exact syllable matches

not words -
it's actions
a big fan of
magnet --
a big magnet
rather have
a big rabbit
It was
a big scandal
a bit at first
a bitch, that one
Because that was
development wasn't such
disappointment, if not
energy policies are
It was
knew it was
not far from
test, however, was
That was
that you are
The world's
Today was
a disaster
I want
Maybe I was
a distraction
a fish that one
I've got
a gift basket
to as
a hit batsman
a kid, that one
a kid, yeah, but
A king's ransom
hand above
a lit candle
wish I was
a piranha
have such
a rich palette
buzzard off
a shit wagon
A stick plaster
you've got
a tick magnet
library, but a hard son-of-
toss the
bucket back up
have such a
burning passion
burning plasma
burning plasmas
heart that
burns with passion
Burns, His Last Words
in claws,
but in paddles
But it happened
I thought,
but it's happened
'Cause it matters
Lamb shall
come in anger
Come in, Faggot
of the dawn
coming after
buzz saw
coming at her
defines all
courage and love
cupping glasses
curve-billed thrasher
curve-billed thrashers
battered, what
does it matter
of the
firm's demand curve
them on the
first expansion
first this happened
save the world
from disaster
and bloodlust
from his battles
a lot
from this battle
I'm not
from this planet
and big fat
fucking asses
wished it was
fucking basil
Fucking bastards
bunch of goddamn
fucking crackers
A bunch of
fucking faggots
Turn the
fucking gas up
hand on the
fucking handle
it ain't gonna
fucking happen
Erasure or Janet
fucking Jackson
Get up the
fucking ladder
pick up a
fucking package
fucking planet
It's just a
fucking rabbit
like a tossed
fucking salad
I've got raw
fucking scallops
Fucking scandal
waiting on some
fucking TALENT
fun with that one
one of
her big classes
another one of
her disasters
learn wisdom from
her example
her lips and gums
hircic acid
hugging, and uh
hunting jacket
front of a
judges' panel
decision of the
judging panel
jumping castle
jumping castles
jumping salad
jumping salads
may have
just been acid
Just distract her
Just distraction
These are
just examples
And not
just in battle
Love this planet
lusted after
lustig machen
nothing happen
for years and
played it and
nothing happened
Nothing happened
At first
belong together, but
go along and
nothing happens
Nothing happens
Nothing has worked
the feeling that
nothing mattered
Nothing matters
Nothing, Master
Nothing's happened
not the causes
of disaster
gave a couple
take a couple
of examples
was perfectly capable
of expansion
and purpose
of his action
potential costs
of his actions
the collar
of his cassock
pride, confident
of his chances
another one
of his passions
what Government
of his Passions
from one
of his talons
of it adds up
of it and stuff
of it, madness
with a couple
of Italians
deep-felt consciousness
of its absence
growth habit
of its branches
of Nishapur
the murder
of Prince Albert
of refraction
of the Law
of Refraction
a lot
of things happen
the father
of this bastard
worst examples
of this habit
before all
of this happened
the bottom
of this matter
of this matters
in honor
of this passion
the surface
of this planet
in charge
of this shambles
plasma blaster
of this stature
more than was
once imagined
and that
one is Lapis
prussic acid
home, was a
public matter
out of the
public taxes
are not
punished at once
running madness
loved and
serve his master
serving mallets
On a
serving platter
on that
skull is Daniel
father was
some sick bastard
sticks and
some with sandals
Sometimes I alter
something after
Something happen
That means that
something happened
Something Happened
Something happens
consensus saying that
something's happened
Somethings happened
Something's happened
Sussex spaniel
Sussex spaniels
Tamil language
locations of
the Big Apple
The Big Apple
The big wrap-up
drop on
the Chip Damage
must sense as
the Night as
the example
as one of
the examples
the Grif Cannon
exclusive part of
this world and
the hereafter
of Allah and
the chastisement of
the Hereafter
the Imagins
the novels of
the Italian
It was among
the ancients and
the first after
the Italians
gave all
the kids hamsters
Return of
the Pink Panther
The Pink Panther
higher, and
the risk factor
reaped and
the risks managed
on as
the ship's captain
The Spill Canvas
The thin blanket
surface of a
turning planet
Turnix nanus
uh, it has worked
tell anyone, not
until after
gets locked
up in castles
up with that one
up, will stand up
uphill battle
uphill battles
uric acid
that the
US is bankrupt
but they call
us kidnappers
verb demander
society on a
virgin planet
of the elements
were examined
my father
were in raptures
What if that's us
What is happened
What is that word
what is that, hmm
And imagine
can't promise
just imagine
what will happen
What's it matter
occur on a
whirling planet
word is rather
word stitch, and bird
Fiction last
words in manga
words it has learned
laws that
work in atoms
itself would start
working backwards
hatred of the
methods among the
name, amongst the
poor and the
working classes
Working classes
Gladstone On The
Working Classes
at a
working man's club
sweat of the
working masses
and the
world in balance
rediscovered that
world in Dacca
Young Irelanders

