exact syllable matches

I want
a a soda
to use as
a composer
a crumb for once
a cutthroat bunch
a dumb old duck
a gun for Earl
A lust for blood
a of sort of
a of sorts of
-- but as
It was
It's not
that are worth
the class as
a performance
a person and
He was
I'm not
the freedom as
You're not
a performer
a commendation and
and I got
I don't want
what I call
You just got
your career, that's
a promotion
have gotten
It was
just want
a search warrant
was just
a sperm donor
wish I had
a thesaurus
we really had
a turn-over
baba au rhum
and nauseating as partial-
birth abortion
birth abortions
blood atonement
Brother Lawrence
bubble blower
bubble blowers
bubble over
bubbled over
bubbles over
buffalo bug
buffalo bugs
buffalo bur
buffalo burr
buffalo hump
buffalo humps
buffalo jump
buffalo jumps
burn the whole world
but the oath worked
But y'know what
rather have
butter or guns
fish pond at
certain moment
certain drops at
to be at
certain moments
Church of Poland
Circus maurus
Cover your butt
Crna Gora
is that
cup, but broken
You have
cut the corners
cuts the known world
time, as
does the poem
double bonus
double modal
double modals
double orphan
double orphans
double over
double quarrel
double quarrels
double cappuccinos, not
double strollers
drugs, hurt, or worse
Earl of Norfolk
first component
one drank
from a corner
From a form from
From a form of
From a porpoise
From a source, from
From composed of
From cul or from
From some form of
from the floor up
from the forest
From the form of
From the former
from the Horsemen
From the old verb
How long
from the scrotum
from the shoulder
fuck up for once
German Ocean
German Order
So they called
her Dakota
her songs, and
her performance
Isis and
Her son Horus
Herman Gorter
Hermann Cohen
Hundreds showed up
gonna put on,
Jergens lotion
that was
just a bonus
Just a fortress
it was
just a moment
I am
just a soldier
just a tow truck
band rather than
just composers
Just one moment
just one more turn
kirkland warbler
Learned word formed from
London moment
London moments
lover's quarrel
You have
mothered no one
not to have
much turnover
Murdered soldiers
None of those words
nulla bona
last part
of a poem
would have
of a poet
attention span
of a rodent
the match
of a Roman
Not much
of a soldier
the heinous act
of abortion
as a mark
make her walk
of atonement
be no Walk
of Atonement
warrior in all
will destroy all
of Corona
of granola
nearly half
of gun owners
not one
of her soldiers
a total lack
of performance
of proportion
of the Cobra
the heart
the songsters
of the forest
a calque
now part
of the former
of the forms of
in charge
of the horses
playing card
of the Joker
of the known world
to that
of the lower
be part
in as
the fad
The man
the vanguard
of the moment
deepest part
just part
that part
the bottom
the water
of the ocean
the Heart
of the Ocean
of the old mutt
of the old one
second part
of the omen
of the or the
other parts
of the organ
was part
of the poem
I am
of the poets
the last
of the Romans
the hands
of the soldiers
of the whole club
of the whole world
the father
of the yoga
of trust, or trust
word was
once a poem
one of those girls
one of those words
one of your worst
gotta get that
one unloaded
One world or none
one, the old one
rape, and
other forms of
any more than
same condition as
other mortals
in Homer and
other poets
his Journal and
other sources
purchase order
purchase orders
purple coral
purple corals
That's God's
purpose for us
rubber boa
rubber boas
Russell Hoban
sculptured tortoise
service courses
someone over
Somewhat formal
the li was
somewhat shorter
to the vast
southern forest
Southern Ocean
the moon,Than
such a Roman
which have
suffered so much
Suffolk Coastal
summer boarder
summer boarders
summum bonum
surface normal
surface normals
Surfer Rosa
one period on longer-
term performance
She didn't have
the abortion
the meditations, and
the absorptions
The Burrowers
What's all
the commotion
by looking at
hacking away at
of resources and
the components
the TV, and
the controller
The cursed mortal
into Wisconsin and
the Dakotas
the girl over
The hunt's over
we played as
the opponent
also crying at
conducive to enhance
irony to enhance
the performance
the front dog
the performer
murder-mystery dinner-theater on
slipped back across
the Potomac
did they drop
the proposal
The Proposal
the sun or earth
The Sundowners
It was
the turn-overs
than on
the UN soldiers
the word for love
believing, all
dear fans
dispersed all
has gone
is man
majority all
strife all
water all
the world over
boil all
the world's oceans
the world's so rough
by Fox,
the worst pollster
ton of home runs
tunnel broker
tunnel brokers
Britain can
turn a corner
turn the corner
turned a corner
turned the corner
turns a corner
turns the corner
uh, uh, for months
under over
But not
under your terms
upland moa
Upper Voltan
Upper Voltans
stab with an
upward motion
verbal forms of
Vernon Coleman
Greek gods
were once mortal,
What a Scorcher
what a show, huh
what the tones were
What's the short one
could have
won a Porsche
won some Golden
were found and
wondered over
wordes of tocome
worst of both worlds
face was
worth a poem
is winning back
younger voters
yucca borer
yucca borers

