exact syllable matches
a human face -
8 What's heaven
Agent Denton
Are we clear
by a vengeful
Is that understood
your career here,
Agent Messner
of lung cancer,
AIDS, whatever
is but an
ancient Error
recover all their
ancient splendour
converted from an
lake surrounding an
located in some
ancient temple
one of our
ancient treasures
April 7
You are
April Kepner
ate the bear up
across the
to the
Bay of Bengal
This was
Blake's perception
parrot, always
blame the parrot
But I
blame the weather
since these two
the American people
came together
act, allowed to
make the wind
change direction
known it will
of creation would
or history will
was about to
change forever
a world that's
and the world
establishment had just
music world was
Now everything has
of that just
the world is
changed forever
Changed forever
most important
changes next month
Together they
chase a legend
the best, car
chases ever
becoming frightened when
slightest intimation that
danger threatens
I are streaming
data engines
servant from this
day forever
give me a three-
day suspension
have won this
day together
all day, every
day, forever
in our
days of peril
get twenty
days of presents
in the
face of terror
we need to
face together
the danger we
faced together
would abandon a
faceless melon
they flare and
fade forever
then that thing
fails forever
that consumed my
faith forever
and the
faith of devils
people's ovation and
fame forever
called after the
famous legend
me, is a
the struggle--- ---a
to the same
would be a
fatal error
all sprung from
the risk of
fatal errors
we meet our
fate together
is a
Flame of Heaven
extinguish his shit
flames forever
fanned the
flames of terror
about two
frames per second
looks at his
game collection
left the spy
game forever
over a
game of Checkers
in a
game of Tetris
can change the
to play this
game together
we get in
games together
gate Arrested
is the
gate of heaven
at the
gates of heaven
Gates of Heaven
of luggage, and
gave directions
gave us their word
I'm gonna be
gay forever
Gracious heavens
fruits of his
gracious presence
reached the holy
grail together
often given no
great attention
And a
choreographer, and a
great director
been brought to
great perfection
Great potential
Clark would be
smells that smell
We could've been
we do scat
We were
great together
more so concerning
greater efforts
greater earths and
greater heavens
eventually into even
greater peril
would give me
greater pleasure
there be a
greater treasure
essential to man's
greatest efforts
down as the
greatest ever
may learn the
greatest lessons
days of its
greatest peril
now under the
greatest pressure
it is our
the last and
greatest weapon
accordance with the
Hague Convention
hate the red ones
and I
hates the present
Jacob Henle
Carlos, give
James the helmet
solution to the
labor question
what are termed
labor questions
And makes my
labours pleasures
just a high-tech
laser weapon
St Peter's
later next month
It is her
latest weapon
on the
lathe of heaven
men ought not
lay together
thou wast
made a devil
valor can be
made apparent
were not
made aware of
faces actually
made from leather
made her chest hurt
And you
made her pregnant
earth is
made of heaven
football is
giant's cradle
they are
made of leather
And he's
Temples aren't
made of metal
a world
made of redness
when he was
made protector
where he
made some sketches
made the devil
how God
made the heavens
overnight express, Priority
Mail, whatever
make a gesture
make a left turn
can afford to
make concessions
gonna scout around,
make connections
be afraid to
too late to
make corrections
paint, and then
make suggestions
experiments you
make the better
mean, we
make the Devil
fail to
have to
politician must
you, he'd
make the effort
ever going to
make together
war will
make us better
make us less us
orphan boys
make us welcome
do not
make yourself love
makes the weapons
mood that
makes the weather
That's what
makes us special
sole province of
male directors
with a soul
mate forever
advance money from
Megan's parents
in all your
naked splendor
word but the
word, but the
naked terror
by the
name of Lennox
founding of the
nation rested
the text that
Nature renders
Nature's Lesson
way towards the
pagan temples
paid attention
get those bills
paid together
this third order
pain awareness
We can remove
pain forever
Denial of the
painful present
card sharks, test
paper peddlers
box in the
paper shredder
partying, drinking, drugs,
papers, lectures
because you don't
can do is
Can you please
diverting bullshit, and
do is to
don't listen, don't
dummies who don't
enough to not
head, EVERYBODY will
how well you
if you don't
is scary, people,
it once, so
like them, so
one, so you
People dont
quiet please, everyone,
should learn to
So listen up,
Too poor to
would ignore you,
You just gotta
pay attention
We must
pay forever
a gun- Everybody
Washington in particular
your power, everybody
you've a gun-Everybody
pays attention
taken the
place of error
and fell into
here in this
place together
to any one
place whatever
made this
place work better
Forever in that
place, together
and the
plains of Texas
a state of
And we'll
we can all
play together
We all
played together
the world and
played, together
And the greatest
greatest professional football
player ever
the best charades
players ever
players, wrestlers
truths that
plays the devil
The family that
prays together
from lack of
racial menace
thinking only inflames
racial tensions
It's about to
rain Obsession
the clean
rain of heaven
winds and
rains of heaven
do something to
or something to
raise awareness
beat and
raised blood pressure
has also
raised the question
progress must be
You weren't
raised together
Special Forces,
Rangers, Delta
