exact syllable matches

can drop the
We cannot
act now
act out
acts out
ad out
That's four dollars
You shot
an ounce
blind as
drunk as
wise as
an owl
Lord Marshal's offer
and bow
are called earls
and counts
and down
and downs
out vain hands,
and drown
in a bag
and drowned
members were lost,
on the lost
the holy waters,
to the lost
and found
checked the Lost
run the Lost
runs the Lost
and Found
and founds
in a cap
into a cap
and gown
from the Fox
and Hounds
Exercise a cause,
and how
open its jaws,
and howl
game of cat
of play cat
play cat
and mouse
and moused
ears, nose, hands,
and mouth
Sam Croft
and Mt
and ouns
stereo twanged off
and out
for the yard
and pound
and rounds
and Scout
can sing, holler
and shout
deadly psychological game of cat-
ang pao
ang pow
ant cow
ant cows
ant mound
ant mounds
battle dress, fat
as cows
You're as heartless
as Howl
you, only not
as loud
ask out
ask round
asked out
asks out
ass clown
Nerd Boy and
Ass Clown
ass clowns
to wear that
ass out
and learnt doctrine
unity of God
you were attacked
at Mt
axe wound
Box hasn't gone
back down
back house
have my daughter
The crowd falls
Ya'll come
back now
in, will wander
You can't
back out
backed down
backed out
backs down
backs out
The boots are
baffed out
you set that
bag down
bag out
bagged out
bags out
Ban Zhao
band auf
bang out
bash out
bat house
bat out
right off the
bat, now
Senate is not a
bats out
straight, rather long
black brows
black cow
She believed that
black cows
a blue and
black crown
black grouse
black out
the windows are
blacked out
It's all a
blank now
blank out
blanked out
blanks out
brach auf
brach aus
bracht auf
bracht aus
branch out
They got the
brand down
brande auf
cam out
camp out
cap cloud
cap clouds
cash cow
cash cows
cash out
cashed out
Then I was
cast down
one rejected and
the Betrayer was
cast out
cat house
catch out
voted the black
cats out
is the Last
Chance House
I had that
chance now
clamp down
clap out
clapped out
class clown
class clowns
crab louse
crack down
you to that
crack house
crank out
cranks out
crap out
back, my car
crapped out
crash out
burnt down that
damn house
damp down
Dan Brown
the Mexican hat
dance now
dash down
spot them and
dash out
draft house
drag down
drag hound
drag hounds
drag out
just kills and
drags out
draught house
fag out
fagged out
fan out
fang auf
fanned out
fans out
area, far and
fast, NOW
He's all
she's old and
fat now
flag down
flamm auf
flash crowd
flash crowds
flash house
flat out
flat outs
flats out
flax bow
flax bows
frans aus
Franz Strauss
is not a
frat house
gab auf
gab aus
gas out
gassed out
Glass House
grand rounds
keep all drunk
hags out
half aus
know, half man,
half couch
hand down
hand out
hand round
sane beat mad
hands down
hands out
all the guards
let it all
Letting it all
hang out
where the cast
hangs out
hash brown
Fear, and
hash browns
hash house
hash out
hashed out
hatch out
have out
kam auf
kam aus
lab mouse
lach aus
lache aus
lad auf
lad aus
lam out
lamp fount
lamp founts
lan house
lash down
lash out
lashed out
last out
Take that
last, now
laste aus
laugh down
will screech and
laugh loud
got the last
having the last
laugh now
mache auf
mache aus
macht auf
macht aus
mad cow
mad cows
mal aus
man down
man drowned
go with that
man now
be the odd
kind of odd
longer the odd
man out
manned down
mans down
map out
got it all
mapped out
maps out
be taking that
mask now
in singular as
mass noun
mass nouns
Restart the
match now
doing better at
math now
max out
gonna be all
maxed out
nahm auf
nahm aus
pack aus
pack hound
pack hounds
pack out
pad down
pad out
pads down
pads out
pan out
of them have
panned out
pass auf
pass bao
pass down
a beer and
your bed and
pass out
pass round
passed down
passed now
Cold Steve Austin
He was
I sneezed, and
one look and
the couch and
passed out
Those days are
past now
pat down
plan out
plank down
had it all
planned out
plant louse
plant out
platz auf
raff auf
raffe auf
rag out
rags out
until the clockwork
ran down
their water bottles
ran out
rang out
rap down
rat out
sack out
sacked out
sacks out
Why I am
sad now
sag auf
sag aus
Sam Brown
sand down
sand grouse
sat down
sat out
schlag auf
itch you can't
scratch out
had started and
scratched out
shaft bow
shaft bows
shagged out
slap down
slap downs
slapped down
slaps down
smack down
smack out
smacked out
smash down
Smash Mouth
snack down
snacked down
snacks down
spat out
spaz out
spazz out
spazzed out
splash down
splash downs
splash out
splashed out
sprang auf
sprang out
stab wound
on Senator Palmer's
staff now
stamp out
stamped out
stamps out
stand auf
stand aus
foot forward and
We will not
stand down
I'd rather not
that game that
the trunks all
way, he's gonna
stand out
stands down
of humanness that
stands out
She has
stashed Mt
strap mount
strap mounts
tab out
tack down
tag cloud
tag clouds
tag out
was caught and
tagged out
tamp down
tamped down
tamps down
tang bao
tank town
tank towns
tap out
tapped out
taps out
be better off
be worse off
than now
Get off
get up off
grandmother died on
that couch
any illusions on
It's thought
were wrong on
that count
and that's all
country is all
it's the thought
That's all
the taking part
Time is all
that counts
a crush on
that cow
I want
that crown
need to pat
you cannot shut
You gotta lock
you've really got
that down
I bought
son-of-a-bitch who bought
that house
the bar of
that House
you, Charlie, are
that mouse
bit worse than
can stop
give up on
I'm above all
life, I understand
nothing less than
to focus on
we definitely aren't
that now
So we talked
They block
you don't act
that out
over there, Iceman--
that POW
this sound and
What was
that sound
as delightful as
as sinister as
that sounds
why he got
that wound
thrash out
tracked down
tracks down
tract house
trank aus
trap house
trap out
trap outs
trapped out
trash out
trat auf
trat aus
wack out
Zhang Chao

with 1 extra syllable

to form an
war on an
abstract noun
a suffix forming
abstract nouns
feel much more
abstract now
Afghan hound
Afghan hounds
We are engaging
combat now
Good evening,
Comrade Count
contract out
Open your
goddamn blouse
looks like grandma's
goddamn couch
all over the
goddamn ground
Shut your
Goddamn mouth
running all over
goddamn town
They're under the
goddamned GROUND
ain't got no
goddamned trout
genre handbag or
handbag house
Lapland owl
Lapland owls
call me a
madman now

with 3 extra syllables

bodhisattva vows