exact syllable matches

Sometimes they
to Sometimes they
blow trumpets
my fireplace is
boarded up
Monk, look, the
bolt cutters
You know, they're
both adults
of knowledge requires
both functions
Bad lots,
for the
plans for
think for
thinking for
time for
uncomfortable for
both of us
Wade and
Doe vs
But they
don't shut up
stop the
to the
flow of blood
too heavy
for a girl
hour or
this puzzle
for a month
and burned
for a third
the drug-taking problem
for adults
unsuspecting people, runs
for cover
to the striving
for culture
Modesty of Want
for Dulness
in most countries,
for humbug
did stab,And not
fools to pray
for patriotism, vengeance
in our cry
now we hunger
protest, it struggles
to stand up
wanton violence, I'm
for justice
intend to leave
for London
and marks unbelievers
now you're wanted
State of Ohio
for murder
build those things
for one-third
a world tolerable
and defends it
be a burden
did not labor
Free markets are
his willed concern
let them be
makes them fools
may be blasphemy
set of rights
taste and smell
their own lives
you were responsible
for others
more fundamental appetite
for plunder
Russians are dying
was very important
for Russia
useful for painters,
for sculptors
cares but little
for servants
I'm looking
for some tongue
seen such madness
watching someone waiting
for someone
For Squirrels
Winter it longs
for Summer
history is
for the birds
just here
for the drugs
hymns fit
for the earth
his back
for the first
he left
for the front
longing except
we die
for the One
darkness groping
for the sun
a mission
and death
friends, and
has done
missed it
of peace
of reason
what's best
for the world
might be
for the worse
are preparing
ourselves now
to prepare
for the worst
church, you're asking
is just asking
to go looking
world was headed
for trouble
so many votes
for troubles
sell your grandmother
for twopence
speech in a
foreign tongue
such a
form of Govt
called to
form the earth
that of the
former work
in itself
forms a world
got my name,
I'm Forrest,
People call me
sit there like
Forrest Gump
the assault on
Fort Sumter
heart may have
froward tongue
John Donne and
George Herbert
I might
go berserk
We cannot
you want to
go further
philosophy or doctrine
go upward
crofter and cottar
goes further
less illustrious,
goes the clerk
is your shiny
gold shovel
me, o rising
golden Sun
home of a
Golden Worm
chewing on life's
gristle,Don't grumble
It does not
grow corrupt
forget to
He doesn't
hold a grudge
a child
holds a bird
last, best
hope of Earth
hope the worst
completely dark and
hopeless world
these words my
hopes crumbled
I do not
know others
attempt to
know the world
know, fuck 'em
know, girl stuff
load us up
Roulette with a fully-
loaded gun
Support your
local nerd
condition of a
Lord Justice
kind of a
low chuckle
citizens but its
lowest ones
place in the
modem world
were in this
moment one
same in the
the intellectual and
moral world
which gender is
more concerned
that we have
more justice
night was
more of a
were not
more of us
ever longer and
societies barriers are
more subtle
is more expressive,
more sumptuous
more thunder
conceived more merciless,
more unjust
people who are
most concerned
which I find
most irksome
is confronting
reimbursement, the
most of us
the bottom of
most trouble
coffin, let the
mourners come
which we have
no concern
then there is
no judgement
combination, no comparison,
memory, rigid logic,
no judgment
there can be
no justice
It had
no mother
There was
no murder
citizen and in
Queen's laundress uses
these rules and
no other
the slaveholder, but
no others
perhaps, but surely
no person
discredit me to
no purpose
will be of
no service
All show with
genius who offers
no substance
no such word
world is
no such world
There need be
no trouble
No money
no turtle
some tears, and
no wonder
whole records that
no-one heard
sorrow, nor grief,
nor trouble
been neither empty
nor worthless
Live in a
normal world
simple faith than
Norman blood
to the
north of us
west, south, and
north somewhat
thick rotundity
o' the world
foul corruption
o'er the earth
ice-skating with her eighteen-year-
old brother
wouldn't kill your
old uncle
it will not
many things that
were to suddenly
open up
a bridle
or a spur
an action
or a work
