exact syllable matches

he seemed to
be after
all will
be as one
so gladly
be at work
things and we'd
be baffled
all wanted to
be bankers
we gotta
we've gotta
be black first
The Infinite cannot
be blasphemed
and Christmas will
be cancelled
and conclusions may
be challenged
controlled, and not
be damaged
being trained to
be dancers
long run
be dragged up
a Key may
be fastened
guess I should
You should
be flattered
Him you will
be gathered
a pardon should
for you will
man asks shall
be granted
as may
be grasped thus
war will already
be half-won
that they can
be handled
of language cannot
be mastered
men fit to
be masters
ceiling that can't
be shattered
going to
be smashed up
Full of
beans and spunk
voices of
beasts and birds
it sounds
bleak at first
Out, out,
brief candle
mother has
done,She has done
osmosis of
dreams and love
necessary to make
each chapter
the jungle and
field battle
Devouring the
green azures
get what
he can earn
and what
he had done
a sermon
he had heard
He said
he had work
for indeed
he has none
I bet
you, if
he has one
with whom
he has worked
winds blow as
he passes
burdens under which
he staggers
road over which
he traveled
it, triumphantly, wherever
he travels
up your
heels and fuck
and they'll be
here after
out of
here at once
What's going on
here, Cabot
don't know what
he's after
of cereal and
he's hammered
I bet
he's handsome
That's a
key fragment
you at
least that much
Prepare to
leave at once
to work with
Lee Strasberg
put on
me and stuck
doesn't strike
have left
me as one
me at once
to call
me at work
was hard for
me handle
Listen to
me Hatcher
for needing
you hate
me that much
Roland taught
me that one
authority to have
me transferred
cannabis has helped
me traverse
'til you love
me, faggot
Speak sweetly to
me, handsome
if you'll excuse
me, Master
the mind
meet and merge
happen to
meet at church
meet Ratchet
up in a
neat package
Mayor James
please stand up
us who've seen
real action
anything so
real as words
get to do
real damage
I'm a
real dragon
she has a
real talent
like to
scream at us
absorbed in the
screen action
the situation of that
troops will never
see battle
they could
see, and touch
Don't you
see, Gracchus
what he
seemed at first
we have
seen and heard
and so
seen as one
seen that one
but what's
she after
she couldn't,
she had none
from which
she has come
a travelogue on
Sri Lanka
Steve Allen
Steve Ballmer
can remember incredible
street battles
tea baggers
house as a strip-
tease dancer
as ears,
teeth, and skulls
kill thee,And love
thee after
see both
these at once
lose some of
out and re-fight
these battles
grows in all
these branches
these matches
be sentimental in
experience in
newspaper man about
of feeling on
of leadership in
really interested in
right direction in
with Herder in
these matters
midnight is worth
three after
of the preceding
three albums
possibly all
three at once
not separate the
three factors
And that in
three manner
only maps
we can trust
no sovereignty where
we gather
much that
we had done
I believe
we have come
do as
of what
world what
we have done
Where shall
we have lunch
In short,
we have won
a doctor, but
we manage
war till
we packed up
and I've got the
Thomas Jefferson the
week after

with 1 extra syllable

most Tin Pan
Alley ballads
they be
angry at us
wounded, and
angry, and hurt
book of poems
Annie Allen
the sense of
any action
I don't have
any answers
can conceive beyond
any canon
we can't take
any chances
there weren't even
any chapters
your own at
any hazard
do programming in
important words in
Not in
ominous word in
way to learn
any language
will not serve
any master
no longer have
any sanctions
responsibility for the
army's actions
with the
baby than us
worthy of
belief and love
hooligan steal your make-
believe ladder
beds, and sleep
between blankets
Between Planets
and break your
bloody ankle
of the female
body, Captain
made and most
booty captured
ceiling of the
chantry chapel
the pictures of
Charlie Chaplin
like in a
Chinese famine
bunch of Kansas
City faggots
the lyrics of inner-
city rappers
womb is my
city, Babel
commie bastards
Covenants Not to
Compete, Aspen
is not a
complete answer
was just the
complete package
It was a
crazy battle
crazy Hammers
He's completely
crazy that one
skinny feet and
creepy antlers
But, it's
on for the
reporter at the
two on the
Daily Planet
there came a
deadly laughter
closet of the
deceased caliph
dead Captain's old
donkey jacket
I pledged no
easy answers
development as
easy as one
been takin' the
easy matches
have been an
easy matter
and drink from
empty glasses
going to walk in
not send them away
question, I would stand
visited by
Extreme Bad Luck
percentage, he's one
fishy bastard
gimme that stuff
Gracie Allen
everyone feel
guilty and judged
thunder was like
happy laughter
hardly mattered
hardly matters
Buster Keaton and
Harry Langdon
Henry Adams
not try to
hurry matters
is apparently an
ideal answer
Her name was
to love for
Irene Adler
assigned me to
Jaime's dancers
Jesse Jackson
really excited for
Jimmy Fallon
mouth of the
jolly jackal
Kofi Annan
spending has been
largely absent
largely has worked
wearing the name
Larry Talman
minds about the
Loathly Damsel
undercover as the
lovely Shannon
simple, simultaneously
many and one
many banquets
had one too
many crackers
and not after
many fashions
many madmen
two sexes of
many mammals
Maurice Ravel
maybe half-one
The Endless are
merely patterns
monkeys with
money and guns
try is fractal or
and full of
obscene malice
love is the
only answer
our fires are
only calcined
will be the
only language
one dream, My
only master
Kid's not the
only tracker
to the
party at once
and its Communist
Party mattered
These are
party matters
met by repressive
police action
gun down a
police captain
He was
pretty hammered
me to be
pretty rapid
of the world's
protein ladder
acid language into
protein language
get all
pruny and stuff
runs were not
purely random
father of John
having been John
mother of John
Quincy Adams
miles must
really add up
think I
really had one
that didn't
really happen
aught as it
explain what has
tell me what
tell you what
the Holocaust had
really happened
but does it
his historical antecedents
It doesn't
lose, does it
Taking classes didn't
the things that
really matter
the thing that
really mattered
a life that
really matters
There are
really patterns
Reviewers were,
rightly, dazzled
with a twenty-foot
rusty halberd
of an occupational
safety hazard
as much as
Sandy Plankton
in with your
shiny apples
in the eye
shortly after
sense into the
silly bastard
Made this flick
Sixteen Candles
sorry, blanket
chamber or a
stately mansion
by the
story and her
shown in the
studied action
of my
study and love
horse, pulling a
sturdy wagon
die in a
timely manner
no more than
TV actors
a group of
twenty samples
suspended in a
unique language
Central Asia, were
very backward
they are so
very fragile
to the
very last word
be enormous and
very rapid
incredibly famous and
wealthy actress
manipulated mainly by
wealthy bankers
feeling sympathy for
Janet Reno tear-gas
Woody Allen
up against a
woolly mammoth
and loss in
worldly matters
orders from their
Yankee master
breakfast was
yummy as vell
away your cotton
zippy jacket
all those
zombies at work

