exact syllable matches
ab und zu
act a fool
think anew and
think anew, and
to think and
act anew
act up to
action group
action groups
That's what
actors do
I am an
actress too
acts a fool
actus reus
They have
Adam's rooms
these facts
add up to
after rupe
hits the spot
Land Of Oz
See ya
after school
and now pant
Especially not
for I long
get the mob
sending Killer Frost
sent some krabs
the car comes
they'll all come
why he was
wouldn't have gone
you, some long
after you
Alan Guth
brothers Allen and
Albert Hughes
algal bloom
algal blooms
Allan Bloom
Allen screw
Allen screws
four walls
and a roof
fire department
and a school
work with rockets
and balloons
is sensational, random,
think he's lost
Tris is shocked
was just sad
and confused
they are bought
and consumed
is tommyrot, balderdash,
and cuckoo
you back
and dump you
combination of that
and mushrooms
of God
and of Truth
enemies being conquered
and subdued
the robber
and the brute
the savage
and the fool
the stars
and the moon
Old Gods
and the New
middle class
and the poor
the rack
and thumb screw
has betrayed honor
images of honour
of great honor
pursuit of honor
qualities of knowledge
and virtue
each other's flaws
perfection of conduct
and virtues
angle shoot
angle shoots
off at an
angle, too
lost, and the
angler fume
ankle boot
ankle boots
didn't have the
answer to
God cannot
God, I can't
It's not gonna
answer you
to resemble an
antlered moose
did on the
anvil cool
apple juice
Does an
apple move
every knock
as a boost
as a coot
as a fool
have fun
rather than
as a group
as a rule
have just
as much use
and calm
as the dew
was regarded
as the truth
gods can
ask of you
it was
asked of you
Guru Nanak
at a school
away all
at one swoop
even glance
at the coups
to bark
at the moon
fired rockets
at the Moon
He stopped
at the news
kids off
at the pool
cracked bark
at the root
tree off
at the roots
Jehovah stopped
at the tomb
a job
three o'clock,
at the zoo
fight harder
at work, too
axle tooth
bag of fruit
bags of fruit
balance room
balance rooms
your body to off-
balance you
barrel roof
barrel roofs
Basil Hume
More at
batten, boot
batter rule
batter rules
cabin crew
cabin crews
cackle fruit
camel flu
That's a
camper move
left that
can come true
here that
can hurt you
that the planet
can produce
cancer root
cancer roots
capstan screw
capstan screws
no words can
capture truth
anyone who can
I, Yukimura Sanada,
challenge you
chance saloon
in the Last
Chance saloon
crack of doom
at the
crack of noon
take that
crap from you
dabba doo
dal abou
an anthropologist, not
Daniel Boone
Daniel Kuehn
dans le coup
dans le rouge
dragon fruit
dragon fruits
factor through
famine food
famine foods
fat, blood, food
Flag abuse
flannelled fool
flannelled fools
Frankfurt School
gambrel roof
gambrel roofs
a small
glass of juice
grammar school
grammar schools
had a clue
had a few
I gotta
haddock, too
more than
half the troops
Hamlet 2
of society that
hamper you
hand salute
hand salutes
But I can't
handle you
hang the moon
that will not
things are gonna
happen soon
bad things have
don't understand, what
who it has
happened to
created when that
Oh shoot that
happened too
has a clue
wish that
has come true
go there and
hassle you
hasta que
hatchet wounds
have a clue
have a few
They oughta
have 'em, too
A painter can
have kung-fu
you can
have some too
you're gonna
have the blues
do not
have the troops
a bad girl,
about Napoleon Bonaparte,
for this department,
your contract law,
your magic stronger,
haven't you
Jacot tool
Jacot tools
kampa through
you quit on
Khalil too
ladder school
ladder schools
where it has
landed you
langen zu
Langston Hughes
From a common
language root
language school
language schools
lassen zu
Why not the
Latham loop
Latham loops
Old French and
Latin roots
myself among that
latter group
machen zu
mad pursuit
magar que
You mom's
maggot food
magnet school
magnet schools
the bad
man touched you
lady on the
mangle crew
Manhunt 2
manna croup
engines, kites, and
manned balloons
mantle plume
mantle plumes
Master Cube
Master Cubes
with the Grand
Master Groove
master knew
having thought the
matter through
palace coup
palace coups
pass a stool
passion fruit
passion fruits
pastures new
patent pool
patent pools
join us on
Planet Doom
plaster room
plaster rooms
platinum group
platinum rule
can't live on
you eating that
rabbit food
horse and
rabbit stew
horse and
rabbit stews
rabbit tooth
ragged school
ragged schools
Those gossip
rags were true
loft insulation and
random shoes
rascal stew
rattle through
Sabbath school
Sabbath schools
saddle roof
saddle roofs
saddle shoe
saddle shoes
sagen zu
salad spoon
salad spoons
sample room
sample rooms
Sandra Fluke
arms, massed at
Santa Cruz
Santa suit
Santa suits
Saxon blue
my mom
scammed her, too
Shannon Hoon
Sharon fruit
Sharon fruits
events that have
shattered you
head freezes and
shatters too
instead freezes and
shatters you
He was a
slacker, too
on the
staff, were you
stand of tules
will not
stand up to
stands up to
around you and
this table and
strangle you
tanker boot
tanker boots
butter and
tax cuts, too
mop rather
than a broom
than a moose
you could grab
that balloon
wanna jump on
that caboose
confused is not
that confused
am of
that firm view
I got
that from you
that loved you
interest than
that of truth
couldn't ask
that of you
banned from
that one too
get on
lockstep on
Oh, that--
that one, too
got my mom
that perfume
That some food
You call
that stuff food
That's just rude
That's the rule
That's the rules
belongs, And
come, and
heart, and
Mom, and
That's -
what --
wreck and
Yeah, and
years, and
that's the truth
That's the truth
McClure, And
That's the Truth
That's what's new
transverse flute
transverse flutes
im off that
wagon to
lot of
yak from you
with 1 extra syllable
abandon to
God will not
I will not
abandon you
abandoned to
Our dad
abandoned you
abandons to
what women are
you are not
attracted to
badass were you
banana cue
banana cues
a signed
contract from you
a mountain of
of overnights and
malpractice suits
my feelings in
some humor and
sarcasm, too
with 2 extra syllables
Named after the
pomegranate fruit
al Qaeda a
propaganda coup
the clandestine lodge
Propaganda Due