exact syllable matches
ambot lang
blow past
blow valve
blow valves
boat ramp
boat ramps
bone ash
bone black
bone graft
bone grafts
bone scan
bone scans
bone wax
We are all
born mad
bowl pack
bowl packs
bowl wax
broke bad
choke back
choke damp
cloak bag
cloak bags
close ranks
That was
close, thanks
closed matte
clothes bag
clothes bags
clothes rack
clothes racks
clothes stand
coach lamp
coach lamps
coal black
coal blacks
coal brass
coal gas
coal plant
coal plants
coast rat
coast rats
coat rack
coat racks
coat stand
coat stands
code black
code blacks
cold back
cold backs
cold cash
cold snap
cold snaps
cold tap
cold taps
cold trap
cold traps
cork hat
cork hats
corpse camp
corpse camped
corpse camps
corpse plant
corpse plants
court hand
CT scan
CT scans
dope glass
dope man
dough map
dough maps
faux gras
faux plat
faux plats
float at
float glass
floe rat
floe rats
floor lamp
floor lamps
floor plan
floor plans
folk dance
sole concern was
for France
count on God
for jack
for laughs
Law, but Law
for Man
and thank God
count on Squall
I thank God
isn't a card
judgment of God
lot of call
microphones are not
perfect, thank God
Thank god
Tyler not fall
we thank God
for that
ideas, that was
for Zapp
Forbes Nash
form class
Fort Bragg
George Brandes
George Crabbe
George Grant
George Lamb
George Raft
George Sand
ghost ant
ghost ants
ghost band
ghost bands
ghost bat
ghost bats
ghost crab
ghost crabs
Ghost Dad
Ghost Dance
ghost plant
ghost plants
ghost ramp
ghost ramps
go at
I cannot
We cannot
go back
go bad
go bag
go bags
go halves
go HAM
go hang
and the dogs
go mad
go nap
go past
goede dag
goes at
goes back
goes bad
goes halves
goes past
gros plan
gros plans
grote mast
and the carp
grow fat
haute ab
ho back
ho bag
ho bags
hoang mang
hoe bag
hoe bags
hoe lang
hold back
hold hands
hold tack
holds back
hole ab
holst ab
holt ab
holte ab
screwball that brought
Holtz back
holz ab
horse ant
horse ants
horse brass
horse gram
horse grams
horse laugh
horse laughs
horse stance
hose clamp
hose clamps
host plant
host plants
knope vast
Defense and was
known as
who have not
known man
on--not even Topanga
The Rock
knows that
lo bak
Lo Mans
lo pak
load cast
load casts
loaf pan
loaf pans
lope vast
los nag
low back
low backs
Low Mass
lowed man
Mo Yan
mole rat
mole rats
I got lots
more plans
A garden planet called
no chance
no man
no mann
no manne
no thanks
noe man
Nor Am
North Platte
North Van
nose bag
nose bags
nose cap
nose caps
nose pad
nose pads
note pad
note pads
o dan
oak tag
oak tags
oat grass
oh man
oh snap
oh yeah
old bag
old bags
old chap
old chaps
old franc
old francs
old hand
old hands
old hat
a small
old man
Old Scratch
or blanc
under a rock
or can
malice of God
or man
charge of God
or Man
phone bank
phone banks
phone jack
phone jacks
phone tag
pole dance
pole jam
pole jams
poll tax
pope hat
pope hats
road gang
road gangs
road map
road maps
road rash
roll back
roll mat
roll mats
rolled back
rolls back
rope clamp
rope clamps
rose rash
row back
row backs
schau an
schaut an
shore crab
shore crabs
short and
short ands
short black
short blacks
short hand
short hands
short pass
short stack
short stacked
short stacks
short tag
show bag
show bags
show flat
show flats
show glass
slow clap
slow claps
slow dance
slow danced
slow match
smoke black
smoke jack
smoke jacks
smoke stand
smoke stands
snow cap
snow crab
snow crabs
Snow Crash
snow plant
snow plants
so as
so at
do that was
on, that's not
That's not
things are not
Well that's not
so bad
so fast, not
so fast
sang love songs
so glad
I just was
so mad
so that
The distances are
so vast
soap pad
soap pads
soap pan
soap pans
soap plant
soap plants
sorte grande
soul patch
sporn an
sports bag
sports bags
sports bras
sports fan
sports fans
stone brash
stone crab
stone crabs
store brand
store brands
storm match
and all
storms pass
stoss ab
sword grass
sword hand
sword hands
sword mat
sword mats
those pants
throat back
throat backs
throat latch
throw back
throw hands
thrown hands
throws hands
toast rack
toast racks
toe cap
toe caps
toe dance
toe danced
toe drag
toe dragged
toe drags
toe jam
toe jams
toe rag
toe rags
toe sack
toe tag
toe tags
tote bags
Vote bank
vote banks
of all
votes cast
war dance
warf ab
warm hatch
wharf rat
wharf rats
whoa back
whole smash
whore bath
whore baths
wor lass
yolk sac
yolk sacs
York ham
York hams
blood vessel on
get up off
gonna march on
Persian cats on
red rum on
your ass
a bug on
a devil on
a target on
careful and watch
It was on
your back
your backs
you pack all
your bags
sign off on
your cash
spite of all
your crap
hang up on
your dad
your flank
a cup on
and chop off
your hand
a bachelor on
blood belongs on
dead animal on
got blood on
just cut off
some dirt on
the blood off
the blood on
there blood on
to have on
your heart, not
your hands
CSI wrong on
your hats
Your Maj
your man
your pants
That was
What was
your plan
damned, and all
What are
your plans
zog ab
zog an
zwart gat
with 1 extra syllable
The blood's
almost black
word, there are
also and
good points and
also bad
Some audience members
also clap
deserve being an
also ran
sheep, wild cards and
the all-stars from the
the leaders and the
two languages are
borrowed and
cargo jack
cargo jacks
a pair of
cargo pants
Walter Hinderer, Don
Carlos trans
Declined rather than the
choco lab
choco labs
really wouldn't wanna
follow that
the dark-blue hunter,
followed fast
utter betrayal and
followed that
curve a projectile
follows and
follows Hand
follows man
gao lak
gatos manx
a punk and
hardcore band
call them the
hardcore fans
Hollow Man
And a
Hollow's mask
macho man
call yourself a
the so called
The ultimate
Macho Man
maillot blanc
Otto Rank
president of her
sophomore class
generals will not
swallow that
tanto faz
Watteau back
Watteau backs
with 2 extra syllables
Alphonso Taft
palazzo pants
Pantano Grande
soprano sax
with 3 extra syllables
avocado hand
avocado hands
on his flourishing
avocado plant