exact syllable matches

Aaron Carroll
James Bridges and
Aaron Latham
Titian that
bears the banner
bela vrana
Bella Abzug
belted magnum
belted magnums
Better and worse
prettier and
better at the
I wasn't a
better master
and dance
better than her
think that's
better than love
can work
heads are
better than one
They are
you are
better than us
bless Nebraska
bless the captain
Brennan's absence
central angle
central angles
and double
check the anchor
Cleanse the planet
credit transfer
credit transfers
crescent spanner
crescent spanners
Darrell Hammond
Steve Martin and
Tom Hanks and
Daryl Hannah
figure of a
dead commander
death of that girl
Life and
death, Sir Malcolm
and strength are
death's companions
thirsty as a
desert camel
that's the
Devil at work
devil grasses
There's just
devils and dust
so by the
Devil's malice
on the
edge of fashion
Knight, and
Edwin Cannan
Edwin Manners
Edwin Ransford
its discoverer, Daniel
Elmer Salmon
when the Master
Emerald shattered
Emerald Tablet
Jack and
Emma, and, uh
Phrase at
end of chapter
tears in an
endless ratchet
Ensis magnus
Shapiro, and
Evan Chandler
about five than
the pool, and
ever after
Ever After
Nothing was
ever answered
off ever faster,
ever faster
and nothing can
don't think that'll
ever happen
a thing had
coolest thing that
ever happened has
first time that's
like this has
none of that
Nothing has
of this had
of this have
on everything that
thing that had
thing that has
though nothing had
time this has
ever happened
he was an
expert grabbler
I'll get an
extra blanket
feather alum
fed of that worm
Friend of phantom
that's gonna
get a klaxon
get hurt and sulk
you can't
get the answers
get the barrel
still gotta
get the carrot
get the hang of
get the last word
you gonna
get the rabbit
many prayers that
get unanswered
get worse and worse
Gregor Hakha
a famous man,
Gregor Strasser
guerra santa
guess what happened
Hair, stuck, glasses
head of cabbage
head up and strut
bacon-frying, biscuit-baking, pancake-making, bald-
headed bastard
headed cabbage
foundation of
God of
Maker of
out of
vast, are
heaven and earth
Father of
origin of
powers of
Heaven and Earth
Heaven and such
of the
Heavens and Earth
held a candle
held a scalpel
held up at work
Helmut Kaplan
help but have 'em
place of the
helpless masses
Danish radiologist Hans
Jessen Panner
Karel Appel
Karen Handel
Kendall answered
grams of
lead per gallon
Love that
leather jacket
leben und
leben lassen
there were questions
left unanswered
grave by a
legless captain
lemon basil
time dilation, and
length contraction
length contractions
Lennon glasses
Leonard Calvert
Leonard Mandel
Leonard Randall
created by some
leprous savage
present a far
lesser challenge
lesser panda
lesser pandas
lesser scaups
let 'em hang us
Let's just have fun
letter balance
letter jacket
letter patent
of her
Letters and Works
letters patent
lever action
melon cactus
member classes
princes and
tigers and
men of action
men were at work
physical, verbal, and
mental actions
elusive than the
merest phantom
merit badger
merit badgers
Hunter, that's a
message fragment
metal as, girl
beast known as
Metal Madness
metal master
metal masters
drawn from a
metal scabbard
some other
metal than earth
the coal and
metals magnate
method actor
method actors
method pattern
method patterns
8, Thomas
Nelson and Sons
nested classes
and neo-idealists had
never abjured
never at dusk
Never backwards
be attacked, but
conscious imitators have
never captured
never had fun
I have
never had one
any lesbian, that'll
But that shall
it ain't gonna
something that can
you 5-2 that'll
never happen
and events that
bad things have
evils which have
explain something that
in linguistics had
It has
It should have
Jack, 'cause that
of partners had
preaching about had
something that had
Sonic, that
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
that the Holocaust
that the incident
That's just
the accident had
the alleged incident
the fight had
the last hour
things to have
to pretend that
true story that
whole future that
wish it had
never happened
never happens
pair of glasses
pair of handcuffs
pair of ladders
pair of pattens
by a
pair of wazzers
pairs of glasses
pairs of ladders
para grasses
Paras Khadka
More at
parrock, paddock
working and the
peasant classes
unrest among the
peasant masses
pepper gases
peppers, and bugs
that her
thought our
prayers were answered
to save our
precious planet
Christ and our
present action
pressure canner
pressure canners
to have a
question answered
rare earth magnet
rare earth magnets
down and
read the answers
red banana
red bananas
resin acid
resin acids
and the
rest just happens
rest, the plan worked
Harris, Sam, and
Reza Aslan
Sara Paxton
Sarah Adams
Sarah Sanders
nice natural
scent of salmon
the first and
second battle
got that
second chance, son
all of us
first impressions, and
second chances
to learn a
use Arabic as
second language
purposeful action and
self advancement
chances of promotion and
Selman Waksman
sentence adverb
sentence adverbs
sentence fragment
sentence fragments
trunk and
set of branches
and a
set of chapters
a grand
set of rascals
no more than
seven planets
three hundred
shares of salmon
an unusually long
slender salmon
smell of damp earth
special action
special master
special masters
everyone has a
special talent
other similar
specks, the planets
action functional, the
spectral action
spectral classes
Stella Adler
From a
stem Perhaps from
All acts
strengthen habits
sweat, sperm, and blood
Tell her, Malcolm
you gonna
tell the captain
temper tantra
temper tantrum
temper tantrums
with numerous
temples at once
is not a
Ten Commandment
keeping of the
ten commandments
author of the
broker than the
carry around the
given them the
I smashed the
interpretations of the
knowledge - the
tablets of the
talking about the
things like the
Ten Commandments
for compassion and
tender action
tener calor
tener ganas
tener gases
tennis rackets
dogmatic as a
Texas Baptist
be suspicious of
their advancements
the secret of
their attraction
best advice of
their commanders
as well as
their companions
the objects of
their compassion
by one of
their contraptions
soon after
their first album
part of
them were cancelled
much better than
them, Cassander
variables and
then the actions
White and
then what happened
movies, and
soon, and
then what happens
tangled thread, And
thence unravel
think that
there's a balance
there's a-
there's a password
There's the Captain
They'll come after
Treasure Planet
tremble dances
and before that,
Trevor Adams
vela quadra
velvet antler
Velvet Hammer
velvet handcuffs
a murder
weapon and uh
coat and
wear a blanket
weather anchor
weather anchors
stuck on the
weather channel
I watch the
this, like, The
Weather Channel
manipulation of the
weather patterns
know damn
well what happened
Well, commander
Western dragon
from via some
Western language
Wet Bananas
where the gaps were
Where's Cassandra
Where's the challenge
Where's the glasses
-- and
where's the Jackal
where's the Master
Where's the passion
Where's the salmon
Where's the travel
old questions are
yet unanswered

