exact syllable matches

6 August
beard mosses
been darkmans
passages has not
been offered
How ya
been, Walter
beer bottle
beer bottles
beer garden
beer gardens
beer goggles
beer parlor
beer parlors
beer parlour
beer parlours
Bere Alston
He's far
beyond us
big boxes
big mama
big mamas
big momma
big mommas
Big pharma
I got
know they've got
We've got
big problems
bilge water
Bill Rodgers
Bill Thompson
Bill Walton
binge watches
bitch goddess
Bliss Carman
chin omelettes
on your mom's
chin, Martin
Chris Carter
Chris Martin
Chris Walla
click farmer
click farmers
deer stalker
deer stalkers
dill water
dip locker
dish washer
dish washers
drill sergeant
drill sergeants
drink problem
drink problems
Ettrick Water
fear falsa
fifth column
fifth columns
Fifth Doctor
filled pauses
fish sauces
and the Lady Maude
Fritz von Uhde
Gin Blossoms
Gin Tama
ging onder
ginge onder
hill partridge
Please, Ofelia, call
him father
I called
him Father
general, I saw
him often
blonde hairs on
his collar
his conduct
temptations if not
to work on
his conscience
and he's got
and she was
in his arms,
yours be called
his daughter
It was
his dollar
behind him was
I'm not
his father
actually fought was
his Heartless
His Honor
I'm not
his mama
These are
his marbles
went, I saw
his marker
Blake, based on
Bradbury, based on
King, based on
Matheson, based on
Patrick, based on
Smith, based on
his novel
him up on
his offer
it is not
What was
his problem
can always solve
grasp of all
his problems
go back on
Marx, delivered on
his promise
Martin Luther are
His prophets
his rocker
flops and forgot
his wallet
Nuts, I forgot
his water
Maker and all
His Water
for it was
in autumn
as they are
on the Esplanade
in Boston
in charge of
- in my walk-
in closet
benefit of all
got a lot
had a lot
have a lot
in common
its organs are
in concert
led to gridlock
media and not
wonder what's wrong
in Congress
that I've walked
will be caught
in darkness
of the walled
in garden
in harness
palm, a monocot,
in Java
we have lost
in knowledge
He was
in lockup
Clinton was
do not belong
in prison, not
when he was
while he was
in office
I walked
in on her
he walked
somebody walks
in on us
in pocket
in proper
in topless
a rocking log
acid when dissolved
breathe oxygen dissolved
my fucking balls
to be dissolved
in water
ink bottle
ink bottles
is all love
This cot
is awesome
think Diana Ross
is awful
assume that all
is darkness
His Roman counterpart
is Faunus
under law
is hard work
is harmless
but our heart
is larger
The Rock
is not done
about so far
is soccer
His Roman counterpart
is Somnus
difficulty, the bond
the human heart
is stronger
then we call
It Brahman
outweighs the harm
it causes
it luck, call
it karma
should not call
it knowledge
Or was
it monsters
-- was
it not thus
it not, sir
how I got
it started
healthier, he calls
it tartar
here thought
I thought
it was drugs
I thought
it was fun
for all
was all
it was worth
best work, was
it, doctor
it, Walker
It's all burned
the sacrifices on
its altar
but was not
I am not
wont to befall
its author
It's called fun
It's called work
and reflection on
its causes
to carry on
its commerce
any effect upon
my child lost
its father
goes wrong,
it's on us
completely resolves all
its problems
Jill Johnston
Jim Rogers
kick started
Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong-un
King Arthur
King Cotton
Kit Carson
kit foxes
knit yoghurt
limb darkened
Lin Carter
lint doctor
lint doctors
lip homage
list boxes
Lynn Compton
Mc Donald
a wisdom beyond
mere knowledge
milk bottle
milk bottles
milk chocolate
milk chocolates
mint sauces
niche market
niche markets
Nick Bostrom
Phil Collen
Phil Hartman
Pierce Brosnan
pig farmer
pig farmers
Pik Botha
pill popper
pink boxes
pink dollar
pink water
piss artist
piss bottle
piss bottles
piss water
pitch darkness
pitched market
pitched markets
little heart
prints on 'em
quick water
rig doctor
rig doctors
Ring Lardner
rip boxes
script doctor
script doctors
ain't got
shit on us
shrift father
shrift fathers
that's not
sink water
Sinks Foster
Sixth Doctor
That was
SKILL, not luck
skip bomber
skip bombers
spear closet
spear closets
spin doctor
spin doctored
spin doctors
spit boxes
spring constant
spring constants
Spring Garden
spring rocker
spring rockers
spring water
spring waters
But he was
still cautious
while I was
still conscious
she was
still locked up
still water
still waters
string hoppers
Put it on
thick, Watson
that all
which all
things are one
Things got worse
the cork on
this bottle
burning in all
that after all
this darkness
tell ya,
this job sucks
Think of all
was based upon
this knowledge
never lied on
term limit on
this office
do not want
this option
This part sucks
has he solved
I've got
President cannot solve
recognized and solved
to bear on
would have solved
you must solve
this problem
make me stop
this trauma
really thought
this was love
this was trust
tick boxes
til baka
Tim Johnson
Where was
Tim Martin
tin knocker
tin knockers
Will Carleton
a hit dog
will holler
doing God's
will on earth
Will Potter
Will Rogers
wing collar
wing collars
wing sauces
witch bottle
witch bottles
witch doctors
benzene tree thronged
with blossoms
of seeing God
with darkness
I get involved
with doctors
time I was
with Marshall
play strip kickball
with models
Humans don't belong
with monsters
Colombian coffee shop
with Paula
Just not
with Robert
the world along
with Rodman
to stay along
with Sgt
wrist watches
writ larger
writ largest