with 1 extra syllable

like an
accident, for her
Live the
actual moment
rather than an
actual motion
have received no
adequate notice
his time as Vice-
Admiral Dover
suite named
after a poet
after one short term
Never chase
after opponents
after the local
it's over
after the moment
Oysters named
after the owner
named my
album Come Closer
pass in your
algebra homework
Alternate form of
angle of torsion
angles of those curves
angles of torsion
angular motion
you have the
animal cornered
of an
animal or bird
shoot any
animals or birds
I love
animals so much
apple turnover
gave him seven
Give me seven
apple turnovers
aqua ammonia
I read the
article, Lois
Awesome opponents
look not
backwards, but forward
banda sonora
Nice Hindu
banker from Goa
Barbara Gordon
by former Congresswoman
Barbara Jordan
the impracticable
bonnet, the corset
are ten
bottles of cola
bought 2
boxen of doughnuts
to his still
boxered opponent
cala a boca
well as some
camera owners
to made of
carbon components
they were getting
Catherine Coulter
Causal verb formed from
the thirteenth
chapter of Romans
a new
chapter of torture
common proposal
common word for run
their plans for
Communist Poland
concert performance
conference over
conquer the whole world
construction soldier
construction soldiers
was also a
consummate showman
conversion courses
Crossword Composer
Daucus carota
the property,
documents, or funds
Duncan comes over
Faster, but slower
to our heavenly
Father Jehovah
call a classic
father-son moment
down and
flatten some portion
function but for drugs
Lakshmi, the
Goddess of fortune
gonna come for us
you are
gonna cut corners
gonna learn so much
gotten ahold of
Japheth, and great-
grandson of Noah
Hamilton Morgan
but he
hasn't come forward
than a
hatful of Pokers
honor of your blood
elsewhere are
hostile towards us
javelin thrower
Javelin throwers
the story by
Jonathan Nolan
has to his
larger proportion
would no
longer support her
guess, some stress
management courses
mandarin orange
you are
marvelous forward
accusative singular
as a
possibly a
the oblique
masculine form of
make him
master of fortune
maternal orphan
maternal orphans
in a
within a
matter of moments
we give him
maximum voltage
modest proposal
modest proposals
monocled cobra
monocled cobras
monster trucks for fun
monsters from your sons
on us of
States has reached
town is reaching
monstrous proportions
no circulation beyond
property rights and
national borders
trees in the
national forests
of the gravest
national moment
one of our
national poets
it has no
natural borders
was just a
natural moment
arranged in their
Do-gooders fighting the
evaluations of the
exception to the
guardians of the
mess with the
not accept your
place in the
That's the
we are the
which preserves the
natural order
nomina nova
a large
number of horses
potential donor are
often unspoken
password just for us
paternal orphan
paternal orphans
the president's least
popular moment
studies of these
popular poems
tried almost all
possible courses
it ever
makes life
possible for us
possible loan from
at the last
at the worst
until the last
possible moment
exclusion of other
possible sources
the cental
problem of Yoga
problems of your work
keep our
promises, or what
feel of the
proper proportions
a free and
prosperous Poland
clean out
Saddler for us
samples of your work
but in far
smaller proportions
that much
smaller third organ
in the
smallest of moments
socket just for fun
a Slave by
true story of
Solomon Northup
Southern Savonia
If I
started the torture
made me a
stronger performer
Substance turnover
troublesome about most
talented rowers
Terminal boredom
very high
tolerance for nuts
one of the
Traveler's chosen
trouble the scorers
under the sofa
this is a
valuable bonus
vascular stroma
used the Night
Walker persona
wanna come over
Through the
water of Jordan
waters the whole earth

with 2 extra syllables

it involves the
abstraction component
in inverse and
alternate proportion
Arjuna pluck for her
An archaic
collateral form of
unless we have
compatible auras
Distracted, unfocused
be considered
examples of motion
centre and
expanded her borders
systems, productivity, and
financial performance
like his
grandfather Sir Roland
Hanukkah menorah
terms of a
hierarchical order
Imagine the boredom
attempt to
imagine the moment
President favouring
MacDonald the oarsmen
marvelous performance
by its own
With most
miraculous organ
philosopher, poet
phosphorus necrosis
are thousands of
Ramayana poets
triangular colon
the roughly
triangular form of
boys of the
unnatural order
---- Medieval
A medieval
vernacular form of
Vernacular form of
of the
vernacular forms of

with 3 extra syllables

the declination and
horizontal components
the more the
panorama unfolded
propaganda work for us
vomeronasal organ
vomeronasal organs

with 4 extra syllables

acardiacus amorphus
a disaster of
immeasurable proportions