exact syllable matches

smokes, carries
a gun, and
I was
there for
to you,
a young man
fact, is the
Absurd Man
down into the
birth canal
I want my
brother back
diem on
bunch of crap
not Caliban
but a cramp
tax and
chuck the masks
to the
Church of Mac
citizenship to the
colored man
balls of brightly
coloured glass
think will
come of that
American writing
comes from that
sort of just
confirm that
Your reg
couple's bad
down, because physicality
doesn't last
month, and it
doesn't pass
harm e'er I've
done, Alas
be stolen
from a man
the wheat
from the chaff
the dancer
from the dance
a holiday
cannot escape
from the facts
from the hat
Cut off
With roarings,
from the land
and different
from the last
hear shit
from the man
their legacy
from the past
never stray
seducing me
from the path
married to a
gutter rat
make you five
hundred francs
line of a
hundred tacks
us girls
just love that
London flats
love love
love love, yeah
job at a
Merchant Bank
As in my
mother's lap
I know the
you know the
muffin man
creativity, there's
We got
none of that
then his poll
numbers tanked
rear end
of a cat
bitter acknowledgment
the presence
of a fact
rabbit out
rabbits out
of a hat
bandaged caricature
flabbiness out
only that
the body
the development
the shriek
of a man
the Presence
of a Man
all part
of a plan
the roof
of a van
the main line
of advance
increasing the threat
to the danger
of attack
all other form
of attacks
in the chain
make a science
obey the chain
respect the chain
the direct chain
of command
at the Monastery
of Finance
knife out
of her grasp
one touch
the palm
of her hand
in the zone
the cannabis society
of Japan
the middle
of one's back
the impossibility
was part
of the act
cat out
of the bag
former members
of the band
got charge
of the bank
come out
of the black
at once
the side
of the blacks
at one
of the camps
major members
of the cast
the torments
of the damned
by contemplation
quite sure
of the fact
your imaginings
of the facts
heart but
of the glands
cut out
of the grass
the world
of the hat
the part
of the haves
collective working
every college
Jews out
the law
the queen
the rule
of the land
of the Land
the storms
of the last
boy--or, rather,
compilation LP
historical profile
the hand
of the man
and bravos
true samples
of the mass
the Miracle
of the Mass
a man
a thing
a worship
and education
and honored
dead issues
great men
great works
hateful politics
Liberal leaders
many avenues
poor policies
selfish ideals
survived out
the diet
the fabric
the horrors
the injuries
the mistakes
the oligarchies
the rules
of the past
sordid origin
of the plan
tender buds
of the plant
not weary
the magnitude
of the task
the leader
of the track
of us can
to all
of us that
affects all
of us, man
to this
one from that
of this and
other acts
rotation with each
other and
may push the
other back
over to the
other bank
dictatorship of any
other class
product of all
other facts
to supervise the
which is the
other half
concepts on the
It was my
other hand
proud position to
other hands
talons on any
would know no
other land
free people in
of freedom in
of liberty in
other lands
freedom of any
it, in any
liberties by every
other man
will bring the
others back
all scratching each
other's backs
to insult each
other's flag
player with the
purple van
food and violent
stomach cramp
him with my
subtle plan
live in
such a land
must be
to make
utterances of
such a man
have sought
such a Man
engage in
such a task
though others might
suffer lack
a spear of
summer grass
vestiges of a
summer tan
include Iran in
to ride out
the attack
airplanes used in
the attacks
degraded leech on
the Canal
and something resisting
the command
genius of
is in
the first rank
on, and
the fur cap
stones into
the lush grass
you invoked
the Rush Act
leaves only
the third man
down from
the truck's cab
organizations in
the world have
as she
turned her back
Turner, thanks
the jurisdiction of
Uncle Sam
had included all
under that
elevator wheezing
up a shaft
made himself
up from scratch
to get the
was getting the
upper hand
have no more
urgent task
but his abilities
were unmatched
oh, oh,
what a gal
My God,
what a man
it, but
what of that
want most, but
what, alas
to observe and
wonder at
Do you ever
wonder that
not to be
wondered at
Unwrought the
work of man
creating a temporary
worker plan
harmonica as a
younger man