or awake, tired
or alert
a different size
accidents of race
race, fortune, creed,
or color
or distorted, truthful
or colored
were not oppressive
or corrupt
eat us
or hump us
consistent with liberty
for truth, beauty,
founded on love
to virtue, morality,
or justice
or New York,
or London
war against Islam
or Muslims
man can name
or number
either in type
or numbers
have ever had
or observed
the realm,
or of none
at some time
cheats some time
here some time
in some form
in some way
lead to one
some direful penance
or other
of to himself
or others
have no confidence
is without meaning
or purpose
on quality, features
or service
to American physicians
or surgeons
the club
or the gun
a zero,
or The One
or someone's pants
or trouble
don't bother me
or tucker
they are owners
or workers
to stop the
orange truck
were taking their
orders from
Excellent- somethin'-
a quick hand
have little control
over her, darkened
right to cry
over her
countries to benefit
has the advantage
seems to flow
sits in judgement
which they exercise
over us
dodging, and hair-splitting
over words
never get voice
over work
men of our
own color
they follow their
own drummer
to widen its
own functions
death of her
him of his
own mother
decision of their
own mothers
perceptions of our
own oneness
thereby downgrading my
own struggle
man makes his
own summer
fury of God's
own thunder
can overcome my
own troubles
Here is my
own version
I had
owned a gun
home address and
know their own
like an unlisted
phone number
an average of
shorter ones
folks have really
showed concern
showed the world
society is
so fucked up
much pain,
so much blood
to be
so much fun
are merely
so much junk
you into
so much mush
so unhappy and
so nervous
thought you were
so rugged
dead now,
so shut up
remaining pure, wise,
sober, just
act, not a
social one
theories of the
social world
place in this
sordid world
no other
sort of love
fact you
sort of sucked
another like that
soul brother
This is never
spoken of
man who
stole her purse
Start filling
those buckets
killed fifteen of
those buggers
revelation to all
those persons
so the gods
torture us
and a wonderful
warm person
glow has
warmed the world
warms the lungs
the authentic
warmth of love
religion -- the
whole culture
It topples the
whole structure
souls and the
whole suffers
Be concerned about
Saud, Faisal is
the heart of
your brother
They are
your brothers
his society in
your circles
is not truly
your concern
you are losing
your culture
show it to
start to blame
your husband
It's beyond
your judgment
the Approach of
your Knuckle
homes and
memories of
your loved ones
no rest for
your lover
it is for
your lovers
a monument to
for you or
Give to
It's just for
the situation with
to tell of
weekend to meet
you belong, with
your mother
destructive power as
your muscle
you shall be
your servant
I'm always in
your service
you forgot
your thruster
Grav boot ain't
your trouble
tell me all
your troubles
Belmont killed
your uncle
dangerous, they kill
your wonder
and get
your work done

with 1 extra syllable

private interest is
alone concerned
feet, they are
also worthless
into the Hotline
Batphone circuit
half an hour
before curtain
Before substance
is murder
before the birth
never brought
before the UN
emotional stance
no time
take him
before the world
and enchant and
console others
if he cannot
control others
appreciation of my
to join our
fellow workers
in a
household of girls
to her husband's
immortal words
difference, but an
part is the
important one
These are
important words
and do small,
important work
for the especially
important, sir
Century Fox
logo comes up
were his last
recorded words
giant festering
stinkhole of muck
all those who
supported us
but it bends
toward justice
is your attitude
values and justice
toward others
sure it bends
towards justice
turning his armies
towards Persia
earth gravitate
towards the sun
it climbs
towards the Sun
entertainment have
transformed the world
drawing defaced its
yellow cover

with 2 extra syllables

the occasional
envelope from Trump
success in a
mediocre world
will speak on
Radio London
Theodore Sturgeon
falsehood, hypocrisy, and
unprovoked murder

with 3 extra syllables

at present,
overshadows the world