exact syllable matches
1 June
support dialogue, not
They are not
a coup
a deuce
a due
a few
I am not
That man was
a fool
Your God was
a jew
I am not
Jesus was not
who was not
a Jew
a jour
a leud
a que
a man off
a roof
times and not
a spoof
bird flu
bird flus
birth stool
birth stools
blood feud
blood feuds
blood fluke
blood flukes
blood group
blood groups
blood moon
blood moons
blood rule
blood rules
bug juice
bug shoe
bug shoes
bus route
bus routes
is not art
but truth
butt juice
cerf rouge
Chung Tu
club blues
come through
come to
come true
comes through
comes to
comes true
crush room
crush rooms
cunt juice
curb roof
curb roofs
cut loose
cut through
cuts loose
dirt poor
Duck Soup
duck soups
Earth 2
it back on
Earth, too
Ekka flu
first fruits
first truth
first truths
flood chute
flood chutes
flood pool
flood pools
From butte
remarks are far
from new
From through
Lot far off
from you
front group
front groups
front room
front rooms
fuck flu
fuck juice
fuck you
fuck yous
girl group
girl groups
girl juice
gum boot
gun fu
gut shoot
gut shoots
her cool
But I cannot
judge you
jump blues
jump boot
jump boots
jump queue
junk food
junk foods
junk news
just nu
Kung Flu
Kung Fu
le jour
le loup
Le Lude
le sue
love juice
love spoon
love spoons
love you
monk fruit
monk fruits
muck tube
muck tubes
mud room
mud rooms
musk shrew
musk shrews
none too
of new
live, and lots
of room
rules on top
They're not fond
of rules
back on all
better than all
bigger than all
blessing on all
briefed on all
can't have all
chives on top
false gods, all
freak on all
I am part
I ask all
I saw all
I want all
It was all
mad at all
my hands off
piled on top
same as all
Shame on all
shit on all
so are all
spell on all
Taste that all
Taste that, all
they are thoughts
tougher than all
war on all
were on top
what God wants
of you
plum yew
plum yews
plumb rule
plumb rules
plunge pool
plunge pools
pump room
pump rooms
pur jus
rough drew
run through
run to
rung true
runs through
Shun Leung
snub cube
snub cubes
some few
struck through
stuck to
stuff you
sun room
sun rooms
Sun Tsu
Surf 2
ter que
The Few
the hoof
The Loop
an All-Star on
dangerous dog on
the loose
be-sparkled man on
the lose
first man on
Flag on
have walked on
man walk on
playing ping-pong on
The man on
they are on
to walk on
we are on
the moon
a man on
a walk on
had walked on
Man on
walk on
who walked on
the Moon
run, was on
the move
She got all
the moves
about that on
It was on
the news
so hard on
the poor
This was called
the proof
The Room
material and walk
truck robbed on
the route
That's not
the rules
an attack on
the school
the schools
transplants on all
the screws
the skew
gone, hands off
the suit
false than on
the true
But that was
But that's not
college was not
That was
That's not
truck stop was
the truth
The Truth
piper and call
the tune
The Who
with lard on
the wounds
thumb blue
touch move
turn flukes
turn loose
turn to
turn two
turned loose
turned to
turns loose
turns to
un coup
un jour
friend at all,
were you
work blue
work through
worked blue
worked through
works blue
works through
World view
World views
worm food
young moon
young moons
with 1 extra syllable
altar tomb
altar tombs
aren't nice and
aren't true
after my job,
cheating the taxman,
cheeky little brat,
guess you are,
in the band
marrying my mom,
prove me wrong,
who I am,
You are,
you're a man,
You're an X-Man,
You're gone,
you're my dog,
you're really tall,
aren't you
armor suit
armor suits
bionic implants and
armored suits
armour suit
armour suits
August 2
I have
awesome news
This an
awesome room
will have an
awful doom
bada boom
Barton Booth
bata prut
bonnet rouge
Didn't that
Does that
Doesn't that
you let that
you or not
bother you
my brain that
bothers you
She's Charles
Bronson cubed
cada u
carbon group
carton rouge
charter school
charter schools
common blue
common blues
common loon
common loons
common room
common rooms
common rue
civil rights and
common schools
common shrew
common shrews
common too
thread press and
common tube
propaganda of a class-
conscious group
convent school
convent schools
to buy are
Converse shoes
copper group
cotton to
cottoned to
cottons to
darla su
normal fathers and
daughters do
to ascertain that
Doctor Doom
Doctor Seuss
Doctor Who
Dodger blue
mean, for top
dollar, too
Donald Knuth
donner lieu
fallen due
old one has
she might have
fallen through
Father Goose
good husband and
father too
fossil fool
fossil fools
- what's that
are you are
said he was
swinging, so whatcha
that's all that's
the western cops
think I was
two, man whatcha
what are ya
what he was
what I am
what I was
what she was
what we are
What's that
you and God
gonna do
why we're not
gonna lose
I'm not
So I'm not
gonna move
thought I was
gonna swoon
gospel blues
be taken as
political opinions as
gospel truth
Gospel truths
what a plant's
gotta do
gotten to
apple and
guava juice
because I have
hardened you
harness loop
harness loops
harvest goose
harvest moon
harvest moons
it's the God's
you the God's
honest truth
who love and
honor you
insect prey as
larval food
lava tube
lava tubes
locker loop
locker loops
this that's beyond
locker room
locker rooms
Lofstrom loop
Lofstrom loops
mana screw
Monster group
This I can
offer you
honor I have
offered you
produces children and
offers food
Ogden Rood
olive juice
opera bouffe
operas bouffes
Oxford blue
Oxford blues
Oxford shoe
Oxford shoes
partial to
Pocket Cube
Pocket Cubes
pocket pool
pollen tube
pollen tubes
but that has
problems too
product rule
Draba made that
promise too
all I can
That I can
what I can
promise you
quantum soup
quantum soups
Robert Hughes
Robert Moog
tune, and large
rockets zoom
romper room
romper rooms
romper suit
romper suits
sauna suit
sauna suits
Saunders blue
shaya root
smallest room
smallest rooms
target group
target groups
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Kuhn
vodka luge
wander zu
wanna do
wasn't cool
people, and that
Well, that
wasn't true
water gruels
water shrew
water shrews
can stop John
Watson too
wobble room
with 2 extra syllables
out with the
bathwater, too
probably killed my
Godfather, too
grandfather too
happened with my
grandfather, too
Grandfather, too
particular South Indian
masala view