with 1 extra syllable

no relation to
only to investigate
actual facts
reach agreement on
actual plans
last, ooh,
After the blast
a madman
among the mad
Yet the
angel must hang
animal, and from
animal, man
I yearn for
there ever be
another chance
beautiful woman about
another man
by the
battle of France
forgave her
because of that
have to
where you
become a man
know you'd
better run fast
that Empire
builders must have
going to bring
businesses back
Must be a
Carpenter ant
are the
chances of that
is an easily
checkable fact
drawn into a
circular trap
Citizen, Jan
knowledge and
conduct of man
in the
conscience of man
I'm very
conscious of that
drew up the
construction plans
there, so we
couldn't advance
time has come to
enough to
cover a man
the performance of
criminal acts
cracks in the
cultural dam
is an experimentally
determined fact
power of a
different class
been shaped by
different hands
philosophy by a
We chose a
different path
opportunities to take
different paths
a long and
always been a
God in my
is a most
difficult task
certainly proof
right, that's
enough of that
Have you
ever heard that
over the
freedom of man
We will lead
freedom's advance
predicted the
future from that
strangle the
genius of France
differently if
given the chance
threat of a
global collapse
the Continuity of
Government plan
and I
hadn't done that
hadn't heard that
been, my
handsome young man
than his
hatred of that
not fit for
higher command
were so
honest a man
like the
hour must pass
I am an
ignorant man
of the orgastically
impotent man
life of an
innocent man
it and
insert a gland
that explain and
interpret facts
Jonathan Katz
far the
largest such branch
was a very
lovable man
mirror but its
lusterless back
just a
matter of chance
as a
matter of fact
messages and
am a large, semi-
muscular man
unfed, and the
naked unclad
severity to all
natural facts
and the
the very
with the
nature of man
impregnable against all
naval attacks
I was
never a fan
air and
away and
home they'd
never come back
We have
never done that
A new
novel, perhaps
make the
other one laugh
the target for
our attacks
synonym for victory
over Japan
Rimmer, are
over one man
Nothing sweeping
peasants all
over the land
, Huntley
Paterson, trans
get a
picture of that
night, they used
poisonous gas
creation of the
powerful man
wedded to a
principle can
War I
Private First Class
You're a
Private, First Class
there no
questions were asked
as a
be the
result of that
an instant, a
second perhaps
A trifle
simple, perhaps
He obeys my
slightest command
in an ultimate
social collapse
with the
spirit of man
our allies from
sudden attack
Zoe looks
taken aback
can lend three
thousand ducats
evil dragon
threatens the land
enslave and
torture a man
to the
triumph of man
and democracy are
of life is
of our country,
pipe way was
under attack
to the
uses of man
should not
welcome her back
up in a single

with 2 extra syllables

was a very
agreeable man
the right-angled
character of man
improve the
condition of man
cannot be
considered The Path
of catastrophe and
cultural collapse
long and
curious a glance
accident or a
deliberate act
of hatred, of
derision, alas
corruption, and
destruction of man
necessary, the
dominion of man
six Roman
emperors were fags
their final, most
essential command
a perfect
the clearest
example of that
done by the
was a very
exceptional man
and then
Fantasia what's that
a warped,
frustrated young man
this dead
grandmother first hand
bear our
ignorance of fact
which the merely
improbable lacks
alone, to
interpret the past
seeds of the
leguminous plants
a detestable and
miserable man
event of a
of a preemptive
nuclear attack
make statements about
observable facts
upon the
opinion of man
came to some
particular man
ignorance or
perversion of facts
It was a
political act
Violence as a
Political Act
also the dominant
political class
personality or her
political stance
any of its
political tasks
porcelain from France
and the
possible of man
with our friendly
professional staff
to that the
remarkable fact
a unique and
works of that
remarkable man
just another
reminder of that
of the
republic of man
not suffer a
similar attack
for the
survival of man
by the
triangle of facts
had found a
universal plan
and limited
universe of man
Observe the
universe, young man
self-sacrifice is an
unreasonable act
depends on the
unreasonable man

with 3 extra syllables

bacteria, the crabs
of this supreme
constitutional task
not an
education of cram
matter how
formidable the task
if gaining an
imponderable mass
who are under
incompetent commands
the same essentially
indescribable Fact
quality of the
individual man
And the station's
infrastructure collapsed
the German
occupation of France
study of atomic
phenomena collapsed
through a
recitation of facts
is the
relatedness of facts
resolution does that
would make a
spectacular comeback
to distinguish
speculation from fact
is an absolute,
undeniable fact

with 4 extra syllables

culture, a
civilization, a craft
both mathematical and
experimental attack
at the
extermination of France
to condemn this
intolerable attack

with 5 extra syllables

some deliberate
misrepresentation of facts