with 1 extra syllable

such as the
above examples
place an
action will happen
adipic acid
affamish, famine
after failure, disaster
of greater closeness
after disaster
he takes
after his master
50 years
thirty years
after it happened
From arsenic
and -one
anilic acid
to bother
answering that one
poets in the
Arabic language
Arabic Shatranj
arsenic acid
arsonic acid
arsonic acids
aspartic acid
Atlas is faster
encephalized as the
average mammal
gets very
awkward near Sharon
a little
baffling at first
Balancing Captain
request another
battle with Brandon
whole heart
blacken with anger
is the
blossom, which passes
calendic acid
on many
canvasses at once
carminic acid
castle with that stuff
catalpic acid
be a major
causative factor
make a
certain film happen
Go is
challenging and fun
be extremely
challenging at first
chattering classes
chattering damsel
chattering damsels
land of
circles in action
columbic acid
of all
commerce is language
Now more
common is sanger
common with that one
parts of a
compulsive pattern
concert is cancelled
devices that require
conductive patterns
Confer with campus
Confer with Latin
conjunctive adverb
conjunctive adverbs
prince has
conquered in battle
than Christian
conscience in action
grown up and
constructive manner
a lingering and
consumptive passion
stick and
covered in batter
share the
damage with Jackman
just given
Daniel his glasses
face my
daughter in battle
daughter in that club
gazes back,
doesn't it, Captain
double refraction
honor the
fallen with action
is one such
fandom example
father demanded
father is Santa
King followed his
father's example
gotta kill Jackson
He that
governs his Passions
See binnacle,
habit, inhabit
tasked to
handle this matter
whatever can
happen will happen
when it
happens, it happens
and be
honest with actors
die with
honor in battle
in his
honor, it's Basil
Jacqueline Rabun
not police
jargon, it's Latin
bank of
justice is bankrupt
accomplishment of
knowledge in action
through which
knowledge is gathered
still talking about
Madeline Ashton
mannaric acid
Margaret Drabble
Margaret Sanger
and funeral of
British Prime Minister
brought in by
having tea with
something gross, like
the Court of
the government of
who look like
Margaret Thatcher
Probably cognate with
today borrowed from
modern Italian
muscle relaxants
naphthalic acid
naphthalic acids
offered in that world
know how
often it happened
opposite angle
opposite angles
why can't the
opposite happen
cases where the
opposite happened
So there are
other examples
may send the
others hereafter
slums and
others in mansions
others spit acid
oughta distract 'em
palate expander
palate expanders
perbromic acid
Ball-and-stick model of
phosphoric acid
This entire
planet is backwards
the Daily
Planet's been cancelled
action I call
for vigorous and
is needed for
plans or initiating
sober reflection and
positive action
Communists is a
positive answer
act in a
positive manner
brand name, from
positive traction
positive transfer
positive transfers
preserving glasses
Another big
problem is language
been a
problem with Lalla
proper kidnappers
consumer preference from
purchasing habits
To take a
random example
its morphology with
rapid expansion
Rappa is at the
Shattered his ankle
toddler and
smother his tantrums
had a
solid rear axle
more generally, a world-
structuring factor
Stumbling backwards
day at a
succulent banquet
Barkeep, where's that
Suffering Bastard
sulfenic acid
sulfenic acids
sulphenic acid
sulphenic acids
talaric acid
coefficient of
coefficients of
electrical resistance and
oceans, and from
thermal expansion
Thermal expansion
nothing that
touches this album
trumpet it as such
Turdus iliacus
a complete and
utter disaster
veratric acid

with 2 extra syllables

was then
abundant in Kansas
to make
abundant its cattle
accidents will happen
latest article on
affirmative action
affirmative actions
This essay was
afterwards expanded
threaten one
another with handguns
Belarusian language
cervical enamel
chrysanthemic acid
to find
companionship and touch
therefore themselves a
conservative factor
through that
conversions will happen
cyanuric acid
and will be
disastrous hereafter
as chief
economist at the
He's a
fabulous disaster
government will have guns
imagine it can learn
ever to
inhabit this planet
hailed from
Kerala is fragile
melanuric acid
mercapturic acid
mercapturic acids
metaboric acid
metaboric acids
War is the
motherfucking answer
multiple expansion
multiple expansions
generally ended in
responsible for a
ruin, economic vassalage,
them a great
national disaster
like helping with
national disasters
animals threatened by
danger of a
favourite film, favourite
the challenge of
natural disaster
daisy chain of
field, causing these not-so-
from predators and
geniuses can predict
human activities and
monster attracted to
the risk of
were not just
natural disasters
Natural disasters
and Typhoon, the
match with the
Titles against the
Natural Disasters
5 police
officers in Dallas
palatal expander
palatal expanders
phosphotungstic acid
and very
popular with rabbles
influences for their
provocative action
from hostile and
provocative actions
oxidation and
reaction with acids
which its
subconscious still hankers
bad guy
transference thing happened
was not
uncommon in Latin

with 3 extra syllables

got an
anonymous gift basket
bilateral gill trama
bilateral gill tramas
imagining ever more
extravagant disasters
any totally
impossible thing happen
make other
impossible things happen
only weak
interactions with matter
abbreviation of the
interrogative adverb
metaphosphoric acid
metaphosphoric acids
a most
miraculous thing happened
that pimping
motherfucker with passion
mycocerosic acid
mycocerosic acids
any objects, or
phenomena examined
polyphosphoric acid
polyphosphoric acids
pyrophosphoric acid
silicotungstic acid
silicotungstic acids
Lasers are a
spectacular example
tungstophosphoric acid
dead on an
uninhabited planet

with 4 extra syllables

glycerophosphoric acid
glycerophosphoric acids
before the otherwise
inevitable disaster
isocyanuric acid
mycolipanolic acid
thiocyanuric acid