rate, blood pressure
built during President
Reagan's era
perpetuates a
reign of error
end his
old bourgeois
reign of terror
the Jacobin
Reign of Terror
it were, a
sacred gesture
to protect the
sacred weapon
they won't be
safe forever
read Lives of
Saints together
motivated by the
same awareness
cover quite the
same conception
you have the
same connection
along in our
closer from the
headed in the
heading in the
look in the
moves in the
oriented in the
out at the
point in the
proceeds in the
steadily in the
together in the
same direction
done the
same from Belsen
peers in the
same profession
numbers with the
same successor
and make
Satan tremble
And you did
save Loretta
save the best one
saved us Heather
truth and
Truth, and
shame the Devil
you defend by
shameful methods
sealed in this
space together
in terms of
spatial vectors
he was the
stage director
a heightened emotional
will change our
state forever
a constant
state of tension
state of terror
across the
the great
state of Texas
States of Tara
need of the
State's protection
Yo ass
stay suspended
are meant to
Brotherhood, we must
come together, they
have decided to
I want to
let's just
of yours to
say goodnight and
to try and
We must
We'll all
your baby to
stay together
I would have
sacrifices but we've
stayed together
a feeling that
stays together
May a
stranger enter
all our
swains commend her
The popular
table beckons
Can I
May I
take a message
Give or
It will
take a second
knew how to
take direction
them all would
This is gonna
take forever
it will
take much effort
to which you
take objection
was waiting to
take possession
drug might
take some effort
else to
take the credit
wants to
take the precious
Take the vessel
an hour
are adequately
criminals are
Dinner's all
he'll be
He's well
is well
It's all
needs are
remains are
So, it's
sure you're
Takada was
that all
that she's
That's all
to be
very well
was not
when not
you is
your hand
taken care of
not have
taken them up
it only
takes a second
If it
my God, this
seems like it
takes forever
But it
takes some effort
rains, he
takes the credit
God unrighteous who
taketh vengeance
out of this
tale forever
This fairy-
tale obsession
don't trust your
tame Professor
of your heads duct-
taped together
you a
taste of heaven
on them till
they surrender
anybody thought
they were better
They were better
told you
they were devils
parents that
they were pregnant
as if
they were presents
they were tempted
in the same
train forever
where one could
train together
Vader enters
in the
vale of Esham
the minimum
wage the better
a second,
You know,
wait a second
Wait a second
even freaks can't
gonna make me
indeed have to
it has to
She's not gonna
We can't
wait forever
its ambiguous
wake of terror
Wake yourself up
a huge
there is
waste of effort
it was all
There is no
wasted effort
against the
wave of terror
their right, it
waves forever
to stay this
would stay this
way forever
all the
way from Texas
outwitted in any
way whatever
we had parted
ways forever
know the
ways of heaven
Mein gott,
ze potential
with 1 extra syllable
afraid of their guns
that is
always a pleasure
Always a pleasure
And it's not
always successful
Just like I
so he had
always suspected
That is
always the question
To keep us
us, because we're
We were
You are
You four are
you two were
always together
Always together
not be led
astray forever
in order to
seek but never
they can never
attain perfection
just south of
Australia, parrot
awaits direction
but locks you
diseases and go
gonna send Monk
had been cut
I'll go
pain to go
to send Spider-Man
world to go
You can't run
away forever
goes far
away from tennis
Prevert takes
away the presents
Therefore I
became a rebel
border to
contain the restless
wish to
convey a message
my heart flaming,
courageous, restless
drill, that
creates the HEAVENS
must not
delay a second
do about my
engagement present
you will be
erased forever
future to
escape the present
I'm a foreign
exchange apprentice
restore this old
hardtail together
on his music
notation lesson
hand with his
outrageous methods
and never
outstay the welcome
involved almost
outweighs the pleasure
hope to
prevail against us
remains and will
there they will
remain forever
Hendrix, whose presence
will of God
remains forever
like to
rephrase the question
rotates the freshness
was my best
screensaver ever
someday, together
places approaching the
starvation levels
self-renewing and thus
unchanged forever
and such rude,
ungracious tempers
object, not exactly
vacation weather
with 2 extra syllables
anyway, whatever
comprehension and right
application thereof
that's where our
aspirations ended
had briefed the
CIA Director
Confiscate her weapon
here in
Copenhagen, then what
life but an
emanation thereof
keep this alien
entertained forever
groups in sports
entertainment ever
animation toward new
entertainment levels
inches in the
entertainment section
generates awareness
tempted to
imitate the gesture
Its the cutest
infestation ever
chemical engineering and
irrigation methods
drinking beer, pop,
lemonade, whatever
can still
operate the pedals
of those sex
operators ever
bombs, and deep
penetration weapons
Population pressure
a health and
sanitation measure
proposed Anti-Semitic racial
segregation measures
flow in two
go off in
separate directions
once distinct, are
separate forever
would understand the
situation better
and on our
transportation networks
a nice cross
ventilation, never
with 3 extra syllables
Balkanization beckons
It is a
communications network
Congratulations, well done
to accelerate the
extermination measures
with 4 extra syllables
trial and error,
experimentation, guesswork
criminal penalties and
rehabilitation efforts