with 1 extra syllable

arctic foxes
that independent
artists sought were
Arvind Sharma
fucking Jane fucking
Austen novel
and marry the
hands off the
kids is my
She's the
boss's daughter
many Buddhist and
Brahmin scholars
sweet voice is
calling yonder
calming thoughts, uh
and are constantly
seems applicable without
causing problems
she looks at
Charles's model
coffin dodger
coffin dodgers
rate your community
college offers
Fellow of Merton
Fellow of Wolfson
Master of Balliol
of Corpus Christi
College, Oxford
Collins Foster
Mexicans costumes from
Stewart's rhino and
comic opera
end of our
conflict, Doctor
conscript father
conscript fathers
A recently
coppiced alder
all kinds of
cosmic problems
darknet market
darknet markets
Dodge's father
falling blossoms
peace with the
Farthing foxes
Perhaps from or
Gaulish cala
goblin bobbin
my dad's old
golfing partner
Gothic arches
Frankenstein or a
gothic novel
halting problem
halting problems
the Royal
Harwich Yacht Club
jogging bottoms
logic chopper
logic choppers
Martyn Parker
Martyn Robert
Boardwalk, Park Place,
The King of
Marvin Gardens
onyx marble
onyx marbles
Polish Jarosz
From Old
Polish osuch
Polish proverbs
but I like
Polish sausage
prefer Russian or
Polish vodka
ponced past a
poncing parlour
Roderick Sawyer
lye in the
scalding water
protection rackets against
Scottish farmers
promoted by the
Scottish Office
Scottish proverbs
good at, it's
I believe in
more valuable than
of rationality in
the process of
the work in
undervalued method of
you should stop
solving problems
sparkling water
sparkling waters
I was a
starving artist
time, since we're
swapping proverbs
Talking Bollocks
tonic water
tonic waters
vaulting boxes
walking carpet
walking carpets
Wallis product
All he
All she
wanted was love
washing bottle
washing bottles
I was just
watching Starla
Frances Ellen
Watkins Harper

with 2 extra syllables

graces of the
accomplished harlot
of able and
accomplished lawyers
home of his
adoptive father
adoptive fathers
any color but
Appalling Lobster
A pre-
atomic model
by my dear
departed father
deposit boxes
exotic baryons
represented by an
hydraulic model
ionic product
ionic products
deeply involved in anti-
islamic causes
necessary consequence of
Islamic doctrine
Islamic scholar
of trade and
Islamic scholars
and hardly a
Platonic doctrine
the pythagorean and
platonic doctrines
Platonic solid
of the so-called
one of the
to construct the
Platonic solids
symbolic constant
his imaginative miniature
symbolic dramas
men have acquired
symbolic knowledge
Christians, after the
synoptic gospels
study of the
Synoptic Gospels
syntonic comma
syntonic commas
uncharted water
the sea, into
uncharted waters
unwanted problems

with 3 extra syllables

wrath of their
cookieholic father
corresponding author
corresponding authors
fundamental political and socio-
economic doctrines
The Frontiers of
Economic Knowledge
can still withstand
economy imposes large
economic losses
natural evolution and
economic markets
Economic model
the only viable
economic models
Economic models
only political and
economic option
angle of the
juridical, not an
This is an
up with the
economic problem
shall call the
Economic Problem
solvent of all
economic problems
progress translates into
economic profit
electronic cottage
Not an
electronic sausage
parabolic comet
periodic comet
periodic comets
deal to benefit
philanthropic causes

with 4 extra syllables

nonperiodic comet

with 5 extra syllables

Macroeconomic model
Macroeconomic models