exact syllable matches
until now has
been fruitless
might have
been too much
have not
been used up
fascism become a
big movement
to be a
bit stupid
Presley can
stuff to
cheer you up
fate becomes
clear to her
to make
clear to us
of a
dick to 'em
they then
did to us
did you first
if you will
excuse us
You are
filled too much
is nature's
remarkably, their
gift to us
he wouldn't
I can
give you one
of life
gives to us
be now
hid to us
and handed
him to her
I miss
him too, but
him, Junior
the adult and
his cruiser
sees Blair as
his poodle
hated him for
his rudeness
Feynman recommends to
his students
a member of
his unit
of religion,
if you loved
hand, wail
if you must
even pleasure in
ill usage
Nothing really
improves us
all the farms
held as slaves
missiles and sites
people that are
surrendering our position
the same thing
in Cuba
ever admitting consolation
many astounding events
Please avoid it
in future
for scientific study
in humans
on the back
in jewels
York, a summons-server
in Newark
noble and godlike
in ruin
crumbles and falls
in ruins
blown backward
in to the
find it one
in union
No, we're riding
in, Susan
that wine turns
into blood
samples have crumbled
into dust
very well translated
into Dutch
those metal motherfuckers
into junk
have them transcribed
man, all blended
into one
age, difficulties run
peace is taken
into us
harder to put
not, be put
you put mysteries
into words
as humanitarian which
of that which
the other what
is brutal
all sentimentalists he
is cruel
is fluid
they really mean
is fuel
of the brain,
is futile
Bishops, and Presbyters,
Every leader
necessity whereof neither
is human
automaton and society
how well it
is ruined
smart as he
is ruthless
at the atrocities
believing that it
The duel
themselves to be
is stupid
is, and
knows what
war that
is to come
the sin
is to us
One enemy
the price
is too much
why this cup
is useful
harmful, the skeptic
in life, Dada
me, my rifle
strength without self-confidence
is useless
Volume Seven,
Issue One
nose scents and
it chooses
spark and give
it fuel
Or was
it stupid
can find
it through love
I give
it to her
and handed
it to Love
just do
someone shows
would do
it to us
can't get
it to work
intangible that makes
vessel that makes
it useful
and Where is
it Useful
Enlightenment thinking at
its crudest
eternal optimism for
occurrences which influence
its future
people he has
its humour
not slander if
it's proven
it's stupid
once, and
it's too much
the curbing of
its tumults
do doesn't mean
it's useless
Adversity must have
its uses
I've done, the
lives ruined
What a marvellous,
misused word
and in the
battles of the
do in the
in the very
near future
radio, I
That should
pick you up
way to reprogram the
the State Department
since Truman
singing movement
still to come
warning of
things to come
but two
things to learn
kinds of
things you learned
'cause I
think you suck
This cruise sucks
a remedy to
this nuisance
I didn't see
this sooner
them do
this to us
don't want
this to work
my next
trip to Earth
time in
which to learn
this, I
wish you love
can be done
with fewer
be in school
with mutants
their wealth
with poor ones
to answer rudeness
with rudeness
by the
dividends for
in the
many, many
name in
popularity in
very many
you for
you in
years to come
with 1 extra syllable
constitution, for
way for
ages to come
Alice Cooper
sorrow, my peace
amid tumult
would be
asking too much
around for a
barbecue once
The demons
begin to stir
begins to learn
and feeling is
being human
I was
being stupid
are weary of
being useful
the Bible of
Cambridge students
saw you
comin', you fuck
that is
coming to birth
are you
doing to us
reason for its
ending sooner
learnt it from
English rulers
for one that's
even newer
And maybe
even sooner
One cannot
forgive too much
all, we're not
people are really
we're not that
fucking stupid
Miss Burton
getting through the
transformation is
going to come
going to learn
ball is
going to the
and even
It's never
it's not
just not
just quit
story was
going to work
you been
lying to us
would have
nothing to learn
in future,
nothing to us
she was a
nursing student
far cuddlier than
oafish humans
thermodynamics in
physics to serve
if he
punches you first
I'm not
putting you first
You aren't
running Eunice
it if it's
that would imply
something human
forget and say
something stupid
could have done
desire to do
something useful
Starship Troopers
me finish
talking to Church
Am I
talking too much
me into
trusting you first
wanted to come
northern man who
wanted Union
snow-stars comes
whirling to earth
they are
willing to trust
President, we're
winning too much
with 2 extra syllables
see fit, but
accomplish, human
beings is
accomplished through love
appear admirably
adapted to the
Adjusted to what
force in the
anarchist movement
Higgs boson for
anything useful
bell of an
approaching looter
to seem
attractive to her
earth rising and
becoming human
begun by
believing too much
here and
confessing to stuff
I have
decided to love
Dolores to lunch
They own the
embalming fluids
the ephemerality of
everything human
Everything you've done
do appear
excessive to us
maybe I'm
expecting too much
think I'm this
gigantic loser
in the Western
Hemisphere, Cuba
can be the
historic future
have no
incentive to work
was considered
insulting to her
gain was
intended to serve
open with blunt
ironic humor
style and sly,
ironic humour
Junius Brutus
those damn
killswitches to work
right before
proposing to her
have always
resorted to guns
how people
responded to her
novel and the
Romantic movement
revival of the
socialist movement
he saw as
threatening Union
in favor of
torturing humans
hosted foreign Ambassadors
visiting Houston
people who
volunteer to serve
with 3 extra syllables
But an
awakening to what
terrifying to us
with 4 extra syllables
sometimes become
misattributed to her