with 1 extra syllable

Do you
had to
there and
Well, I'll
accept the challenge
acceptance factor
address her as such
to openly
address the matter
Addressograph, from
again, bluff and rough
no chance
against a dragon
his client
against the actor
by propagandists
against the Arabs
the former
against the latter
back was
against the mattress
A crime
against the planet
crazy Angelenos, the
aggression rankles
our own
ancestors had done
a sort of
ancestral pattern
humanity by the
Ascended Masters
another essential
aspect of kashrut
aspects of that birth
Attention, campers
kinds, such as
awareness mantras
Compare chug and puff
Compare Duckmanton
Compare from and from
Compare philander
Compare the and the
compare the answer
your rare and
complex companions
rumpled, eyes bloodshot,
complexion ashen
compression fracture
compression fractures
by the
concept of action
in the
context of fandom
outside of
contexts of action
for a spherical
correction factor
correction factors
corrector magnet
corrector magnets
after Mansfield
Daniels, a rancher
by means of
direct attractions
it wasn't
directed at her
the right
direction and thrust
from all
in all
in several
several different
directions at once
director cantus
bigot and formalist
forever after
Forever After
cut off
forever and stuff
to his musician
girlfriend Samantha
lamellar granule
lamellar granules
lamellar trama
Lorenz attractor
Lorenz attractors
to tell
Manservant that one
Manuel Miranda
is an
object of fashion
Spinozism an
object of scandal
destroyed and
objects were scattered
an intolerable
oppression at worst
a quarter
percent per annum
He's the
perfect assassin
camera is a
perfect companion
happens we become
perfected Masters
perfection salad
Jamaican Maroon Spirit
Possession Language
crosshairs of a
potential scandal
years as
professor at the
served as
Professor at the
on orders from
Professor Namba
at the
prospect of battle
protection factor
protection factors
protection rackets
Rajendra Prasad
Rotwelsch, perhaps from
position of the
suspended magnet
brought us
Mexico back
They belong
together as one
and stand
together as ONE
you worked
together AS one
we all work
together, Alex
remake presents a
tremendous challenge
It was
tremendous gamble
umbrella grasses
going straight on,
remain our son
whatever happened
Whatever happened
he would accept
I deserve
to be exercised,
whatever happens
Whatever happens
Oh, yeah,
whatever, have fun
you've got
yourself a castle
you unburden
yourself, what happens

with 2 extra syllables

treated like
adolescents at work
citronella grasses
alto, from Latin
contratenor altus
convalescent plasma
the properties of
elemental atoms
Sex is an
elemental passion
or unconsciously, the
fundamental factors
This is my
fundamental maxim
really require constant
governmental action
the soul are
permanent companions
recognized and
represented and served

with 3 extra syllables

great deal of
to avoid significant
environmental damage
depends on the
environmental factors
have high, respected
environmental standards
place as an
inconsequential atom