exact syllable matches

generally completed by
married at about
age twenty
cheers when there
hope when there
ain't any
Her and me
That's why he
ain't married
soon and you
ain't ready
does that
babe get here
brain heavies
brain heavy
also an incredibly
brave fairy
place, and then
came envy
have helped our
case any
chain ferries
chain ferry
Things have
changed, Larry
Craig Benzine
so out of
date, Bessie
customs of the
day esteem
Malone truly our modern-
day Presley
day, Eddie
weight on
eight square feet
Africa was
eight when she
face technique
facts must be
faced squarely
Actually my
faith helps me
of the Darkness
Flame technique
too diffident to
gain any
is difficult to
gain entry
to French, and
gained prestige
catch that
game next week
gay friendly
gay marry
Second of all, they're
and American actress
and made you
James Stewart and
the American actress
The ghost of
the sunset with
Grace Kelly
Great Bentley
one of a
they have a
great many
enthusiasm and has
It's a
great technique
or how
great their need
great responsibility comes
great wedgie
great, Jenni
was always a
You're our
Hail Mary
How many
Hail Marys
haste, less speed
hey, Red Team
Not till
Jade gets here
Named after Captain
James Estill
Orchestra with conductor
James Levine
James Redfield
Jay Lemke
suicide by eating poison-
laced berries
experiments in the
late twenties
himself, a treasure
where Michael Furey
lay buried
the promise I
made Jenny
made merry
the cars be
made ready
that we
made them eat
how you
world had
made them feel
certainly have
made them hear
made them see
not have
made them sheep
hegemony have
made them weak
in the
mail next week
notes at the
See the
main entry
devil, to
have to
hockey, to
job to
just to
trying to
make ends meet
make friendly
want to
make friends here
The strong
make many
also to
or to
prisons and
make men free
and, you know,
make merry
want to
make them bleed
Make them bleed
best to
make them feel
water to
make THEM pee
that doesn't
make them real
I will
make them see
go to
make them sleep
never meant to
make, Harry
industry and training
makes many
truth that
makes men free
makes merry
the stomach
makes them cheats
rather be than First-
mate Larry
May 20
degree of relation
generations, the offspring
Personal fates
your mileage
may vary
The word
may well be
Jedi, you
may yet be
name Denny
I can
name many
From the woman's
name Nelly
From the
name Peggy
of several naturalists
named Gentry
of several naturalists
named Henry
know a boy
named Jesse
anthropomorphic tiger shark
named Kenny
attractive, young virgin
of several people
named Mary
of several naturalists
named Menzies
of several naturalists
named Parry
beautiful young gal
named Shelby
copywriter, a Greek,
named Teddy
name's Eddie
name's Levene
I think her
name's Wendy
35, issue 2,
a look at
page 20
make the
pain less real
a little
pale there, chief
time, same
place next week
in a public
place, Freddie
to leave this
place, Henry
Is the
plane ready
of honor and
play fairly
based on his
play Lenny
The actor who
plays Freddy
Dad and
Race get here
on trying to
rape Cherry
state bankruptcy into low-
rate rentes
Ray Carey
gonna make it to
have when we hit
it will survive atmospheric
of their Soyuz for
you thinking of getting
I was
safe, barely
said it was
safe, Eddie
Saint Mary
killed using the
same techniques
weren't there to
save Harry
about me, just
save Jeri
would've killed to
save Jesse
What do you
say, Harry
do I always
say, Remy
What do you
say, sexy
shame, Jenny
A dog-
shaped netsuke
This is not
Spain, Harry
the Minnesota
State Fair, St
state privileges, nor
state prestige
that just won't
that need to
things disappear, they
stay buried
just like to
stay healthy
to bed, I
stayed healthy
Maybe we should've
stayed married
Bessie, steak,
steak, Bessie
a very
strange sex scene
I didn't
I never
take any
take French leave
they could
take their seat
take their seats
going to
take twelve weeks
of editors, whose
tastes vary
die before
English when
Go before
How did
lost before
they get here
can before
marks until
see what
they get me
Irish is
they get mean
Right where
they left me
switch if
they let me
and sexual desire,
inherited craziness when
they married
change the guys
get respect when
how they tarry,Eventually
when they do,
they marry
no clowns,
videos and
they scare me
busy, so
It's where
that's what
That's why
they sent me
do what
know what
Real money,
that's what
Why didn't
Why wouldn't
they tell me
Like anyone,
they varied
train ferries
train ferry
don't have to
waste any
This stuff is
way scary
pay your own
way, Eddie
in the back
way, Jessie
the latter to
weigh heavy

with 1 extra syllable

afraid, Freddie
Thank God it's
those spaces are
under me was
vault is almost
always empty
heart, it was
always Harry
I am
always healthy
always helps me
does Johann
always let me
be reloaded, is
always ready
always tests me
Wednesday, but it's
always Wednesday
always, Wendy
More at deray,
array, ready
away empty
or take
away their dreams
Never throw anything
away, Harry
away, Kelsey
by schools of
ballet technique
Indra, which never
became empty
her REAL
birthday next week
create men here
time to
detail them here
entre les lignes
until they can
explain Wesley
a symbol of
female frenzy
Hooray Henry
Lorraine Gary
and help,
okay cherie
It'll be
okay, Henry
Okay, let's see
been able to
remain friendly
- The building
remained empty
long time mathematicians
remained wary
India, and she
remains steady
Romain Gary
persons with the
surname Gary
doing a trail
survey Leslie
not crouch
today where St
pretty strong work
today, Harry
Oh, so
today's Wednesday

with 2 extra syllables

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