exact syllable matches

5 March
9 March
ai pos
ai yah
bi quan
bike box
bike lock
bile salt
bile salts
bite off
bites off
blies op
blind spot
blind spots
bright spark
bright sparks
buy off
buys off
parts are dot
by dot
the rock drop
by drop
by far
avoid the law
by fraud
they are caused
by God
know the charts
number of songs
by heart
a motion part
by part
is acted upon
love but not
by thought
cried off
cries off
cry off
cry on
dai bach
dice box
Die Hard
die off
died off
dies non
dies off
dimes on
dries off
drive off
drive offs
drives off
dry bob
dry bobs
dry cough
dry coughs
dry dock
dry docks
dry fog
dry fogs
dry off
dry pot
dry pots
dry rot
dry wall
dry walls
dry wash
ein paar
eis op
eye chart
eye charts
eye drop
eye drops
eye lock
eye locks
feist dog
fi fa
fice dog
fie on
fight off
fight song
fight songs
file card
file cards
file off
find fault
finds fault
fine art
Fine Arts
Five Alls
fly ball
fly balls
fly bomb
fly bombs
fly box
fly off
fly rod
fly rods
fry sauce
guide dog
guide dogs
guide star
guide stars
Guy Fawkes
hi ha
high bar
high bars
high card
high crawl
high cross
hind claw
hive off
hived off
hives off
Hyde Park
i alt
- that's all
and that's all
now, that's all
That's all
I got
I thought
I saw
to the art,
I thought
guess that's all
guns, that's all
information, that's all
That's all
the walls all
want, I want,
I want
How wrong
know, how wrongs
mulish and tall
my, how wrong
nor how wrong
see how strong
I was
ice blonde
ice blondes
ice box
ice cross
ice drop
ice fog
ice fogs
ice pop
ice pops
ice spar
Often called
ice tongs
ice yacht
ice yachts
I'll talk,
I'll talk
Well thank God
I'm not
That's all
two are all
I've got
knife block
knife blocks
lie off
life car
life cars
life cot
life cots
Life Guards
life long
light ball
light balls
light bob
light bobs
light box
light clock
light clocks
They're a lot
like hearts
into his normal fox-
like trot
line art
line bra
line card
line cards
line conch
line haul
line hauls
line lock
line locks
line plot
line plots
live blog
live blogged
live blogs
live box
live drop
live drops
live large
rule does not
that you cannot
live long
live off
gone, the aftershocks
live on
Mike Scott
mike sock
mike socks
Mike Watt
mite box
arm, my arm,
I forgot
this number on
my arm
raised up on
their blood on
my arms
my arse
them up on
my blog
a bug on
side mirror on
That's not
the tires on
my car
put that on
my card
His back upon
my cause
I've got
my claws
was fixed upon
my clock
went and shot
you experiment on
my dog
her I forgot
my doll
labels on all
my dolls
accident was all
Is that not
it was all
It was not
it, that's not
mess was all
night was not
Okay, that was
something that was
That was
that was all
That was not
That's not
think that was
This was all
This was not
my fault
spite of all
my faults
the people are
my god
I've got
my God
my gosh
I dropped
my guard
but not
ever stolen was
hurt but not
I have lost
Lord and cross
weighs heavily upon
my heart
so much on
That was
That's not
the foreman on
my job
last dump on
of equipment on
that camera on
my lawn
warp jump on
my mark
completely reliant on
That was
my mom
An error on
and not on
any effort on
bad investment on
friendly gesture on
gross overestimation on
much effort on
much expression on
No effort on
pure indulgence on
Sheer self-preservation on
specific desire on
voluntary act on
were genuine on
my part
but a pawn-
my pawn
my shot
Spot, liver spot,
MY spot
open spot on
my squad
broke in upon
have thrived on
Her thoughts,
my thoughts
my wad
is mounted on
of her on
pink tank on
my wall
the spiders off
my walls
chief, not on
gonna happen on
light reflected off
lose one on
Not on
Terran Dominion on
that was on
my watch
night cart
night carts
night hawk
night hawks
eat 'em all
hard and all
in out all
it up all
like that all
long and all
of Zelda all
staying naked all
that path all
with her all
night long
night moth
night moths
night shop
night start
night starts
Night Watch
nine ball
pi bond
pi bonds
pi font
pie cart
pie carts
pie chart
pie charts
pile on
pile ons
piled on
piles on
pine box
pine tar
pine tars
pint pot
pint pots
pipe bomb
pipe bombs
pipe off
pipe tong
pipe tongs
prime cost
prize draw
earlier emotion was
quite gone
his work was
quite small
women that are
quite strong
rhyme off
rice ball
rice balls
rice car
rice cars
rice malt
rice malts
ride off
right cross
It'll wash
right off
Nader was
right on
flight performance was
right smart
rind gall
rind galls
side arm
side pot
side pots
side shot
side shots
side wall
side walls
have a dark
side, Clark
sign off
sign offs
sign on
sign ons
signed off
signed on
signs off
signs on
sine law
skier cross
skive off
sky ball
sky balls
slice bar
slice bars
slide off
slides off
slime ball
slime balls
sly fox
spice drop
spice drops
spike moss
Spy Hard
spy hop
spy hopped
spy hops
spy on
strike off
tai bach
Tai Long
thai bach
tide lock
tide locks
tie off
tie rod
tie rods
tight spot
tight spots
tile saw
tile saws
time ball
time balls
time bomb
time bombs
time box
time clock
time clocks
get a part
to find a part-
time job
including their first part-
time jobs
time lock
time locks
time off
time on
time slot
time slots
Time Squad
time was
live a long
time, Ron
tithe barn
tried on
tries on
trite law
trite laws
try cock
try cocks
try on
try pot
try pots
Ty Cobb
Tyne Dock
type bar
type bars
What's the nearest sol-
type star
vice squad
vice squads
white ball
white carbs
white crop
white crops
White Dawg
white fox
White Hmong
white hog
white hogs
white hot
white rot
white salt
white sauce
white sharks
white slaw
White Sox
white spot
white spots
white squall
white squalls
White Wall
but after all,
Hah hah,
why not
wide shot
wide shots
Wild ARMs
wild card
wild cards
Wild Hogs
wind farm
wind farms
wind harp
wind harps
wind off
wind op
wind sock
wind socks
wine bar
of little shops,
wine bars
wine moth
wine moths
wine palm
wine palms
wine shop
wine shops
wine vault
wine vaults
wipe off
write off
y ar
glas bach
y wal

with 1 extra syllable

Albright knot
Albright knots
to feed Lieutenant
Hawkeye's dog
do for a
Klondike bar
com, an
online blog

with 2 extra syllables

Apartheid Wall
peroxide blonde
peroxide blondes