kurt Warner
Love poem
Love poems
love potion
love potions
love token
love tokens
lush roller
lush rollers
my standards are
much lower
mull over
null modem
null modems
the mark
of Borgia
worm the part
of Cora
require a lot
of focus
have a lot
of homework
in a holocaust
of horror
a lot
of horse dung
not the law
of mortals
under the law
of Moses
of the laws
on the laws
the general laws
of motion
Newton's Third Law
of Motion
watch a lot
of Oprah
broken circuit, loss
of order
The Song
of Roland
of soda
engine on all
of Sodor
The squads
of soldiers
than the laws
of Solon
of sorrel
the rock
of your love
the top
of your lungs
the loss
of your son
of your word
a part
weren't part
of your world
once over
once overs
rock balanced on
one corner
one for luck
one over
one quarter
Pearl Poet
per forza
per ora
per orum
per volta
pur lowen
rub shoulders
ruck rover
ruck rovers
run over
runs over
rush holder
rush holders
scrum poker
search warrant
search warrants
serve notice
slur over
slurred over
slurs over
sper open
Sperm donor
sperm donors
stud horses
stud poker
sub rosa
such or such
sum total
sum totals
surf scoter
surf scoters
a ranch across
are, back across
be shots across
come back across
Red banners across
sponsored from across
the border
the bore worms
The Chosen
The Closer
masa on
the corn husks
play stickball on
the corner
stats of all
the corpses
the doughnuts
which hangs upon
the former
The Forum
The Gorgon
elements on
the home front
What are
the homeless
I've got all
the horses
blood of all
the Howards
The Joker
thought was
the Lord's work
other cops are
the lowest
Oh, that was
there, that was
the moment
accent falls on
the mora
do-hickey that starts
the motor
I shall call
the normals
grounds from across
mountain and crossed
skeletal boardwalk across
take us across
that jumps across
white caps on
the ocean
empire expansion across
the oceans
who worked along
the Oder
The Omen
foully charged on
the order
burial services on
the organ
but at all
the organs
and what was
the poem
ripe,I chanced upon
we lack are
the poets
the porpoise
the quarter
are all off
touched her on
the shoulder
I was on
the sofa
case that alarms
the soldier
The Thorn Birds
could have called
the warden
such instances across
the warfront
address wrong on
the warrant
have swamped
up across
the whole world
The whole world
turn or burn
turn over
turned over
turns over
um por um
Unknown World
ver doble
What goes first
What's so tough
What's your rush
what's your work
won over
word for word
word orders
does not
work for us
work order
work orders
work over
Work those buns
worked over
works over
world order
world orders
World War 1
World War One
with 1 extra syllable
alla norma
alla Norma
alla volta
altar poem
altar poems
altra volta
Arnold Schoenberg
Arthur Koestler
August Dvorak
Austin Grossman
Austral Ocean
autumn crocus
There's lots of
awkward moments
babas au rhum
Balsa Nova
Baltimore club
blanca rota
bottom order
cama doble
Casa Nova
very principle of
causal order
chocolate soldier
chocolate soldiers
a box of
chocolates, Forrest
Clarkson Clothier
heard of a
queer as a
clockwork orange
his novella A
Clockwork Orange
coller au cul
common glow-worm
common glowworms
common glow-worms
common mora
common moras
common scoter
common sorrel
Conder token
Conder tokens
Congress Poland
Conor Oberst
cottage orchard
cottage orchards
his brightest and
darkest moments
show Sara the
darkness, Laurel
Dartford warbler
Dartford warblers
is an awkward mother-
This is a father-
daughter moment
up your daughter's
daughter, Roman
wives, sons, mothers,
daughters, soldiers
just what the
what the
doctor ordered
Doctor's orders
Donald Norman
singing songs of
Donna Noble
fallen over
hoping that the
father's normal
gaga over
garden dormice
garden sorrel
garden warbler
garden warblers
gatta morta
of a
goblet or cup
world was
gonna blow up
People are
gonna notice
guys was
gonna show up
gotten hold of
as I have
gotten older
gotten open
gotten over
my arms have
gotten shorter
Has the Earth
gotten warmer
harbour porpoise
with me an
honest broker
honest brokers
most part from
hostile sources
the path of
karma yoga
Karma yoga
for the luminous
Karma Yoga
Komondor From
with the much
larger homer
monster known as
Lava Golem
lawyer shows up
mama mboga
mana woven
mancha solar
marble orchard
marble orchards
market order
market orders
Enoch Taylor of
Marsden, Yorkshire
Marsha Norman
Martin Borman
Martin Bormann
Martin Lawrence
Models don't burp
the bad
monsters for us
monstrous ogre
an extraordinary and
monstrous order
And remember, the
offer's open
office holder
They're all
office holders
not an
option for her
Oscar Horta
Palma Sola
parlour boarder
parlour boarders
partial order
partial orders
pocket gopher
pocket gophers
pommel horses
proper motion
proper motions
to have the
proper postage
killed by another
proper soldier
Robert Borden
Robert Bordens
Robert Fogel
David Howard and
Robert Gordon
Robert Jordan
Robert Lowell
Robert Moses
Robert Orben
Robert Owen
Robert Rosen
Robin Morgan
rocket motor
rocket motors
Roger Corman
Ronald Cohen
Jean Arthur and
Ronald Colman
salsa rosa
salsas rosas
scala mobile
Scala Nuova
Shawna Vogel
with the much
smaller omer
kind of a
solemn moment
marriage ceremonies are
solemn, sober
them as a
solid opus
solid torus
Homer, the
sovereign poet
starter motor
starter motors
Thomas Coburn
Thomas Cohen
Thomas Morton
We want
Thomas or Duck
settlers William and
Thomas Towson
Thomas Warton
topple over
Waltham Forest
watches over
water boa
counters and the
water boarders
water boas
water boatman
water horses
water locust
water locusts
water motor
water motors
this bog
water or what
water organ
water organs
Water Orton
didn't solve a
water shortage
water soldier
water soldiers
horror of the
water torture
with 2 extra syllables
that corporate
apartment for months
grasshopper warbler
grasshopper warblers
divided into karma-yoga and
Natalia Nordman
Jeanette Dunwoody from
Valdosta, Georgia
with 3 extra syllables
anaconda mortgage