exact syllable matches

they flee --
free you
It's suppose to
be c-cute
me to
be free too
One, blessed
be He, do
boyfriend will
committee will
folks will
friends will
be here soon
story will
be here, too
want to
be me too
among departments must
Bhutto must
centuries will never
coarser straw should
ear and shouldn't
every conflict can
forces could ever
group, it would
interest and must
maintaining bases will
of misery can
of protection would
of this hemisphere
of War must
One must
other worlds could
South Africa can
studded tyres must
that he should
that need to
that needs to
that this will
the drapery must
the mud should
they must
tree can better
value can possibly
weed which can
with fascias could
be removed
his deeds should
be reproved
just REFUSE to
be reviewed
comfort will
be seen to
stay, the
beast eats you
Boop, beep,
beep, beep, boop
gets really
cheap here too
cheeky, too
It is owing
chiefly to
subsided to a
creamy pool
de plein fouet
I sustain
deep, deep wounds
breath truly madly
deeply do
- They were
have been more
Klerk, I was
um, very, very
deeply moved
credulity made them
easy dupes
It was so
easy to
well as the
easy truths
Take it
easy, Dude
concerning them is
their panties that's
easy, too
beer and
gets to
eat real food
Eve needs to
But you
feel free to
fils de pute
that our children
freely bloom
in punctuation is
freely used
greasy spoon
greasy spoons
he hear you
Hey, is
he here too
take it
he means you
he needs too
and he,
howl if
with him,
he needs you
idolater though
he please you
Bigfoot, is
he real too
hear me too
The children
here need you
pants city
here real soon
else around
here seems to
on from
here, we're screwed
your father,
he's here too
kiwi fruit
Straight from Ecuador,
kiwis too
answering it
leads me to
got no
lean, mean grooves
Least Heat-Moon
have to
leave me soon
he will
leave me too
was silenced by
Lee's rebuke
to get
me green cube
me heal you
that, let
me hear you
what led
me here, too
But lucky
me, we moved
your money
means we rule
of the Merton
mean-speed rule
You're Meaty
Meaty Moo
do you
need free food
you don't
need me to
Earth who
know you
need me too
You don't
need me, too
key, I
need REAL food
needy hume
queasy, You
December in the
query room
and he will
And I
release you
released you
to uncover some
seamy truth
see here, Roo
stand to
see me smooshed
love gonna
love to
see me through
you might
see me too
able to
see me, to
you will
see, speak to
land belongs to
Special Agent
Seeley Booth
she eats glue
cage, and
she hears you
more than
You think
she needs you
writers whose books
she reviewed
the more
she seems to
here before
you think
she sees you
She'll hear you
next day
she'll leave you
tant et
si bien que
sneak preview
sneak previews
unable to
speak, see mute
drawing upon themselves
speedy doom
Teen Beach 2
I love
thee, speak truth
gotta rake
these leaves, dude
these three rules
in a
three piece suit
three-piece suit
three-piece suits
ever watch local
live or on
TV news
you take the
TV, too
it if
oil when
the way
we need to
call if
fact is
now that
reason, except,
ride you,
school, and
there when
Why do
you know
you think
we need you
we reach you
States sneezes,
we sneeze too
who do
we speak to
was some
weak tea, dude
it rains
we'd be screwed
the little boys
wee-wee room
cool, and
we'll be cool
And then
we'll be screwed
there and
we'll see you

with 1 extra syllable

later host for
Special Correspondent for
ABC News
gonna find
any real truth
now, the
Army needs you
And that
baby needs you
the old,
badly healed wounds
I can
barely hear you
I can
barely see you
more than the
BBC do
Well, it's
between me too
corresponding difference
semantic difference
the mediary
between these two
is gonna
carry me through
You had me
completely fooled
anymore, that was
nevertheless it is
shopping mall was
completely new
battlefield, no uniforms,
to be almost
completely nude
completely screwed
but that wasn't
tell you is
would have been
completely true
we die more
completely, too
And your
country needs you
cuisine de rue
Quoted in The
Daily Review
be described as
extremely crude
only that, you're
extremely cute
family has become
extremely poor
be perceived as
extremely rude
This is
extremely true
Happy Feet Two
to an
Ivy League school
your nice
Ivy League suit
party, cheesecake,
jelly bean, boom
prevent suicide among
LGBT youth
luces de cruce
and the
machines he used
Will you
marry me, Booth
minute because
Mary needs you
Maybe we'll lose
Mommy needs you
shows and two
movie previews
saw it on
MTV News
and contributes to
NBC News
NBC suit
NBC suits
muse, but a
nightly rebuke
moment can
only be you
only he knew
only seats Two
Well, I
only see two
and I,
only we two
that stupid
party Izzie threw
have little
Polly here too
Pookie needs you
him from being
quickly removed
Ramsay needs you
I can
really feel you
what you
really need to
really need you
one who
really needs you
I ain't
really seen you
Riley needs you
Skinny Pete's cool
sortie de route
sorties de route
end in an
uneasy truce
Ottoman Turkish
varied here too
the shutter is
wholly removed
when those
zombies eat you

with 2 extra syllables

Archimedes screw
Archimedes screws
became the
Colonies we knew
This could
easily be true
You have
family here, roots
see your
family real soon
me to
finally beat you
glad to
great to
honor to
is to
Nice to
finally meet you
quotes will
hopefully be used
same in Modern
Israeli Hebrew
the field,
nobody hears you
you, don't
nobody need you
Quarterly review
in the newly-started
supplement in The
Saturday Review
have been more
savagely reviewed
What if
somebody sees you
suddenly she knew
I can
totally hear you
beard looks
totally real, dude

with 3 extra syllables

ability leads to
I can't
actually hear you
Earth might
conceivably be doomed
distasteful than the
deficiencies removed
and our
democracy needs you
unlike me, it's
entirely leak-proof
Everybody be cool
you, of
everybody she knew
comedy director
generally needs to
will always remain
infinitely removed
Literary Review
conversation, but
obviously we do
Child and Family
Psychology Review
used and fears
specifically removed
I'm having mine
surgically removed
Technology Review
models would
usually be nude

with 4 extra syllables

should definitely
eventually be used
That's a
hermetically sealed room
word would
ordinarily be used
is conducting the
preliminary review