exact syllable matches

hand, which will
- boom
What have
been its fruits
That's it, I've
been renewed
How things
who have
been with you
is a very
big issue
I can keep
billing you
of a
bitch in two
Obedient little
bitches too
Ireland is against
owes everything to
waging revolution against
British rule
processed foods in
British schools
the responsibility
built in too
it plays by
business' rules
dear Midge Smoot
did it, you
why you
did this to
what I
did with you
I didn't
dismiss you
have a
drink with you
He's been
drinking, too
then democracy can
exist too
like to
fill his boots
You couldn't
fill his shoes
I am
filled with you
My blade will
finish you
Names its
finish, too
to cram a
fist into
to their
gear, did you
think I'd
who you
give it to
Tell me who's
giving you
a damn
grip, will you
it cost
him dear too
learn about
him in schools
you pinned
him in two
him kill you
I left
You brought
him with you
cry like
him, will you
make our issues
his issues
keep him from
hitting you
believe you
if it's true
by the method
issue that is
protection is sometimes
in dispute
God believes
in him, too
Locked him
of condoms
in his room
Pythagoras, originated
up fences
in his school
the one
in his tooth
he has
in his view
taught him
in his youth
has blur
in it too
a cart
in its groove
to us
in its truth
of mercury
in its tube
most economical
in its use
dreams engender
in this pool
actually sitting
all be
anyone here
darkness lurk
every man
everyone else's
everyone not
guy's ass
right now
taught me
the conversation
the evidence
to sleep
in this room
an issue
in this school
of truth
tragedy helped
in this view
get itself
in with you
got the killer
instinct, too
the doctors say
is disproved
The witness
is excused
The guy
is fish food
their language
is ill used
imagination, peace
life that
Yet He
is in you
her soul,
is it true
is it you
is its room
wanna do
is kiss you
yet it
is still true
this child
is still you
nor indeed
is this true
and the soul
is Vishnu
His mask
is weird too
combat falsehoods
is with truth
So it
is with truths
the real
is with you
is, if you'll
learned about
We're reading
it in school
to suffer
it in too
to have
it in tune
I stick
you had
it in you
sincerity where
it is due
simply because
it is new
it is sooth
and yet
assure you
chances are
execrable conduct,
glad that
I think
None of
to believe
it is true
what key
it is tuned
in how
it is used
But perhaps
cannot believe
it is you
for what
terrible burden
it is, too
kills you,
much of
it kills you
don't want
it near schools
against marijuana,
it will lose
about had
are in
couldn't share
go through
gonna make
laugh about
not spending
should meet
to share
to spend
what is
would share
it with you
didn't do
didn't take
it, did you
I mean
it, it's ooh
up about
it, will you
the dangers of
its misuse
hope that
it's with you
who am I
kidding you
And it
killed him, too
People are
killing MOOSE
as I enjoyed
exciting ways of
He's talking about
the bread that's
to kill is
white bread that's
killing you
dead, your
king is through
peace with a
kissing booth
know the
list is huge
lives in you
wounded, all our
lives reduced
Becker, you're its
living proof
alight in the
back in the
centerpiece in their
cock in the
good in a
gotta scour the
him in the
in their own
into Invisible Boy's
raft in the
riding in his
There's the
thing in my
this in the
living room
so many American
living rooms
will become your
living tomb
hell for the
living too
of fresh and
living truth
Oh yes, keep
living, too
be alone in the
know that he
misses you
of you that's
missing too
theater will be
theatre will be
missing you
temptation to
quit is huge
light of a
sincere mood
always liked his
singing, too
sinks with you
come and
sit in you
walls of an ordinary
He was
skipping school
and they're all
sniffing glue
attack, as infernal
spirits do
could conjure Summon
Spirits too
perseverance to
stick it through
and it
sticks with you
that I'm
still in school
it is
still with you
could see his
right around their
to see a
very large indoor
we have a
swimming pool
share certain
things with you
care of
things, will you
which I
think is rude
what I
think is true
think it moved
time to
Way to
think it through
Think it through
don't really
think it's true
and I
think it's you
what I
think kills you
thinking, too
talk about
this in school
I know
this is huge
haunted, and
this is proof
affirm that
all know
both know
contrary of
I know
I'm sure
know that
this is true
me, and
this is you
a snob on
a story to
and courage on
for action on
getting rid of
give up on
logocentrism hinges on
outthought itself on
questions raised by
really helped clarify
sectional division on
to deal with
train educators on
weigh in on
worry about solving
this issue
fucked in
light on
this thing, too
Tick Tick Boom
didn't just
trip, did you
for that
which is true
ground from
which it grew
the future
this sight
will bring you
suffering and confusion
the chaos that
will ensue
someone he
will give you
line, I
will hit you
will kick you
again it
endgame, I
or I
or they
swear I
then, I
us, we
way, I
you, I
your cats
will kill you
First World War
will resume
think it
will thrill you
But you're
willing to
is knit
with his doom
the rear
with his lute
also finished
with his youth
I live
with it too
trust ourselves
with it, too
all wet
with its juice
either way
with this crew
his wedding
with this news
politicians agree
with this view
and admire, is
asleep, peace is
assignment is immediately
because it is
because it lies
Because it's
feel the conflict
felt that happiness
I can't live
of God is
prepared to release
spirit which struggles
state will remain
the dream is
The Force is
the images imprisoned
the Knowledge is
within you
in that
year in school