with 2 extra syllables

the Eisenhower Library,
Abilene, Kansas
already cancelled
land, they
already had lungs
and Pete
already had one
details of what
that this has
Why, it has
already happened
which you have
already mastered
It tastes like
battery acid
of the most
bloodthirsty bandits
That's just once-in-a-
century talent
a great while,
chemistry happens
we should encourage
contrary habits
am, I hope,
devoutly thankful
They drink
differently than us
assert our
his eternal
legacy of
dignity and worth
'Cause that could
easily happen
not in the
Elysee Palace
third time it's
enemy action
and revolution are
enthusiast stuff
of justice are
evenly balanced
was perfect from
every angle
extent inherent in
every atom
is visible in
every facet
serve every facet,
every faction
of them,
every last one
drip joyfully from
every rafter
you balance
family and work
other of our
family matters
Emerson or spouting
flowery language
joy, and
harmony, and love
revolutions that make
history happen
regimes throughout
history have done
the gaze of
history, pantless
and relieved
Iraqis and Kurds
is a
jacuzzi back up
briefing with her
KGB handler
movies and
magazines and stuff
Nor the
Marconi Scandal
are achieved in
masterly fashion
liberty than
monarchy has done
the evil and
morally bankrupt
on this
morally blank world
hospital in an
orderly fashion
focus on lofty
Ideas matter,
policy matters
homeland is the
portuguese language
than you can
possibly fathom
could not
possibly have won
What can it
possibly matter
made of a
primary matter
own I could
probably manage
You're paying
property taxes
lured and then
quietly strangled
obtained entirely through Pro-
Slavery channels
well find
somebody and fuck
to newly commissioned
submarine captains
be settled in
summary fashion
I would
totally cast her
neither division nor
unity Matters
rider of an
unruly camel
Mrs Thatcher looked
utterly baffled

with 3 extra syllables

like it may
actually happen
mystery of what
not something that
that imaginary triumph
actually happened
when the moment
actually happens
that you're not
actually mammals
as if it
actually matters
evidence in an
arbitrary fashion
objective assigned to
artillery masses
flat-earth theory in
astronomy classes
to acknowledge
authority, as such
founders, in
ceremony and word
for the
community as such
in exploration,
discovery and fun
opinions in a
disorderly manner
emotionally shattered
Criticism is not
entirely absent
I will be
eternally thankful
Everybody matters
in vague and
fragmentary fashion
faith in
humanity stands firm
Or is all
insanity anger
police work, not
prior to any
military action
to immortality in
military annals
for judgment of
military talent
us to permanent
minority status
or more
necessary than love
through a psychal
necessity, transient
say that I'm
permanently damaged
and economic
philosophies have done
has no
There was no
satisfactory answer
responsibilities in a
satisfactory manner
blanket, a massive
need for a
security blanket
He was
similarly staggered
knowledge and
sincerity and love
The burrs under
society's saddle
aggressive people only
technology mattered
love it
usually lasts us

with 4 extra syllables

and wake
continually at once
four sorts of
explanatory factor
That may not
necessarily happen
conjuring orbs are
notoriously fragile
turning an immense
pecuniary Mangle
personal monarchy, royal
personality mattered
by no
possibility have done
offend your
sensibilities as much
well as the
University campus
Cut off all
unnecessary actions

with 5 extra syllables

rung of the
evolutionary ladder
this time of
extraordinary challenge
behaving in this
extraordinary manner
a man of
extraordinary talents
single inspiration for
revolutionary action