exact syllable matches
alive, that's another
10 points
female vote by
12 points
Hughes for a
bell boy
bell boys
end of his
belt, boy
ben oil
best boy
best boys
He was the
Lily is the
best choice
and friendship like
best oil
as to the
best point
He has the
best toys
I am a well-
bred boy
US quarter, 25
cent coin
chest voice
Let's get lookin',
dead boy
save the two
dead boys
dead oil
dead oils
dead, boy
deserve a gruesome
death, boy
for the game of
No, it's
Nothing ever upsets
the ways of
Del Boy
Del Boys
out of you
depth, boy
Glendale Cemetery in
I come from
Rome, Paris, and
world live in
Des Moines
des pointes
His father
Ed Boyle
Squish the fruit, slowpoke
load of this,
egg boy
Play pirate somewhere
else, boy
en coin
en point
en pointe
there is no
end point
its beginning and
two about back
end points
has directions and conceivably
where your journey
ends, boy
porque hoy
es hoy
le client
est roi
et noir
It's a
That's a
fair point
faire noir
fess point
fess points
Fred Hoyle
Italian shoes, and
French boys
cognate with Old
French foil
are unsteady on
French soil
using me to
get Boyd
squeaky wheels
get oiled
and not to
are going to
get spoiled
like we're doing,
Hair Boy
Hairbrush, razor,
hair oil
hair oils
haired boy
haired boys
head boy
beating up the
Head Boy
head boys
head coil
head joint
head joints
head voice
health point
dimension, let alone
health points
a drink in
hell, boy
heading for the X-
Jet, boy
left join
left joins
this big motherfucker
left, Troy
crier sur
les toits
les voiles
caught from a sound-
less voice
M and
M boys
To Christopher, Berlin
meant Boys
neck oil
peg boy
peg boys
your high horse,
perm boy
red noise
about your your
rent boy
rent boys
hear what I
said, boy
set point
set points
Seth Lloyd
some kind of
Sounds like a
up as a
sex toy
are those damn
be full of
sex toys
on the same
shared joints
breaking at every
stress point
You don't lack
sweat boy
Ain't this a
swell joint
not we should
tell Voight
do is get
effective IQ by
your IQ by
ten points
do lot water
tests, boys
what happened to
their boy
and that was
but they've made
by men of
it should be
look kindly on
men to finance
New Zealand was
people have made
remedies were within
so I support
the candidates of
the religion of
the roseling of
the union of
their actions, by
their choice
deprives men from
have some of
My joy is
their joy
the ungirding of
to wrap round
their loins
So this is
their ploy
one can see
their point
the tips of
their pointes
ruling class had
their points
relaxing and enjoying
their spoils
and play with
and rush for
are jealous of
are playing with
Boys and
can't play with
ready to drop
to play with
their toys
America, they've got
get instruction from
their rights, raise
You must be
their voice
you can bring
them joy
Somebody gave
them toys
Well met
there, boy
everyone will be
how you doing
there, boys
More importantly,
they're boiled
their lives because
they're boys
don't even know
they're toys
a contact at
an appointment to
appoint him to
as Superintendent of
before going to
come back to
dead, is at
Dress Gray about
four years at
go on to
he felt about
I return to
It's their
lame-brain bastards from
Military Academy at
right here at
Short for
went back to
West Point
wet boy
wet boys
with 1 extra syllable
access point
access points
be like that
again, Boyd
there's that word
again, choice
where rant and
bloodshed join
See mucus, and
compare moist
Screenplay by Frank
Cottrell Boyce
Dalek voice
forget boys
are surrounded by
immense voids
Macbeth Moir
I wanna allow
myself joy
he seemed the
She's the
perfect choice
world never loved
perfect poise
They're the
perfect toy
plants seedlings in
prepared soil
process oil
process oils
you're watching this
skinhead boy
Care to explain
feeling sorry for
gotta say for
yourself, boy
with 2 extra syllables
Gabrielle Roy