with 1 extra syllable

and things you're
addicted to
And I
admit it, too
exactly so much
aging tissue
thought you were
beginning to
on Earth
real improvement
begins with you
Nor of
being reduced
Normal service is
being resumed
blessing of
think about
being with you
things that were
burning issues
dream are you
buying into
hell are you
changing into
resort he'll be
checking into
The no
cloning issue
Collins resumed
I'll be
comin' with you
but I'm
coming with you
saw this
coming, did you
only thing you're
philosophy of imperfection,
What am I
committed to
conflict with you
consists in Truth
bring Mr
Darling with you
South is
doing it too
Trevor was
eating chips, too
cake and
eating it too
I've never
even hit you
I'll get
even with you
take your
feelings with you
I knew the
finishing move
a french maids
finishing school
was always
flirting with you
and your
forces will lose
to join
forces with YOU
forces withdrew
to thank for
forgiving you
I'm gonna
fucking kill you
am not
That's pride
fucking with you
sack of
garbage with you
know what you're
what they were
getting into
morning on
hearing this news
and lead to self-
inflicted wounds
know what we're
jumping into
I was
kidding with you
They're not
you I'm
laughing with you
we were
laughing WITH you
am never
leaving this room
might be worth
looking into
I'm done
lying with you
like our
marriage is doomed
The law
messes with you
am not
I'm just
messing with you
is true,
true, then
nothing is true
I mean
nothing with you
miracle anyone even
No one
notices you
don't notice them
noticing you
Y'know, like,
playin' it cool
think I'm
playin' with you
to Intelligence
playing it cool
favor of the
only to a
privileged few
and for a
privileged group
in the negatively
privileged groups
always such a
public issue
Landon Lectures on
Public Issues
Hope, Knopf Doubleday
Publishing Group
Publishing Group,
what we're
reading is true
condemned to
relive it too
himself a
sandwich, did you
that you're
we are
saying is true
saying it's cool
and has no anti-
Semitic roots
all be
showing it, too
balls are
shrinking with you
something chicks do
all got
something in you
I discuss
something with you
Starting with you
There's no
stopping this fool
swinging with you
the Almighty
Tallest killed you
go this
teaching is true
That really is
terrific news
something without
thinking it through
not really
thinking things through
that means you
turning into
muscular effort of
unthinking brutes
visit him soon
way he
when she
wanted it to
girl I
wanted, in school
we've stopped
watching it too
But stop
whining, will you
an honor
forward to
the editor's
to be
working with you

with 2 extra syllables

believe they're fully
accredited too
am well
acquainted with you
planning to make
anything improve
think that
anything will do
supposed to be
babysitting you
fault for
believing in you
what he was
blundering into
thinking and
coloring is too
You won't
disappear, will you
They have
disrupted this school
praises you, and
Your mother
encourages you
I was only
encouraging you
how they
engineer this food
who assumes
everything is true
kindled be
extinguished with you
they were
following it through
our lives
forgetting this truth
the old
gentlemen, will you
We were
guffawing with you
improving it, too
You are an
interfering fool
likely the
often the
that the
the very
opposite is true
to such a
pessimistic view
empiricism inclines to
pluralistic views
frauds of the
realistic school
your statement represents
scientific truth
free teaching of
scientific truths
these important and
sensitive issues
sometimes useful in
settling disputes
bring up a
specific issue
in terms of
specific issues
stuttering prick, you
attention from the
substantive issues

with 3 extra syllables

which the
awakening is rude
be very
I'm so
I'm very
so very
think, I'm
disappointed in you
am extremely
disappointed with you
safe and
economic in use
a lot of
the impact of
to worry about
economic issues
Idealistic youth
interested in two
I'm not
is not
interested in you
is the Darwinian
naturalistic view
place with this
psychedelic issue
principles, our
relationship is doomed
in a
relationship with you

with 4 extra syllables

argumentative Hindu
things for his
imperialistic views