exact syllable matches

peace there -
just power
this special
air about 'em
and the
air around us
on a
bed of powder
Better how, huh
associated with a
were associated with
better outcome
The Yellow-
breasted Ground-Thrush
care about Chuck
who don't
care about drugs
started to
care about Earth
can I
know you
much you
really do
care about her
do not
gods don't
I only
line workers
They don't
they're gonna
you really
care about us
people I
care about, but
You never
cared about her
as they
You never
cared about us
over, nobody
cares about us
authority of the
governed by a
central power
Central Powers
to 75
cents per hour
Cliff Richard boring,
clever trousers
It was like
desert flowers
Edward Housman
Edward Snowdens
about anything
else but houses
wandering through the
endless hours
engine hour
engine hours
I'm losing
engine power
of Japan, was
ever mounted
to work an
extra hour
used to these
extra hours
other dancers
felt about her
I really
felt surrounded
an old
is a
is no
She's a
friend of ours
at are
friends of ours
Could I
get a towel
we're gonna
get about 'em
bear doesn't
get around much
charcoal we always
get gunpowder
money, you
then you
get the power
harem trousers
written by Sir
Harold Boulton
Harold Powers
headless browser
headless browsers
and circular
heads of flowers
Heather Nauert
does He
does not
help the coward
and The Jim
The Jim
Henson Hour
Crawl to the
Kremlin towers
kept in small
leather pouches
couldn't care
less about her
level power
part of the
Mega Powers
are Super Power
Mega Sours
king and
men around her
have two
men around us
kings or
men of power
menopause comes
aesthetic pleasure and
the canidae with
mental power
great subtlety of
mainly on intimate
mental powers
quiet demonstration of
networked power
I will
never doubt us
to and onwards,Never
never downwards
But I
never found her
never found one
To respect strength,
never power
sleep there and
never shower
a new
making a
only one
pair of trousers
peasant blouses
pencil flower
pencil flowers
pension houses
pester power
spent her most
pleasant hours
do get
pleasure out of
missed you, my
precious flower
need of the
present hour
sense of my
present power
the British
press about drugs
is the
realm of powers
redbud flowers
all the
rest about her
than the
rest of ours
that is
said about us
second flour
sui to the
second power
assimilation by the
preceded by a
second vowel
wait a
second, NOW what
section out first
a new
the extraordinary
their immense
you a
sense of power
a bath in
from six to
Painted in
the event was
used remotely for
seven hours
mountains, six mountains,
seven mountains
was called the
Seven Mountains
I has
seven now, sir
math, it's like
seven thousand
and their
demand a
share of power
Did you
smell the flounder
stop and
smell the flowers
is the President's
would be a
special counsel
for appointment of
formally appointed as
of firing the
on firing the
rid of the
to remove the
to terminate the
you spoke about
Special Counsel
special counsels
gives it a
it has some
It's like a
not have a
some sort of
with its own
special power
cauldron endowed with
'cause she has
don't have any
He got
I haven't got
shall grant you
You have
special powers
on the
strength of Power
a heap of
tender flowers
by the
can reboot
go to
which is
tens of thousands
Tens of thousands
terraced houses
Terrence Howard
can just cut
give my parents
school nearly doubled
their allowance
destructive elements in
their pronouncements
it tell
them about Earth
what bothers
them about us
to remove
them from power
to get
them some flowers
think we have
them surrounded
100 mistakes,
then a thousand
even like
there's a counter
there's the showers
I saw Eaves
threaten Coulson
treasure flowers
treasure houses
Trevor Loudon
velvet flower
velvet flowers
your secret
weapon now, huh
wear the trousers
wears the trousers
weather houses
the soldiers
went around us
and impact of
of a corrupt
Western power
full rights by
Western powers
Where's the mountain
who can
yell the loudest

with 1 extra syllable

between cycles is
I testified for
you home in
11 hours
acceptance houses
world of
affairs about us
able to
will it
you could
affect the outcome
losing all
against the hour
cozy right
against the mountain
so decoratively
against the mountains
is way
ahead of ours
as you
ascend the mountain
in a
comment about the
connections doubtful
into the
conquest of power
impediment, restraint,
defect of power
to the corresponding
dependent vowel
cries of
distress around one
make daisy-chains for
eleven hours
Five pounds,
eleven ounces
eleven thousand
always at the
at the
breakdown at the
come at the
eleventh hour
eleventh hours
which veiled their
essential foulness
Except the outcome
place that is
forever ours
expanding,Outward and outward,
forever outward
forget about 'em
Forget about 'em
could I
forget about her
Forget about her
of people
forget about Monk
Then you
forget about us
inherent power
inherent powers
to gather
intel about us
with a frantic
intentness outwards
run state departments,
investment houses
with its lantern-shaped
magenta flowers
I who
possess the power
of someone who
possesses power
much of their
potential power
in a
Prospect of Flowers
room behind the
reception counter
Do you
remember, Howard
respect earns power
semester hours
rules that promote
successful outcomes
Get your shit
together, Howard
and give them
for thoughts have
inarguably exist, wielding
will give you
tremendous power
me, ye great
small body harbored
tremendous powers
all of these
unpleasant outcomes
that they
upheld such counsels

with 2 extra syllables

a number of
Continental Powers
need are
everywhere around us
doctrine that divides
need to take
seat of modern
will of a supra-
governmental power
independent counsel
it on the
Independent Counsel
independent counsels
bank has no
States as an
independent power
all the Limbu
independent vowels
instrumental noun from
potentialities into actively
manifested powers
beliefs to gain
presidential power
could experience this
transcendental power
of resources and
undeveloped power
turned upon these
unrepentant doubtfuls